Ljubljanski madrigalisti mixed chamber choir
Magistrski koncert, Kazinska dvorana ŽePZ Moj spev Zborovodkinja: Andreja Pirc Solo: Jasna Kešnar, Nika Pirnat, Barbara Vidmar
ŽePZ Moj spev Zborovodja: Peter Pogačar klavir: Nataša Lazič Letni koncert MMXV
Ljubezen svet vrti, 46. pomladni koncert Mepz Štefana kovača iz Murske Sobote.
Ljubezen svet vrti, 46. pomladni koncert Mepz Štefana kovača iz Murske Sobote.
Ljubezen svet vrti, 46. pomladni koncert Mepz Štefana kovača iz Murske Sobote.
Avtor: prekmurska ljudska Priredba: Samo Vremšak (1930 - 2004) Izvajalec: Akademski pevski Zbor Tone Tomšič Naslov: Marko skače posneto na: Revija Zborov (Slovenska Filharmonija)
A choral piece composed by an 18-year old Slovenian talent Matej Kastelic (one of the singers as well). Not too perfect, but still nice performance by his Conservatoire collegues.
Ljubezen svet vrti, 46. pomladni koncert Mepz Štefana kovača iz Murske Sobote.
Academic Male Choir of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing was established on January 11, 2016 as the initiative of the conductor Josip degl' Ivellio and the Dean Professor Mislav Grgic, PhD. The constitution and first rehearsal of the cho... more