6,542 results found
The BIG Sing Flash Mob, Tesco Maldon Store Official Video
With special permission from Tesco Press Office. Special thanks to Tesco Maldon Store Management team and and all who helped make the event possible.
Raising money for Cancer Research UK.
The BIG Sing is based in Essex, London and Kent and has choir... moreWith special permission from Tesco Press Office. Special thanks to Tesco Maldon Store Management team and and all who helped make the event possible.
Raising money for Cancer Research UK.
The BIG Sing is based in Essex, London and Kent and has choirs for people of all ages, backgrounds and cultures including community choirs, kids choirs, advanced choirs, baby singing groups and office choirs! For more info go to
The BIG Sing - uniting our community with MUSIC!
Do not pass by like a dream by e a malachevsky & The Esoterics
Do not pass by like a dream
- Composer: eduardo andrés malachevsky
- Lyrics: Rabindranath Tagore (from Gitanjali)
- Choir: The Esoterics - Eric Banks, conductor
alive recording at Holy Rosary Catholic Church Seattle, USA on October 2009
(the video wa... moreDo not pass by like a dream
- Composer: eduardo andrés malachevsky
- Lyrics: Rabindranath Tagore (from Gitanjali)
- Choir: The Esoterics - Eric Banks, conductor
alive recording at Holy Rosary Catholic Church Seattle, USA on October 2009
(the video was made by the composer)
malachevsky web :
malachevsky on YouTube :
malachevsky on MySpace :
malachevsky on Facebook : less
Ave Maria - Marcos Vinicius (SATB's Guide)
Ave Maria - Marcos Vinicius (SATB's Guide)
Composed by: Marcos Vinicius (Legnano - 2013)
Revision by: Fabio D' Orazio
More information, contact us:
Sound of silence (Simon & Garfunkel) - Choriosity A-cappella-Pop-Chor Ulm
We LOVE good A-cappella music!
Choriosity is a community-based a-cappella-choir in the YMCA (CVJM) Ulm. 120 singers aged 18 to (about ;) 30 dive into the diversity of sound, rhythms and a-cappella-feeling!
You wanna see/hear more?
Instagram: @chorios... moreWe LOVE good A-cappella music!
Choriosity is a community-based a-cappella-choir in the YMCA (CVJM) Ulm. 120 singers aged 18 to (about ;) 30 dive into the diversity of sound, rhythms and a-cappella-feeling!
You wanna see/hear more?
Instagram: @choriosity
Snapchat, Twitter: @choriosity
M+T: Paul Simon
Arr.: M. Detterbeck
Pater noster - The Stairwell Carollers, Ottawa
Ottawa choir, The Stairwell Carollers, perform “ Pater noster” by Igor Stravinsky.
All our CDs benefit charities and are available on our website in both CD and MP3 formats. Get our professional recordings here...
... moreOttawa choir, The Stairwell Carollers, perform “ Pater noster” by Igor Stravinsky.
All our CDs benefit charities and are available on our website in both CD and MP3 formats. Get our professional recordings here...
The Stairwell Carollers, an a cappella group formed in 1977 by director Pierre Massie, has earned the distinction of being ranked amongst the best of Ontario choirs. The group took first place in both the 2010 and 2013 Ontario Music Festival Association provincial competition.
Visit our blog or our website for updates.
Audio: Tom Barnes. Recorded at St. Barnabas Church, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, June 1, 2019.
Videographers: Matthieu Brennan, Andrew Mason
Editing: Pierre Massie less
Weepin' Mary
for mixed choir (SATB)
for men's voices (ATBarB)
Based on an anonymous manuscript arrangement of this old spiritual, found ... moreScores
for mixed choir (SATB)
for men's voices (ATBarB)
Based on an anonymous manuscript arrangement of this old spiritual, found by a member of our singing group back in the 1990s.
Another member of our singing group (Jill Mitchell) wrote the words for the second verse.
This is my own performance (as the multitrack choir dwsChorale)
1. If there's anybody here like weepin' Mary
Call upon your Jesus and he'll draw nigh
If there's anybody here like weepin' Mary
Call upon your Jesus and he'll draw nigh
Oh glory, glory Hallelujah
Glory be to my God who rules on high
2. "They have stole away my Lord" said weepin' Mary
"And I know not where they have laid him down"
"Yes they've stole away my Lord" said weepin' Mary
"And I know not where they have laid him down"
"Oh Mary!" "Is it you Rabboni?"
