83 results found
B. Brecht/D. Tosolini, "Ricordo di Marie A." (Erinnerung an die Marie A.)
Dallo Spettacolo "Il pioppo nella neve" (Trento, Teatro Cuminetti, gennaio 2009), regia di Elena Galvani e Jacopo Laurino
Cantoria Sine Nomine, direttore Carlo Andriollo
Voci soliste: Luigi Segnana, David Valandro, Giorgio Bragagna, Mauro Patton
Fisa... moreDallo Spettacolo "Il pioppo nella neve" (Trento, Teatro Cuminetti, gennaio 2009), regia di Elena Galvani e Jacopo Laurino
Cantoria Sine Nomine, direttore Carlo Andriollo
Voci soliste: Luigi Segnana, David Valandro, Giorgio Bragagna, Mauro Patton
Fisarmonica: Tiziano Montibeller
Clarinetto: Lorenzo Laurino
Contrabbasso: Carlo Nerini
Testo di Bertolt Brecht, armonizzazione Roberto Di Marino
"Un giorno di settembre, il mese azzurro,
tranquillo sotto un giovane susino
io tenni l’amor mio pallido e quieto
tra le mie braccia come un dolce sogno.
E su di noi nel bel cielo d’estate
c’era una nube ch’io mirai a lungo:
bianchissima nell’alto si perdeva
e quando riguardai era sparita.
E da quel giorno molte molte lune
trascorsero nuotando per il cielo.
Forse i susini ormai sono abbattuti:
Tu chiedi che ne è di quell’amore?
Questo ti dico: più non lo ricordo.
E pure certo, so cosa intendi.
Pure il suo volto più non lo rammento,
questo rammento: l’ho baciato un giorno.
Ed anche il bacio avrei... less
Jesu nahm zu sich die Zwölfe BWV22, J.S.Bach. Arioso Tenore-Basso e Coro.Puerto de la Cruz
Jesu nahm zu sich die Zwölfe BWV22, J.S.Bach. Arioso Tenore-Basso e Coro
Coral Reyes Bartlet
Humboldt Ensemble
José Híjar Polo, Maestro de Coro
Mark Peters, Director
Gabriel Díaz, alto
Carlos Mendez, tenor
Radoslaw Wielgus, bajo
VIII Festiva... moreJesu nahm zu sich die Zwölfe BWV22, J.S.Bach. Arioso Tenore-Basso e Coro
Coral Reyes Bartlet
Humboldt Ensemble
José Híjar Polo, Maestro de Coro
Mark Peters, Director
Gabriel Díaz, alto
Carlos Mendez, tenor
Radoslaw Wielgus, bajo
VIII Festival de Música Antigua y Barroca de Puerto de la Cruz
Iglesia de la Peña de Francia, 28 de marzo de 2010
Coro Polifónico de la Universidad de La Laguna. Selig sind die Toten, Heinrich Schütz
El Coro Polifónico de la Universidad de La Laguna ha participado en el primer Festival Internacional Online de Música Sacra que ha organizado la Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial de Quito (Ecuador) con motivo de su 50 aniversario y que se celebró entr... moreEl Coro Polifónico de la Universidad de La Laguna ha participado en el primer Festival Internacional Online de Música Sacra que ha organizado la Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial de Quito (Ecuador) con motivo de su 50 aniversario y que se celebró entre el 30 de marzo y el 1 de abril.
El Coro Polifónico de la Universidad de La Laguna intervino el pasado jueves, 1 de abril, en el concierto de clausura, en el puesto 16 de un total de 23 coros con la obra Selig sind die Toten, del organista y compositor alemán Heinrich Schütz (1585-1672). La actuación se desarrolló desde la base de las vidrieras de San Fernando situadas en las escalinatas principales del Edificio Central de la institución académica. less
Lied ohne Grenzen (song without borders) | Uraufführung (premiere)
Text: Christina Koenig, Music: Sabine wüsthoff
Contributors: Daejeon Observatory Children's Choir (Republic of Korea), Project Choir of the Laborschule Dresden, Junior Concert Choir of the Berlin Girls Choir
Piano: Keiko Yuasa | Conductor: Sabine wüstho... moreText: Christina Koenig, Music: Sabine wüsthoff
Contributors: Daejeon Observatory Children's Choir (Republic of Korea), Project Choir of the Laborschule Dresden, Junior Concert Choir of the Berlin Girls Choir
Piano: Keiko Yuasa | Conductor: Sabine wüsthoff
German-Korean choir concert
Saturday, 4 May 2019, Berlin
soNG WITHOUT BORDERS - World premiere
For the meeting of three children's and youth choirs.
The first of the three verses is sung in German, the second in Korean, the last in English - so each choir has to learn to pronounce the language of the other, an adventure! With simple, poetic words, "song without borders" deals with the chance of children to create a future worth living for the adults of tomorrow through mobility, empathy and energy. The music to it illustrates in the first verse the sea as a metaphor of eternal movement, in the second the feeling together, in the third the positive action of holding together. less
Viele verachten die edele Musik (Bachofen, arr. Wolters) - "M. Marulić" High School Mixed Choir
A part of the choir's winning performance at the 62nd Croatian Youth Music Festival held in May 2019 in Varaždin.
camera operator: Josipa Maček
recording and production: Bernard Kahle
www... moreA part of the choir's winning performance at the 62nd Croatian Youth Music Festival held in May 2019 in Varaždin.
camera operator: Josipa Maček
recording and production: Bernard Kahle
Triolett (Robert Schumann) | Berlin Girls Choir
Triolett („Senkt die Nacht den sanften Fittich nieder“)
from: Drei Lieder für Frauenstimmen und Klavier, Op. 114 (1853)
Composer: Robert Schumann (1810-1856)
Berlin Girls Choir – Concert Choir, direction: Sabine wüsthoff
Concert at Municipal Theatre, ... moreTriolett („Senkt die Nacht den sanften Fittich nieder“)
from: Drei Lieder für Frauenstimmen und Klavier, Op. 114 (1853)
Composer: Robert Schumann (1810-1856)
Berlin Girls Choir – Concert Choir, direction: Sabine wüsthoff
Concert at Municipal Theatre, Larnaka (Cyprus), Oct. 2017
Wiigen Lied
Hofstra Chamber Choir performing the first movement of Per Nørgård's Wie ein Kind, "Wiigen-Lied"
David Fryling, Conductor
Alex Schirling and Allison Lindsay, sprechstimme
Cathedral of the Incarnation, April 2012
See Rome and die?
It is an old saying - which actually refers to Naples… But Rome is really worth seeing, because it's one of the most beautiful cities in the world and you can join us to sing - could you imagine anything more satisfying than this?