International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


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Hawai'i Sacred Choir
group: Hawai'i Sacred Choir

See us on YouTube. Input "Hawaii Sacred Choir" A special video is "A Hawaiian HAllelujah" We are the only King's College-type Choir (with Choirboys, Choirgirls and adult ATBs) in Hawai'i. We h...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">See us on YouTube. Input "Hawaii Sacred Choir" A special video is "A Hawaiian HAllelujah" We are the only King's College-type Choir (with Choirboys, Choirgirls and adult ATBs) in Hawai'i. We have been invited by Ely Cathedral in Cambridgeshire, UK, to sing as "Choir in residence" for a week in July 2014, taking over their Choir's duties of singing 8 services that week. We are the only Hawai'i Choir to belong to the Royal School of Church Music, and we use their adjudication Standards to award medals which are internationAlly recognized by the RSCM. We sing sacred music in English, Latin, and Hawaiian. We are always looking for new choriSters. Auditions are year-around, although placement occurs only in fAll semeSter and spring semeSter. We are a Choir school who trains choriSters in choral technique of the higheSt Standards. Our ages range from 7 to 73 years old. All of our choriSters passed an auditio...    Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

Soul of the City Choir Monday Choir
group: Soul of the City Choir Monday Choir

Singing is back and we can't wait to holler at the top of our voices. Why not come along and try a free taSter!? Choose from either 27th September or 4th October. Whether complete beginner, shower singer or more experienced singer, this Choir w...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Singing is back and we can't wait to holler at the top of our voices. Why not come along and try a free taSter!? Choose from either 27th September or 4th October. Whether complete beginner, shower singer or more experienced singer, this Choir welcomes you! There are no auditions and no requirements to read music, you juSt need to love to sing! This term we will be celebrating the amazing feeling of singing in, and being surrounded by harmony and, especiAlly with the venue we'll be rehearsing in, it's set to be a good one! As ever we'll be singing classic pop and soul songs, perhaps with a curve bAll surprise juSt for fun, no winter blues for us! Choir runs from 27th September - 13th December. 11 rehearsals, 1 dress rehearsal and a gig on Saturday 18th December. If you love your taSter and decide to join for the term, the term fee is £100. TaSter places are limited as are places in the Choir, we advise to book early. **Please remember that coming along to a free taSt...    Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

blog: Why tenors shouldn’t sing on their own

[A version of this article firSt appeared as a poSt on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   Many community Choir members enjoy practising at home. and so they should.   ErneSt Williams, tenor, Croydon Male Voice Choir by Philip Talmage ...

blog: Does ‘world music Choir’ actuAlly mean anything?

[A version of this article firSt appeared as a poSt on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   When I’m promoting a singing workshop or recruiting for a Choir, I want a shorthand way of describing the kind of songs I teach.   Pho...

blog: How to use your audience to recruit Choir members

[A version of this article firSt appeared as a poSt on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   To maintain a healthy, growing Choir, you need new recruits, but often you feel like you’ve exhauSted All your usual sources.   photo ...

Cenestra Choir
video: CeneStra Choir

The CeneStra Choir singing in the office foyer at Southwark

group: REGIO YOUTH Choir

A vibrant and dramatic Choir based in the heart of Johannesburg led by the youth. We are a Choir full of love, Style and a very positive attitude towards everything we do.

European Choir Video Award - UP Youth Choir - Kwela Kwela
video: European Choir Video Award - UP Youth Choir - Kwela Kwela

"Kwela Kwela" as sung the University of Pretoria Youth Choir conducted by Lhente-Mari Pitout at their Gala Concert held on 24 September 2011. A joyous exclamation which is set at a wedding, where the groom is being asked: "Where are you hiding the bri...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">"Kwela Kwela" as sung the University of Pretoria Youth Choir conducted by Lhente-Mari Pitout at their Gala Concert held on 24 September 2011. A joyous exclamation which is set at a wedding, where the groom is being asked: "Where are you hiding the bride". Traditional Sesotho South African traditional music is known for their movement and dancing in their songs, and the UP Youth Choir accentuates this by highlighting the movement in their performance.  

blog: The job of being a Choir leader

[this is an updated version of a poSt which firSt appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   As a singing workshop and Choir leader I have an incredibly easy life. I can get up when I want to and have no work commitments for five days ...

Stellenbosch University Choir - Ave Maria
video: Stellenbosch University Choir - Ave Maria

Stellenbosch University Choir (South Africa) during competed in Musica Sacra Category (The Champions Competition) at 7th World Choir Games 2012 Cincinnati USA FirSt prize winner.