Jesus here is risen and dies no more.
[Jill Mitchell] less
The Lost Sound – The Parting Glass (Homegrown Harmony Autumn 2020)
During Remembrance Week, we bring you our third song from our ‘Homegrown Harmony’ Project. We have sung this song in another arrangement many times in concert with Steve Knightley and Show Of Hands. This new version by Kirsten Pagel, is for a female quart... moreDuring Remembrance Week, we bring you our third song from our ‘Homegrown Harmony’ Project. We have sung this song in another arrangement many times in concert with Steve Knightley and Show Of Hands. This new version by Kirsten Pagel, is for a female quartet, with rich dark harmonies and a tender, aching feel.
We dedicate it to all who have passed through war, both in the past and unfortunately now, in the present. We also sing it for those within our communities that have recently lost a loved one. It has been such a difficult time to be grieving. We sing it for you to remember the best times, the friendship and the comradery and most of all, for the love that you shared together.
Our charity for this song, is South Brent and District Caring, a small charity that looks after people in the community, provides crisis relief and comfort.
To donate, please visit our fundraising page at:
60% of the proceeds from this song will be donated to charity.
Our whole... less
Johannes Brahms: Fünf Gesänge, Op. 104 布拉姆斯五首歌曲
北歐音畫夏季音樂會 2
指揮: 科勒.漢肯 Kåre Hanken
Fünf Gesänge, op. 104 - Johannes Brahms
五首歌曲,作品104 - 布拉姆斯
浪漫時期德國作曲家布拉姆斯(Johannes Brahms, 1833-97),在1863年起擔任維也納合唱團(Vienna Singakademie)指揮,開啟他寫作混聲合唱曲的興趣,重要作品有《德意志安魂曲》(Ein deutsches Requiem,... more2013.5.20
北歐音畫夏季音樂會 2
指揮: 科勒.漢肯 Kåre Hanken
Fünf Gesänge, op. 104 - Johannes Brahms
五首歌曲,作品104 - 布拉姆斯
浪漫時期德國作曲家布拉姆斯(Johannes Brahms, 1833-97),在1863年起擔任維也納合唱團(Vienna Singakademie)指揮,開啟他寫作混聲合唱曲的興趣,重要作品有《德意志安魂曲》(Ein deutsches Requiem, 1868)、《愛的華爾茲》(Liebeslieder Waltzes, 1869)等,1888年的《五首歌曲》(Fünf Gesänge, op. 104)是他無伴奏合唱代表作,已經五十五歲的布拉姆斯,挑選五段晦暗的歌詞,悲嘆青春的流逝,六聲部混聲合唱,以厚重的塊狀和弦在複雜的和聲中掙扎:第一、二樂章的歌詞均取自呂克特(Friedrich Rückert, 1788-1866)的詩〈夜哨〉(Nachtwache),第一樂章以B小調極弱的音量開始,營造出全曲陰鬱的基調,徹夜無眠的悲傷;全曲篇幅最短的第二樂章(僅21小節),明亮的降E大調,跳進音型模仿守夜者的號角聲,但安慰與歡愉是短暫的。第三樂章,F小調,歌詞作者是作曲家的好友卡爾貝克(Max Kalbeck, 1850-1921),佈滿休止符的樂句,歌者短促的呼吸就像落葉的凋零,中段轉至F大調描寫陽光灑在薔薇上的喜悅,但希望隨即幻滅,回到F小調作結。第四樂章,D小調,是全曲速度最快的樂章,跳躍的三拍子呈現凡慈(Josef Wenzig, 1807-76)詩作中,青春流逝的剎那。最著名的第五樂章,C小調,一改前四樂章的厚織度六部合唱,是簡約的四聲部,呈現凋零的淒涼,歌詞是全曲最長的葛羅特(Klaus Groth, 1819-99)三段詩詞,緩慢地將無盡愁思帶入死亡,最後轉入C大調,如得到救贖般,安靜地結束全曲。
1. Nachtwache I
Leise Töne der Brust, geweckt vom Odem der Liebe,
Hauchet zitternd hinaus, ob sich euch öffen' ein Ohr,
Öffn' ein liebendes Herz, und wenn sich keines euch öffn... less