6,557 results found
Jubilate Deo by Orlande de Lassus
Ottawa choir, The Stairwell Carollers, perform "Jubilate Deo" by Orlande de Lassus (also Orlandus Lassus, Orlando di Lasso, Roland de Lassus, or Roland Delattre) (1532 -- 1594). He was a Franco-Flemish composer of the late Renaissance. St-Charles Church,... moreOttawa choir, The Stairwell Carollers, perform "Jubilate Deo" by Orlande de Lassus (also Orlandus Lassus, Orlando di Lasso, Roland de Lassus, or Roland Delattre) (1532 -- 1594). He was a Franco-Flemish composer of the late Renaissance. St-Charles Church, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, June 8th, 2001.
Coro della Polifonica Materana "Pierluigi da Palestrina"
L’attuale Coro della Polifonica Materana “Pierluigi da Palestrina” trae origine dal Coro a voci bianche-voci virili costituito nel 1944 per iniziativa del Prof. Lucio Marconi e del canonico don Luigi Paternoster. Esercita per molti anni la funzione di Cap... moreL’attuale Coro della Polifonica Materana “Pierluigi da Palestrina” trae origine dal Coro a voci bianche-voci virili costituito nel 1944 per iniziativa del Prof. Lucio Marconi e del canonico don Luigi Paternoster. Esercita per molti anni la funzione di Cappella Musicale, dapprima presso la chiesa di San Francesco da Paola, poi presso il Duomo cittadino, conseguendo contemporaneamente numerosi successi in campo concertistico. Nel 1965 il Coro vince a Napoli il Primo Premio al Concorso Corale Nazionale indetto dal Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione. Nello stesso anno, incide per la Fonit Cetra un LP di canti popolari materani armonizzati per coro virile. Negli anni ’70 l’attività corale viene sospesa per carenza di voci bianche, ma l’Associazione continua ad organizzare prestigiose Stagioni Musicali.
Nel 1990 il M° Carmine Antonio Catenazzo ricostituisce il Coro nella formazione a voci miste, affiancando successivamente all’organico corale un’Orchestra da Camera, una Schola Gregoriana ed un Ensemble Vocale.
Ha e... less
MLADA. Shape of my heart (Live in Perm 23.01.2016)
Shape of my heart (by Sting) performed by MLADA choir.
Arranged by Sergei Vyguzov.
Пермский хор "Млада" представляет Shape of my heart (by Sting). Аранжировка - Сергей Выгузов.
Художественный руководитель и дирижер - Ольга В... moreShape of my heart (by Sting) performed by MLADA choir.
Arranged by Sergei Vyguzov.
Пермский хор "Млада" представляет Shape of my heart (by Sting). Аранжировка - Сергей Выгузов.
Художественный руководитель и дирижер - Ольга Выгузова.
Art'n'Voices - Bibi, Synku, Bi
Bibi, Synkù, Bi · Art'n'Voices
Midnight Stories: Contemporary Music of Polish Composers
Released on: 2020-04-17
Choir: Art'n'Voices
Composer: Anna Rocławska-Musiałczyk
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Beatus Vir RV 597
Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741)
Coro Academia Concerto
Altamiro Bernardes
Madrigal Mackenzie
Parcival Módolo
Catedral Metropolitana de Sorocaba
15 de agosto de 2007
Tears In Heaven - The Dynamix Boys
The Dynamix Boys singing Darren Bartlett's arrangement of the Clapton classic Tears In Heaven, on location at St Peter's Church, Bournemouth.
#TearsInHeaven #TheDynamixBoys #StPetersChurch #EricClapton
Music & Lyrics
Eric Clapton & W... moreThe Dynamix Boys singing Darren Bartlett's arrangement of the Clapton classic Tears In Heaven, on location at St Peter's Church, Bournemouth.
#TearsInHeaven #TheDynamixBoys #StPetersChurch #EricClapton
Music & Lyrics
Eric Clapton & Will Jennings
© 1992, Wea/Warner Brothers
This Arrangement
Darren Marc Bartlett
DMB Music
Jake Bartlett
Oliver Bartlett
Bradley Hubbard
& The Voice of Charlie Mills
Filmed On Location
With Thanks To St Peter's Church, Bournemouth
Keys & Sound Engineer
Alvin Allison
Video Production
Kingsbere Designs
Copyright DMB MUSIC 2000-2019 less
S S Wesley: Cast me not away from Thy presence, sung by St Peter's Singers of Leeds
Written in 1848 for the Choir of what was then Leeds Parish Church, 'Cast me not away' is a masterpiece in miniature. Owing much to the polyphonic work of the Renaissance, the motet is a deeply-felt work written during Wesley's period of recuperation fro... moreWritten in 1848 for the Choir of what was then Leeds Parish Church, 'Cast me not away' is a masterpiece in miniature. Owing much to the polyphonic work of the Renaissance, the motet is a deeply-felt work written during Wesley's period of recuperation from a fall whilst out fishing in the North Yorkshire countryside at Helmsley. The chromatic clashes at the words "the bones which Thou hast broken" are almost certainly reflective of the pain the composer had suffered, for his leg was badly broken and he walked ever after with a noticeable limp.
This performance was recorded in Leeds Minster on Sunday 28th April 2013 during the recital of 'Music with Minster connections' sung by St Peter's Singers of Leeds, directed by Dr Simon Lindley.
Leeds Minster, formerly Leeds Parish Church, has a long and distinguished musical history. The list of organists and past organists of the Parish Church of St Peter-at-Leeds is outstanding. 'Music with Minster connections' celebrated both this heritage and the status of Leed... less
Time Warp - From the Rocky Horror Picture Show
From our concert May 2012. Solos Kathy Griffin, Max Teichman, Ashley Perry, Kate MacKay, Michele Roger, Allison Stevens. Videography by Motiontide Media -
Burstin' with Broadway is a 125 member non-auditioned choir in North Vancouver.