6,390 results found
Requiem: Libera Me by Gabriel Fauré
Cantores Celestes Women's Choir
LIVE in CONCERT May 4, 2019
Celebrating 30 years
Kelly Galbraith, director
Hilary McCrimmon, soloist
Stephen Boda, organ
Emperor Quartet
Ryan Harper, recording engineer
Kelly Galbraith, producer
"Pavasara nakts koncerts" ar LU jaukto kori "Juventus" un Valsts kamerorķestri "Sinfonietta Rīga"
29. martā plkst. 19:30 Latvijas Universitātes jauktais koris „Juventus" un Valsts kamerorķestris „Sinfonietta Rīga" aicina uz „Pavasara nakts koncertu" Latvijas Universitātes Lielajā aulā.
Sadarbībā ar Pasaules Dabas Fondu „Juventus" aicina atsaukties Ze... more29. martā plkst. 19:30 Latvijas Universitātes jauktais koris „Juventus" un Valsts kamerorķestris „Sinfonietta Rīga" aicina uz „Pavasara nakts koncertu" Latvijas Universitātes Lielajā aulā.
Sadarbībā ar Pasaules Dabas Fondu „Juventus" aicina atsaukties Zemes stundas aicinājumam -- uz mirkli apstāties, rast mieru un būt saskaņā ar pasauli. Koncertā pašreizējam kora mākslinieciskajam vadītājam Mārcim Imantam un diriģentam Rūdolfam Krēsliņam pievienosies vēl trīs diriģenti -- Juris Kļaviņš, Jānis Lindenbergs un Jānis Zirnis. Ar „Juventus" muzicēs Valsts kamerorķestris „Sinfonietta Rīga", radot košu un kontrastiem bagātu muzikālo vēstījumu. Koncertā tiks atskaņoti latviešu komponistu Pētera Vaska, Artura Maskata, Imanta Ramiņa skaņdarbi un cittautu klasiķu -- Semjuela Bārbera un Džona Tavenera kompozīcijas. Soprāna solo izpildīs Inese Romancāne, savukārt Lielās aulas ērģeles ieskandinās Tālivaldis Deksnis.
Biļetes iepriekšpārdošanā „Biļešu Paradīzes" kasēs, internetā -- less
John Rutter: Requiem 1/7 - Requiem aeternam
Playlist of entire Requiem at
John Rutter (born September 24, 1945)
Part 1/7: Requiem aeternam -- Te decet hymnus -- Kyrie
The recording shows the Monteverdi Choir Würzburg with its conductor Mat... morePlaylist of entire Requiem at
John Rutter (born September 24, 1945)
Part 1/7: Requiem aeternam -- Te decet hymnus -- Kyrie
The recording shows the Monteverdi Choir Würzburg with its conductor Matthias Beckert at the memorial concert on March 16, 2008 in the Augustinerkirche commemorating the 63rd anniversary of the bombing of Würzburg.
For further information please visit
Chris Artley - I Will Lift up Mine Eyes
Weitere Infos:
Weite melodische Bögen und eine berückende Klangsinnlichkeit kennzeichnet Chris Artleys Vertonung von Psalm 121. Ausgesprochen stimmungsvoll setzt der neuseeländische Komponi... moreWeitere Infos:
Weite melodische Bögen und eine berückende Klangsinnlichkeit kennzeichnet Chris Artleys Vertonung von Psalm 121. Ausgesprochen stimmungsvoll setzt der neuseeländische Komponist die Klangkörper Chor, einzelne Stimmgruppen, Orgel und Trompete ad lib. miteinander in Beziehung. Ein bewegendes Konzertstück, welches das Publikum unmittelbar in seinen Bann zieht.
Broad melodic arches and an enchanting sensuousness of sound characterize Chris Artley's setting of Psalm 121. He sets the choir, the individual groups of voices as well as organ and trumpet ad lib in relationship to each other in an impressively atmospheric manner. It is a moving concert piece that will immediately fascinate the audience. less
My Sweetest Lord from the Stone&Tara Songbook for choirs
A deliciously bluesy swaying gospel in 12/8 rhythm based on Psalm 23, ‘the Lord is my shepherd’.
Our music for your choir - sheet music and mp3's available through
My Sweetest Lord ©2021 Anke de Bruijn & Peter Duiverman
... moreA deliciously bluesy swaying gospel in 12/8 rhythm based on Psalm 23, ‘the Lord is my shepherd’.
Our music for your choir - sheet music and mp3's available through
My Sweetest Lord ©2021 Anke de Bruijn & Peter Duiverman
For SATB + piano accompaniment.
My Sweetest Lord – Psalm 23
Lord, come and guide me, I am lost on the way
Feel like a lamb when the night falls
You’ll hear me cry and you’ll call out my name
Sweetest voice, sweetest noise, let the Lord speak to me
Walking in shadows, there’s nothing I fear
Walking beside my Jesus
There in that valley of darkness is near
Sweetest friend, kindest hand, in the presence of you
Sweetest friend, kindest hand, in the presence of you
I’m gonna have none of the evil and gloom
That ole world used to feed me
I know you’ll seat me at a table for two
Sweetest food, tasting good, in the house of my Lord
Sweetest food, tasting good, in the house of my Lord
Lord is my shepherd, my soul it is light,
Guided to heavenl... less
Walton's Litany - Drop Slow Tears
Setting by William Walton of the poem by Phineas Fletcher "Drop slow tears", transposed for men's voices and sung by the one-man choir dwsChorale
Give thanks unto the Lord
A wonderful performance by Imo City Chorale Owerri at the just Concluded ECOWAS music festival Uyo Akwa-Ibom State Nigeria
InChorus - I Will Follow Him (Sister Act) - full performance cut
If you've enjoyed the InChorus Movie version of this song then you'll love this full, live performance showing the choir doing what they do best - singing and performing their hearts out.
If you haven 't seen the Movie yet then catch it on:
https://w... moreIf you've enjoyed the InChorus Movie version of this song then you'll love this full, live performance showing the choir doing what they do best - singing and performing their hearts out.
If you haven 't seen the Movie yet then catch it on:
Immerse yourself in the spirit of InChorus; the big choir with the big smile and the biggest heart.
Filmed at Eastgate Arts Centre, Peebles.
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With thanks to:
Tom Swift Films (
Eastgate Theatre & Arts Centre (
InChorus is a large, vibrant, contemporary choir of all ages, from Peebles in the Scottish Borders. This is no ordinary choir. From the start we set out to be the best at what we do and we love doing it. Our performance, our music, our sound and our spirit are all totally unique and cherished by all our members and ou... less
Maurice Duruflé Ubi Caritas - Vasari Singers
The award winning London Chamber Choir Vasari Singers, perform the beautiful motet Ubi Caritas, by Maurice Durufle.
Filmed, produced and directed by Incredibull, 2011.