6,637 results found
COLLAVOCE Choir combines a passion for revisiting and revitalising the sacred and the popular with an eclectic folio of musical theatre, jazz and folk. Book Collavoce Choir for your wedding service, reception, concert, festival or charity event. Choose fr... moreCOLLAVOCE Choir combines a passion for revisiting and revitalising the sacred and the popular with an eclectic folio of musical theatre, jazz and folk. Book Collavoce Choir for your wedding service, reception, concert, festival or charity event. Choose from a Quartet to the full sound of 40!
指揮: 朱如鳳
伴奏: 許溎芳
1872年,加拿大傳教士馬偕(1844-1901)登陸打狗後北上淡水,在當年艱困的環境下傳教行醫並娶平埔族女子為妻,1880年建立滬尾偕醫院,亦即馬偕醫院前身;1895年出版的《福爾摩沙紀事》(Far from Formosa)書中記錄他返加拿大述職並吐露他對台灣深刻的愛。
人生的最後,長眠於他衷心所疼愛的台灣土地--現今淡水中學內,竹... more2012十週年音樂會
指揮: 朱如鳳
伴奏: 許溎芳
1872年,加拿大傳教士馬偕(1844-1901)登陸打狗後北上淡水,在當年艱困的環境下傳教行醫並娶平埔族女子為妻,1880年建立滬尾偕醫院,亦即馬偕醫院前身;1895年出版的《福爾摩沙紀事》(Far from Formosa)書中記錄他返加拿大述職並吐露他對台灣深刻的愛。
人生的最後,長眠於他衷心所疼愛的台灣土地--現今淡水中學內,竹林搖曳的墓園。2001年,後人為紀念馬偕逝世百週年,將馬偕書中的心意撰寫有:英文版〈最後的住家〉(My Final Resting Place);華語版(墓園石碑)及台語版,並委由主內李奎然前輩譜曲發表。至今,共有6位作曲家為台語版〈最後的住家〉譜曲(李奎然、鄭明堂、金希文、何嘉駒、陳永鑫、鄭智仁);筆者內心非常感佩這位外國傳教士奉獻台灣這塊土地的精神,故在不同的時空,以當年馬偕同樣的心境為〈最後的住家〉台語版譜曲。
2010年11月7日,作曲前筆者陪家父 瑞堂醫師返母校淡水中學拜訪馬偕墓園,與父親在細雨微風中憑弔這位心懷台灣的故人;除了蒐集詩篇史料,也請教過二十多位資深教會人士、台語專家;詩篇在完成譜曲後同時打上羅馬拼音,讓人得以依循傳唱。謹以此曲獻給每一位疼惜台灣這塊土地的人。 (鄭智仁自述)
在竹林搖動的蔭影內,找著我一生,最後住家。 less
Manchester Bach Choir
Singing with Us
The Manchester Bach Choir welcomes everyone, who enjoys singing. We perform to a high standard and have a friendly but hardworking atmosphere. There is no audition but some previous experiece, past or present, and the ability to read mu... moreSinging with Us
The Manchester Bach Choir welcomes everyone, who enjoys singing. We perform to a high standard and have a friendly but hardworking atmosphere. There is no audition but some previous experiece, past or present, and the ability to read music can be very helpful.
We rehearse on Tuesday evenings, 7:45pm to 9:45pm, at St Andrew's Community Church, Hall Street, Stockport, SK1 4DU. (View Map)
At present we are keen to recruit new members to all sections SATB and are partucularly keen to enroll new bass singers. If you are interested in joining the Choir or just want to find out a bit more about us, why not contact us?
For further information please visit our website where you can contact the Choir's recruitment team.
In Flanders Fields (excerpt mvt III Requiem Nathaniel J.S. Barnes)
An excerpt from movement III of my Requiem performed by the Orlando Chamber Singers under the direction of Gregory Ruffer.
In Flanders Fields by John McCrae
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our p... moreAn excerpt from movement III of my Requiem performed by the Orlando Chamber Singers under the direction of Gregory Ruffer.
