45 results found
Heart of England Chorus
We are a Leicestershire based mixed male & female chorus who sing Close harmony in the Barbershop style. We meet at Birstall Social Club every Monday evening at 7.30pm. We are Always looking for new Members. Why not come and join us?
PIE JESU - Jake & Oliver Bartlett - Ethereal Duet
Brothers, Oliver and Jake sing impromptu after a recording session for another project and we captured This beautiful up Close and personal version of Pie Jesu at St Peter's Church, Bournemouth, England.
Music - Andrew Lloyd Webber
Piano - Darren Bart... This).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(This).getParent().style.display='none';">moreBrothers, Oliver and Jake sing impromptu after a recording session for another project and we captured This beautiful up Close and personal version of Pie Jesu at St Peter's Church, Bournemouth, England.
Music - Andrew Lloyd Webber
Piano - Darren Bartlett
Pie Jesu, (×4)
Qui tollis peccata mundi,
Dona eis requiem. (×2)
Agnus Dei, (×4)
Qui tollis peccata mundi,
Dona eis requiem, (×2)
Sempiternam (×2)
Pious Jesus,
Who takes away the sins of the world,
Give them rest.
Lamb of God,
Who takes away the sins of the world,
Give them rest,
Copyright DMB MUSIC 2000-2019
#DynamixChildrensChoir #DarrenBartlett #StPetersChurch This).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(This).getParent().style.display='none';">less
UBK S Namy Boh - З нами Бог
The (Dutch) Utrecht Byzantine Choir (Utrechts Byzantijns Koor, UBK) was founded in 1951. It sings both Slavic-Byzantine and Ukrainian folk music. The choir sings in the Ukrainian and old-church slavonic languages.
The choir has Close links with the Gre... This).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(This).getParent().style.display='none';">moreThe (Dutch) Utrecht Byzantine Choir (Utrechts Byzantijns Koor, UBK) was founded in 1951. It sings both Slavic-Byzantine and Ukrainian folk music. The choir sings in the Ukrainian and old-church slavonic languages.
The choir has Close links with the Greek-catholics (in Ukraine). For decades, the choir strived to Keep Ukrainian (liturgical and worldly) culture alive. It did so whilst the Greek-catholic Church fought to survive its suppressors. It continues to do so, joining in the happiness of the Greek-catholics' freedom today.
The choir was founded by Ukrainian born and raised musicologist Myroslaw Antonowycz (+2006). At present, the Utrecht Byzantine Choir is directed by Grigori Sergei Sarolea. Grigori was born and raised in a Slavic-byzantine church community in The Hague.
You are listening to "S namy Boh" (God is with us). It is taken from the album: 'Een Oekraïens Kerstfeest' (Christmas in Ukraine).
The UBK frequently performs concerts and sings during the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom bo... This).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(This).getParent().style.display='none';">less
17 - Μες στην καρδιά μου κλείνω την Ελλάδα
Μες στην καρδιά μου κλείνω την Ελλάδα
Μουσική-Ποίηση Μίκης Θεοδωράκης.
Από την πρώτη ηχογράφηση και CD των Αλεξανδρινών Φωνών τον Ιούλιο του 2001.
Διεύθυνση: Ελένη Θεοδωρίδου -- Γρηγόρης Σαββόπουλος
Πιάνο Κώστας Παντελίδης
Στίχοι -- Ποίηση:
... This).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(This).getParent().style.display='none';">moreΜες στην καρδιά μου κλείνω την Ελλάδα
Μουσική-Ποίηση Μίκης Θεοδωράκης.
Από την πρώτη ηχογράφηση και CD των Αλεξανδρινών Φωνών τον Ιούλιο του 2001.
Διεύθυνση: Ελένη Θεοδωρίδου -- Γρηγόρης Σαββόπουλος
Πιάνο Κώστας Παντελίδης
Στίχοι -- Ποίηση:
Για μια τιμή και για μια δόξα πέφτω,
για την Ελλάδα τώρα πολεμώ,
καινούργιους με το αίμα κόσμους τρέφω,
τον ήλιο σπέρνω απ' όπου κι αν περνώ.
Μες στην καρδιά μου κλείνω την Ελλάδα
και λεύτερη 'κει μέσα τη φρουρώ,
πεθαίνω μια όπου θάνατος και νίκη,
με πόνο αδέρφια τη χαρά κερνώ.
Οι φωτογραφίες είναι από το ταξίδι που πραγματοποίησαν οι Αλεξανδρινές Φωνές στη Ναύπακτο και το Γαλαξίδι για τη Συμμετοχή τους στο διαγωνιστικό 3ο Διεθνές Χορωδιακό Φεστιβάλ Ναυπάκτου.
In my heart I Close Hellas (Greece)
Music -- Poetry: Mikis Theodorakis
From the first recording and CD of Alexandrian Voices on July 20... This).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(This).getParent().style.display='none';">less
Alive and Singing Rock and Pop Choir!
Alive and Singing is an all-inclusive triplet of community choirs across Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire formed by like-minded people thrown together by fate and directed by the very talented and charismatic Jamie Serafi. The choirs have g... This).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(This).getParent().style.display='none';">moreAlive and Singing is an all-inclusive triplet of community choirs across Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire formed by like-minded people thrown together by fate and directed by the very talented and charismatic Jamie Serafi. The choirs have grown to over 100 members collectively from every walk of life!