Just ordered one of these. Can't wait to get it and wear it to my Chorus rehearsal.. Should raise a laugh or two!! You can get one from: http://teespring.com/SingInTune (different styles of T shirt and hoodies also available...
Arranged by Eke Chijindu Favour Hedges
指揮:連芳貝 / 鋼琴:莊憶芬 / 獨唱:羅崧慎、白庭潔 / 朗誦:林昶緯 本曲作者艾瑞克‧韋塔克(Eric Whitacre, 1970-)為美國知名作曲家。即使高中時被學校樂隊開除,他後來仍堅持夢想,在拉斯維加斯的內華達州立大學開始積極地學習作曲與合唱指揮,當時也譜寫了〈豪雨〉這首歌曲。之後他前往朱利亞德音樂學院(The Juilliard School of Music),師習於曾獲奧斯卡奬的作曲家約翰•克里利亞諾 (John Corigliano),並取得碩士學位,從此成為世界上最受歡迎的作... more
CHORALIS CONSTANTINUS 500 www.choralisconstantinus.hu Johannes Ockeghem: Salve regína (II.) CORVINA CONSORT corvinaconsort.hu Artistic director: Zoltán Kalmanovits Dominica XIX. post Pentecosten Inner City Parish Church, Budapest Mass of Tradi... more
The Prague Concert Co., one of Central Europe’s leading agencies specialising in cultural and music tours since 1994, is happy to announce the launch of the Musica Orbis Prague Choir Festival. Based in Prague, the City of music with fairytal...
The Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square perform "Unfold, Ye Portals," from "The Redemption," by Charles Gounod. It is performed from the new George S. and Delores Dore Eccles Theater in downtown Salt Lake City. Episode 4545. Aired Oc... more
"Coming together to sing, singing for a better future", the World Peace Choral Festival is organized annually in Vienna in the 2nd half of July, supported by the Austrian federal government authorities, the City government of Vienna, the Vienna ...
Coro Canticorum aka YASFAP Choir was organized last October 5,2019. Most members of the choir are active youth apostolate group of St.Francis of Assisi Parish in Maa.
Featuring Gospel Singers Incognito (UK), Lytos (Spain), New Dublin Voices (Ireland), Ruda Polifonico Choir (Italy), Roundhouse Choir (UK), Music Promise Junior Choir (N. Ireland), Latvian Voices (Latvia), Codetta (N. Ireland) and Voci Nuove (Ireland).
The City of Appleton, situated on the Fox River in Northeast Wisconsin, was settled in 1847 and boasts the nation’s first hydro-electric central station built in 1882. It is in the Fox Valley that newVoices is cha...