International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


6,649 results found
San Felipe Chamber Singers - Ama Namin, Lucio San Pedro.wmv
video: San Felipe Chamber Singers - Ama Namin, Lucio San Pedro.wmv

Live Recording at Da Nang Seminary for the Uniquely Abled - Da Nang, Vietnam March 2011 Vietnamese Tour

Requiem by Nathaniel J.S. Barnes
video: Requiem by Nathaniel J.S. Barnes

The final movement (mvt. VI) of the Requiem that I composed in 2007, as performed by the Orlando Chamber Singers under the direction of Gregory Ruffer on May 18, 2008. I had wanted to write a requiem for quite some time, having been swept away by the Req...  more

Khreschatyk Choir Entry of the Gladiators Julius Fučík
video: Khreschatyk Choir Entry of the Gladiators Julius Fučík

Виконує – Академічний камерний хор «Хрещатик» Диригент – Павло Струць, Аранжування – Євген Петреченко, Режисер-постановник – Анастасія Гнатюк, Хореограф-постановник – Олена Столярова, Оператор, монтаж – Віктор Бондаренко.

group: NEVEN

William Byrd - Ave Maria - Renaissance
video: William Byrd - Ave Maria - Renaissance

The Cantabile Chamber Singers conducted by Cheryll J. Chung Recorded at Grace Church on the Hill Audio and Video by Drew Henderson

group: Zbor Chorus


mixed Choir conducted by STEFANO PURI.

Khreschatyk Choir STARS A Cappella Battles Preview
video: Khreschatyk Choir STARS A Cappella Battles Preview

Khreschatyk Academic Chamber Choir/Khreschatyk Сhoir, conductor Pavlo Struts, staged by Natalia Begma, video Viktor Bondarenko, March 18, 2019.

In Remembrance (Requiem mvt V by Nathaniel J.S. Barnes)
video: In Remembrance (Requiem mvt V by Nathaniel J.S. Barnes)

The fifth movement of my Requiem as performed by the Orlando Chamber Singers under the direction of Gregory Ruffer. "Do not stand at my grave and weep, I am not there; I do not sleep. . ." Lacrimosa