6,541 results found
Choirs R Us: Room In Your Heart
‘Room In Your Heart’ performed at our Choirs R Us Spring Concert 2018 on 24th March 2018 in aid of the Manor Drive Methodist Church, Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice and Ali’s Gift. Choir Director: Jenny Bennett. For more info:
Palestrina: Stabat Mater dolorosa, sung by St Peter's Singers of Leeds
This performance of Palestrina's double-choir setting of Jacopone da Todi's famous 13th-century hymn telling of the sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary was recorded on Saturday 2nd April 2011 during St Peter's Singers' recital of sacred polyphony for Passi... moreThis performance of Palestrina's double-choir setting of Jacopone da Todi's famous 13th-century hymn telling of the sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary was recorded on Saturday 2nd April 2011 during St Peter's Singers' recital of sacred polyphony for Passiontide and Tenebrae in the beautiful surroundings and acoustic of St Aidan's Parish Church in Leeds.
The Singers are directed by Dr Simon Lindley, Music Director since the choir's foundation in 1977.
More information about St Peter's Singers, including details of the choir's 2010-11 programme of recitals, concerts and services, may be found on our website and on our Facebook Group page 'St Peter's Singers of Leeds'. less
Christmas Night
The Womens Choir EMBLA performs Jólanótt (Christmas Night) by Roar Kvam with a text by Sverrir Pálsson.
Are You In Need of a Meaningful Chanukah Song - SATB or TTB?
"There's Something About Those Candles" is a meaningful Chanukah song available for SATB/piano and TTB/piano choir performances as well as for solosits. This song focuses on how the light of each Chanukah candle can glow within our heart...
Christmas Carol Star of My Heart.mpg
A setting of a poem by Nicholas Vachel Lindsay (obit 1931). Though Magi Kings are dead, my star will still lead me to the place where I can kiss the Infant's haloed head. The setting by Irish composer David Monks, iis sung by Alzonne choir. The perfor... moreA setting of a poem by Nicholas Vachel Lindsay (obit 1931). Though Magi Kings are dead, my star will still lead me to the place where I can kiss the Infant's haloed head. The setting by Irish composer David Monks, iis sung by Alzonne choir. The performance was given in the Collegiale St. Michel, Castelnaudary, 9 December 2011.
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Un arrangement d'un poème de Nicolas Vachel Lindsay (obit 1931). Bien que les rois mages soient morts, mon étoile va encore me conduire à l'endroit où je peux embrasser la tête auréolée de l'Enfant. L'arrangement par David Monks, compositeur irlandais, est chanté par le Choeur d'Alzonne. La représentation a été donnée dans la Collégiale Saint-Michel, Castelnaudary, 9 Décembre 2011.
Vos commentaires sont bienvenusl. less
Cantores Celestes - Gabriel Fauré's Requiem - In Paradisum
April 20, 2013
Cantores Celestes Women's Choir of Toronto. Directed by Kelly Galbraith.
Last movement of Gabriel Fauré's Requiem - In Paradisum, with The Emperor String Quartet, William O'Meara on organ and featuring Ellen Meyer on piano.
Video a... moreApril 20, 2013
Cantores Celestes Women's Choir of Toronto. Directed by Kelly Galbraith.
Last movement of Gabriel Fauré's Requiem - In Paradisum, with The Emperor String Quartet, William O'Meara on organ and featuring Ellen Meyer on piano.
Video and Audio: Patric McGroarty
additional editing: JA Stewart
Requiem: Libera Me by Gabriel Fauré
Cantores Celestes Women's Choir
LIVE in CONCERT May 4, 2019
Celebrating 30 years
Kelly Galbraith, director
Hilary McCrimmon, soloist
Stephen Boda, organ
Emperor Quartet
Ryan Harper, recording engineer
Kelly Galbraith, producer
"Pavasara nakts koncerts" ar LU jaukto kori "Juventus" un Valsts kamerorķestri "Sinfonietta Rīga"
29. martā plkst. 19:30 Latvijas Universitātes jauktais koris „Juventus" un Valsts kamerorķestris „Sinfonietta Rīga" aicina uz „Pavasara nakts koncertu" Latvijas Universitātes Lielajā aulā.
Sadarbībā ar Pasaules Dabas Fondu „Juventus" aicina atsaukties Ze... more29. martā plkst. 19:30 Latvijas Universitātes jauktais koris „Juventus" un Valsts kamerorķestris „Sinfonietta Rīga" aicina uz „Pavasara nakts koncertu" Latvijas Universitātes Lielajā aulā.
Sadarbībā ar Pasaules Dabas Fondu „Juventus" aicina atsaukties Zemes stundas aicinājumam -- uz mirkli apstāties, rast mieru un būt saskaņā ar pasauli. Koncertā pašreizējam kora mākslinieciskajam vadītājam Mārcim Imantam un diriģentam Rūdolfam Krēsliņam pievienosies vēl trīs diriģenti -- Juris Kļaviņš, Jānis Lindenbergs un Jānis Zirnis. Ar „Juventus" muzicēs Valsts kamerorķestris „Sinfonietta Rīga", radot košu un kontrastiem bagātu muzikālo vēstījumu. Koncertā tiks atskaņoti latviešu komponistu Pētera Vaska, Artura Maskata, Imanta Ramiņa skaņdarbi un cittautu klasiķu -- Semjuela Bārbera un Džona Tavenera kompozīcijas. Soprāna solo izpildīs Inese Romancāne, savukārt Lielās aulas ērģeles ieskandinās Tālivaldis Deksnis.
Biļetes iepriekšpārdošanā „Biļešu Paradīzes" kasēs, internetā -- less
John Rutter: Requiem 1/7 - Requiem aeternam
Playlist of entire Requiem at
John Rutter (born September 24, 1945)
Part 1/7: Requiem aeternam -- Te decet hymnus -- Kyrie
The recording shows the Monteverdi Choir Würzburg with its conductor Mat... morePlaylist of entire Requiem at
John Rutter (born September 24, 1945)
Part 1/7: Requiem aeternam -- Te decet hymnus -- Kyrie
The recording shows the Monteverdi Choir Würzburg with its conductor Matthias Beckert at the memorial concert on March 16, 2008 in the Augustinerkirche commemorating the 63rd anniversary of the bombing of Würzburg.
For further information please visit