International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


1,398 results found
blog: Going To Have fun with this...

Just ordered one of these.  Can't wait to get it and wear it to my CHORUS rehearsal..   Should raise a laugh or two!! You can get one from: (different styles of T shirt and hoodies also available...

Eric Whitacre - "Cloudburst"
video: Eric Whitacre - "Cloudburst"

指揮:連芳貝 / 鋼琴:莊憶芬 / 獨唱:羅崧慎、白庭潔 / 朗誦:林昶緯   本曲作者艾瑞克‧韋塔克(Eric Whitacre, 1970-)為美國知名作曲家。即使高中時被學校樂隊開除,他後來仍堅持夢想,在拉斯維加斯的內華達州立大學開始積極地學習作曲與合唱指揮,當時也譜寫了〈豪雨〉這首歌曲。之後他前往朱利亞德音樂學院(The Juilliard School of Music),師習於曾獲奧斯卡奬的作曲家約翰•克里利亞諾 (John Corigliano),並取得碩士學位,從此成為世界上最受歡迎的作...  more

group: Sound Wave

Very new group full of hard working singers


Greece-Athens choir FESTIVAL GOLD MEDAL 2010


Greece-Athens Choir FESTIVAL 2010 Gold Medal

Salve Regina
video: Salve Regina

Wernigerode choir FESTIVAL-germany Silver Medal

Malinac lay labi
video: Malinac lay labi

Coro et Al World MUsic FESTIVAL 2012

Sweet honey Sucking bees - University of Primorska Academic Choir
video: Sweet honey Sucking bees - University of Primorska Academic Choir

1st place Gold Medal || 1° posto Medaglia d'Oro FESTIVAL InCanto Mediterraneo 2013

Proud of their Win
group_photo: Proud of their Win

The 2012 National Small CHORUS Champions proudly showing off their gold medals just before a "Parade of Champions" public concert. In the warmup room in the Bruce Mason Centre Theatre, Takapuna, Auckland, New Zealand.

group: Valley Chords

We are a Women's barbershop CHORUS and part of Sweet Adelines International Region 1. We are looking for new members. Please come check us out!