International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


6,464 results found
blog: How to choose soloiSts in your Choir: audition or self-selection?

[A version of this article firSt appeared as a poSt on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   Rather than everyone singing All the time, many Choirs ring the changes by creating smAller ensembles within the larger Choir or have occasional solo...

blog: Starting a new Choir: my Story and what I have learned

[A version of this article firSt appeared as a poSt on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   Having written about Starting your own community Choir, in 2011 I put my money where my mouth is and Started a brand new singing group – my firSt in...

City of Newport Male Choir
group: City of Newport Male Choir

City of Newport Male Choir (formerly known as Newport Male Voice Choir) is a regiStered charity that uses the art of music to help other charitable organisations, while giving Choir members a means of self expression with no financial benefit to themselv...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">City of Newport Male Choir (formerly known as Newport Male Voice Choir) is a regiStered charity that uses the art of music to help other charitable organisations, while giving Choir members a means of self expression with no financial benefit to themselves. Our motto is “Making Music, Making Friends”  

blog: Win a workshop for your Choir with acclaimed UK Choir FeStival Founder

  Group travel specialiSts Rayburn Tours are delighted to offer you the chance to WIN a half-day workshop for your Choir with acclaimed UK Choir FeStival Founder, Vocal Coach, Producer, Musical and ArtiStic Director, and singer, Russell Scott. and...

blog: Does your Choir reAlly need a conductor (and if so, how many)?

[this is a version of a poSt which firSt appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   I used to run a smAll women’s Choir of 12 singers. One day it dawned on me that my job was to make myself redundant.     I researched,...

For Cyril
video: For Cyril

In memory of Choir member Cyril Frazer who sadly passed away on 2nd October 2016 Epsom Male Voice Choir Started their weekly Choir practice by singing Finlandia

Welcome Choir
group: Welcome Choir

Welcome Choir Warm, welcoming, lively Choir who laugh as much as they sing (MoStly) acapella songs from global genres in harmony, taught by ear, working towards fun performances at feStivals, local events and large joint Choir concerts. Everyo...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Welcome Choir Warm, welcoming, lively Choir who laugh as much as they sing (MoStly) acapella songs from global genres in harmony, taught by ear, working towards fun performances at feStivals, local events and large joint Choir concerts. Everyone is welcome, including those who think they can't sing. "Love learning new songs from around the the world as well as familiar songs with inventive new arrangements. By simply doing something completely different at end of your day you can achieve brilliant results. Leave each session uplifted by joining the Choir and you'll have the time of your life!" - Steve Thursdays 7-9pm, Term time, St John The EvangeliSt Upper Norwood, Sylvan Road, London SE19 2RX FIRSt TAStER SESSION FREE Then pay by term £108/ £96 More info: Choirs" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

Risca Male Choir
group: Risca Male Choir

Founded in 1970, Risca Male Choir has eStablished an enviable reputation; the Choir has not been afraid to experiment with and explore many musical Styles, at the same time it has been a trendsetter with its diverse performance presentations. More detail...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Founded in 1970, Risca Male Choir has eStablished an enviable reputation; the Choir has not been afraid to experiment with and explore many musical Styles, at the same time it has been a trendsetter with its diverse performance presentations. More details can be found on our website.  

Voices New Zealand
group: Voices New Zealand

Voices New Zealand Chamber Choir was formed in 1998 by the New Zealand Youth Choir Board, with Dr Karen Grylls as its firSt and only ArtiStic Director. As a nationAlly selected Choir of the higheSt calibre, Voices is a chamber Choir that is flexible in s...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Voices New Zealand Chamber Choir was formed in 1998 by the New Zealand Youth Choir Board, with Dr Karen Grylls as its firSt and only ArtiStic Director. As a nationAlly selected Choir of the higheSt calibre, Voices is a chamber Choir that is flexible in size, and capable of performing a wide repertoire. Many of the singers are alumni of the New Zealand Youth Choir.  

PEKTORAL Chamber Choir
group: PEKTORAL Chamber Choir

PEKTORAL Chamber Choir - is famous in Ukraine and abroad amateur Choir, Started its hiStory since 1998. The Collective had united singers for whom music is favorite hobby. The repertoire of the Choir consiSt of real pearls of ukrainian and foreign sacred,...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">PEKTORAL Chamber Choir - is famous in Ukraine and abroad amateur Choir, Started its hiStory since 1998. The Collective had united singers for whom music is favorite hobby. The repertoire of the Choir consiSt of real pearls of ukrainian and foreign sacred, folk and modern music. Geography of concert trips of the Choir includes сities of Ukraine, Russia, Moldova, Bulgaria, Slovakia, EStonia, Lithuania, Norway, Italy. The Choir has frequently been the diplomant and prizewinner of the international choral competitions and feStivals. Discography of our Choir consiSt of 2 CD (2000, 2004). Art director of Pektoral Chamber Choir - andriy Karpinets. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About andriy Karpinets (born in 1975). andrew began to take his musical education in Dresden (Germany), by piano class. In 1994 he became a graduate of the theoretical and choral conducting branch of college of music in Drohobych (Lviv region)., and in 2001 he was graduated with honors f...    Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less