International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


6,888 results found
Live America
video: Live America

Live America, brano per la didattica corale nella scuola primaria e secondaria di primo grado. Compositore: Davide Riva Registrazione tratta dal concerto delle classi 2A e 2C della scuola secondaria di primo grado di Bormio presso Palazzo Salis a Ch...  more

Friede Auf Erden
video: Friede Auf Erden

Te Deum Chamber choir Live performance, April 10, 2016 Village Presbyterian Church, Prairie Village, Kansas Sopranos: Lucy Conklin, Katherine Dick, Rachel Marschke, Meredith McFarland, Sydney Seratte, Stacy Van Hoecke Alto: Joan...  more

Destination Broadway Trailer - May 26th, 2012
video: Destination Broadway Trailer - May 26th, 2012

ON May 26th, 2012, there is a show, a VERY important show you don't want to miss.... Join Burstin' With Broadway, North Vancouver's own Broadway choir of 120 for a fun evening of show tunes including music from Music Man, Spamalot, Grease, MEMPHIS, Th...  more

O Pastor Animarum by Hildegard von Bingen
video: O Pastor Animarum by Hildegard von Bingen

Cantores Celestes Women's choir Kelly Galbraith, Director from Toronto, Ontario, Canada 'O Shepherd of souls and O first voice through whom all creation was summoned, now to you may it give pleasure and dignity to liberate ...  more

Libertango 愛情探戈  阿根廷民謠  Astor Piazzolla / Arr. Oscar
video: Libertango 愛情探戈 阿根廷民謠 Astor Piazzolla / Arr. Oscar

2009夏季音樂會 世界拼圖(唱遊世界.傾聽台灣) 2009/6/7 高雄市文化中心至德堂 指揮: 翁佳芬 Libertango 愛情探戈 阿根廷民謠 Astor Piazzolla / Arr. Oscar 這首探戈風味的曲子,是由阿根廷探戈音樂復興大師皮亞佐拉(Astor Piazzolla, 1921-92)所作。皮亞佐拉自幼學習阿根廷手風琴,並且深深愛上阿根廷的探戈音樂,終其一生創作無數富探戈風格的器樂曲,其特殊的風味迅速征服了歐陸與美洲國家。此曲由艾斯卡拉達(Oscar...  more

Muie Rendera 織蕾絲的女孩 - 巴西民謠 arr. C.A. Pinto Fonseca
video: Muie Rendera 織蕾絲的女孩 - 巴西民謠 arr. C.A. Pinto Fonseca

2009夏季音樂會 世界拼圖(唱遊世界.傾聽台灣) 2009/6/7 高雄市文化中心至德堂 指揮: 翁佳芬 Muie Rendera 織蕾絲的女孩 - 巴西民謠 arr. C.A. Pinto Fonseca 此曲為巴西民謠的改編曲,曲風活潑,節奏明確。樂曲結合了巴西最受歡迎的兩首民謠;以 此兩首民謠的旋律互相搭配,讓聽眾能輕鬆地享受優美的旋律,也能感受拉丁音樂的熱情節 奏,作曲家更運用人聲製造出許多特殊聲響,令人有如置身拉丁美洲般的氛圍。 嘿!織蕾絲的女孩,請你教我如何編織,...  more

N'ap Debat (We're Hangin' On) - Sydney Guillaume
video: N'ap Debat (We're Hangin' On) - Sydney Guillaume

This composition is dedicated to people of Haiti and the victims of the January 12, 2010 earthquake. English Translation: Oh! What an unbearable pain! Oh, gracious God! What an unbearable sorrow! The third bell of the Cathedral just rang; The s...  more

Georg Friedrich Händel: Messiah
video: Georg Friedrich Händel: Messiah

"Surely, He hath borne our grieves", "And with His stripes we are healed" maestro Saša Britvić, conductor Marija Kuhar Šoša, soprano Helena Lucić Šego, mezzo-soprano Dejan Vrbančič, tenor Berislav Puškarić, bass Croatian Baroque Ensemble Academic c...  more

Kiss from a Rose - Seal, arr. Stefan Wyatt
video: Kiss from a Rose - Seal, arr. Stefan Wyatt

The concert "ACH! PG Carnivalesque" under the patronage of Prof. Krzysztof Wilde, rector of Gdańsk Tech, attracted several hundred people who listened to daring performances of popular pop music hits. During the performance we heard choral arrangements of...  more

T. Maklakiewicz - Suita kurpiowska: I. Bez bór pognała dziwcyna bydełecko / Chór Akademicki UW
video: T. Maklakiewicz - Suita kurpiowska: I. Bez bór pognała dziwcyna bydełecko / Chór Akademicki UW

Tadeusz Maklakiewicz - Kurpie Suite (1955), part I - "Through the woods girl drove the cattle"; University of Warsaw choir, conductor: Irina Bogdanovich; Legnica Cantat 43 Tournament; special concert of the last year's winner; Church of The Sacre...  more