PARATUM COR EJUS Beatus Vir RV 597 Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) Coro Academia Concerto Altamiro Bernardes Madrigal Mackenzie Parcival Módolo Catedral Metropolitana de Sorocaba 15 de agosto de 2007
Tuishangilie Kenya, Taifa letu tukufu, Kenya tunayoipenda, Daima, Kenya nchi tunayoipenda, Daima, Kenya nchi tunayoipenda, Daima, Tumekomboa Kenya, nchi yenye kupendeza, tumebadili mwendo, Daima, Tuna Katiba mpya, Daima, Tuna Katiba mpya, Daima, ... more
Cantores Celestes Women's Choir Kelly Galbraith, Director Dec 2, 2017 Mystery & Wonder Luys Zevart translation from Armenian 'The Joyful Light of the Holy Glories of the Holy Life-giving Heavenly Immortal Father, Jesus Christ.'
BALLEILAKKA (A.R.Rahman, arranged by Ethan Sperry) From 'Sivaji: The Boss' National Youth Training Choir of Great Britain TARANG Percussion Ensemble Choreography - Sheevam Pattni Music direction - Rob... more
Ottawa Choir, The Stairwell Carollers, perform Esto les Digo, a contemporary piece, written by Kinley Lange. "This a capella setting of a scriptural text in Spanish has been performed widely across the US, South America and Europe, including a perform... more
Cette chanson de Michel Polnareff est interprétée par les enfants du choeur préparatoire VOICES, âgés de 7 à 10 ans. Extrait du concert du 18 mai 2013. Ces jeunes choristes ne chantent ensemble que depuis quelques mois et ne sont pas sélectionnés sur audition.
Cantores Celestes Women's Choir Kelly Galbraith ~ Director Dec 2, 2017 Adanya Dunn ~ soprano Kate Carver ~ piano Matthew Coons ~ organ Emperor Quartet: Jef ten Kortenaar & Clare Pellerin, violins Kathleen Kajioka, viola Stephen Buck, cello ... more
The concert "ACH! PG Carnivalesque" under the patronage of Prof. Krzysztof Wilde, rector of Gdańsk Tech, attracted several hundred people who listened to daring performances of popular pop music hits. During the performance we heard choral arrangements of... more
The concert "ACH! PG Carnivalesque" under the patronage of Prof. Krzysztof Wilde, rector of Gdańsk Tech, attracted several hundred people who listened to daring performances of popular pop music hits. During the performance we heard choral arrangements of... more
Ben Davis Purple-Aires concert Choir singing Elijah Rock by Moses Hogan Sorry about the video quality-it was a digital camera.