In Flanders Fields by John McCrae
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
photos courtesy of FreeFoto less
Cape Town Youth Choir
The Cape Town Youth Choir is proud to provide an opportunity for young South Africans from all over the Cape Peninsula to sing in a Choir of the highest international standards whilst delivering a moving musical experience to its audiences.
Si... moreThe Cape Town Youth Choir is proud to provide an opportunity for young South Africans from all over the Cape Peninsula to sing in a Choir of the highest international standards whilst delivering a moving musical experience to its audiences.
Since its start in 1997, CTYC (formerly Pro Cantu) has proven itself both in South Africa and on the international stage. Some of the highlights are:
* 2002 Winners of the "Choir of the World" title at the Llangollen International Eisteddfod in Wales
* 2006 Winners of a gold medal at the 4th World Choir Games in Xiamen, China
* 2008 Crowned as a "Champion of the World Choir Games...See More
Founded in 1997, internationally acclaimed Cape Town Youth Choir (formerly Pro Cantu) is proud to provide an opportunity for young South Africans to sing in a Choir of the highest standards whilst delivering a moving musical experience to its audiences.
The Cape Town Youth Choir is based in Cape ... less
New singers wanted
Coro Cervantes, the UK's only Classical Chamber Choir dedicated to the music of Spain and Latin America, are looking for professionally-trained amateur and student singers for our concerts, tours and recordings.
Future plans include Romancero Gitano with...
the Sopot Festival Choir Mundus Cantat was founded in August 2009 and is one of the hosts of the International Choir Festival Mundus Cantat, the 6th edition of which took place in May 2010. Members of the Mundus Cantat Choir are singers with experience in... morethe Sopot Festival Choir Mundus Cantat was founded in August 2009 and is one of the hosts of the International Choir Festival Mundus Cantat, the 6th edition of which took place in May 2010. Members of the Mundus Cantat Choir are singers with experience in other Choirs in the Tricity area as well as students of the Tricity schools and universities.
The repertoire of Mundus Cantat, a mixed Chamber Choir, includes various kinds of music – old melodies, modern songs as well as sacral music and popular music. Its members have participated in many major music events, such as oratorio performances dedicated to Pope John Paul II or a concert directed by Enio Morricone during the Solidarity Festival.
Joy at making music together is the basis of the Choir's existence.
The Choir of Emmanuel College, Cambridge
Emmanuel College, Cambridge has a Choir of around 24 choral scholars, which sings at the choral services in the Wren Chapel during term. The Choir is conducted by the Director of Chapel Music, assisted by two organ scholars. The Choir makes occasional vis... moreEmmanuel College, Cambridge has a Choir of around 24 choral scholars, which sings at the choral services in the Wren Chapel during term. The Choir is conducted by the Director of Chapel Music, assisted by two organ scholars. The Choir makes occasional visits to other British churches and cathedrals, as well as an annual foreign tour, recent destinations have included USA, Mexico, Sweden, Thailand, Rome and Prague. Emmanuel College Choir has released a number of recordings, most recently a CD of works by the Edwardian composer E W Naylor, a former Organist and Honorary Fellow of the College.
Twitter: EmmanuelChoir
Facebook: The Chapel Choir of Emmanuel College, Cambridge
The Manchester Bach Choir
Singing with Us
The Manchester Bach Choir welcomes everyone, who enjoys singing. We perform to a high standard and have a friendly but hardworking atmosphere. No audition required but some previous experiece, past or present, and the ability to read mu... moreSinging with Us
The Manchester Bach Choir welcomes everyone, who enjoys singing. We perform to a high standard and have a friendly but hardworking atmosphere. No audition required but some previous experiece, past or present, and the ability to read music can be very helpful.
At present we are keen to recruit new members to all sections SATB and are particularly keen to enroll new bass singers. If you are interested in joining the Choir or just want to find out a bit more about us, why not contact us?
Students welcome.
For further information please visit our website where you can contact the Choir's recruitment team.