VIVA!’s six Choirs, for ages four through adult, offer members the opportunity to achieve artiStic excellence in a singer-centered, collaborative choral community, featuring youth mentoring programs and the TD Bank Group Inclusion Program. Founded in 2... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">VIVA!’s six Choirs, for ages four through adult, offer members the opportunity to achieve artiStic excellence in a singer-centered, collaborative choral community, featuring youth mentoring programs and the TD Bank Group Inclusion Program. Founded in 2000 by Carol Woodward Ratzlaff in response to widespread cuts to public school arts programs, 2018-19 marks VIVA!’s 19th season as a downtown family of Choirs. VIVA!’s Choirs include: the Preparatory Chorus (ages 4-6); the Junior Choir (ages 6-10); the Main Chorus (ages 9-16); the SATB Chamber Choir (senior high school, university Students and adults); and the non-auditioned VIVA! Community Choir (SATB) which incorporates Everyone Can Sing (ECS), an auditioned group for those aged 13 and up with disabilities. VIVA’s unique TD Bank Group Inclusion Program provides support for All singers with disabilities. Also singular to VIVA! is the Choral Mentoring and Leadership Program, which forms an integral part of VIVA!’s Structure. This Program provides young l... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
"Here Comes the Sun" słowa i muzyka: George Harrison, aranżacja Kirby Shaw. Koncert towarzyszący podczas V Ogólnopolskiego FeStiwalu Współczesnej Muzyki Chóralnej "Music Everywhere", Oblackie Centrum Edukacji i Kultury w Gdańsku, 9 liStopada 2019. Dyr... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">"Here Comes the Sun" słowa i muzyka: George Harrison, aranżacja Kirby Shaw. Koncert towarzyszący podczas V Ogólnopolskiego FeStiwalu Współczesnej Muzyki Chóralnej "Music Everywhere", Oblackie Centrum Edukacji i Kultury w Gdańsku, 9 liStopada 2019. Dyryguje Zuzanna Popiołkiewicz. Dołącz do nas na: Facebook - InStagram -
Der Schaumburger Jugendchor wurde 1980 gegründet und beschreitet seitdem einen Weg, mit dem er eine große Chortradition in der Stadt Bückeburg und dem Schaumburger Land fortsetzt. Viele Besonderheiten des Chores, Hintergründe in Pädagogik, Stimmzusamm... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Der Schaumburger Jugendchor wurde 1980 gegründet und beschreitet seitdem einen Weg, mit dem er eine große Chortradition in der Stadt Bückeburg und dem Schaumburger Land fortsetzt. Viele Besonderheiten des Chores, Hintergründe in Pädagogik, Stimmzusammensetzung und Repertoire finden ihren Ursprung in der Arbeit der großen Chorpädagogin Edith Möller. Die musikalische Gesamtleitung liegt in den Händen von Stephanie Feindt.
2013.5.20 北歐音畫夏季音樂會 2 大東文化藝術中心演藝廳 指揮: 科勒.漢肯 Kåre Hanken Pål sine hønur :Knut NyStedt 保羅的小雞挪威民謠 - 編曲:倪斯泰特 「保羅的小雞」,也被稱為保羅的小山,是挪威最有名的民歌之一。最初由克里森Asbjørnsen彼得˙阿斯伯約恩森(Peter ChriSten Asbjørnsen)於1853年,以挪威Gudbrandsdal的方言所寫。本次演唱挪威倪斯泰特編曲的版本,擷取本首挪威民間俚俗故事的... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">2013.5.20 北歐音畫夏季音樂會 2 大東文化藝術中心演藝廳 指揮: 科勒.漢肯 Kåre Hanken Pål sine hønur :Knut NyStedt 保羅的小雞挪威民謠 - 編曲:倪斯泰特 「保羅的小雞」,也被稱為保羅的小山,是挪威最有名的民歌之一。最初由克里森Asbjørnsen彼得˙阿斯伯約恩森(Peter ChriSten Asbjørnsen)於1853年,以挪威Gudbrandsdal的方言所寫。本次演唱挪威倪斯泰特編曲的版本,擷取本首挪威民間俚俗故事的前段,敘述保羅因為他養的小雞被狐狸吃了,不敢回家面對家人。倪斯泰特以許多狀聲音節,如「Tra-la-la」、「Lu-de-li-de」等,加上豐富多變的和聲,為本曲增添更多趣味。 Pål sine hønur på haugjen utsleppte, hønune lett yvi haugjen sprang. Pål kunna vel på høna fornemma, at reven va'ute med rompa so lang. Kluk, kluk, kluk, sa høna på haugjen. Pål'n sprang og rengde med augom, no tør eg ikkje koma heim åt å mor. Og ikkje åt å mor, og ikkje åt'n far, og ikkje åt å søSter, og ikkje åt'n bror. no må eg nok reise fra heile den gard. 保羅的小雞放養在山丘上 小雞快速向山上跑去 保羅知道小雞在想什麼 狐狸夾著牠的長尾巴等在外面 山上的小雞咕咕叫著 保羅翻了翻眼睛,跑走了 「我現在不敢回家找媽媽了!」 我不敢去找媽媽、爸爸、姐姐或哥哥 現在,我不得不離開整個農場 Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
A powerful piece about the myStery of ChriStmas, performed in December 2010. Violin by Sergej Bolkhovets Read more about Sofia Vokalensemble at Say hi to the Choir on Facebook: Have a liSten to th... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">A powerful piece about the myStery of ChriStmas, performed in December 2010. Violin by Sergej Bolkhovets Read more about Sofia Vokalensemble at Say hi to the Choir on Facebook: Have a liSten to the album "The Darkness is No Darkness" on Spotify:
A ChriStmas Carol composed by Nathaniel J. S. Barnes using adapted text from a Robert Fuller Murray poem for mixed (SATB) Choir with piano or harp accompaniment. This is a prototype using music software with wind and harp settings.
Recorded on April 30, 2014, at the Cathedral of St. Domnius in Split. Watch the earlier performance of the same piece:
This Song speciAlly produced by the Sing Out Strong worldwide virtual Choir during Covid-19 lockdown for VE Day in support of the Combat Stress Charity. None of the participants ever meeting. Music available from All download Stores (100% of revenue to th... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">This Song speciAlly produced by the Sing Out Strong worldwide virtual Choir during Covid-19 lockdown for VE Day in support of the Combat Stress Charity. None of the participants ever meeting. Music available from All download Stores (100% of revenue to the charity). Lyrics and music Emma Rowland 2015, Studio and video production Simon Hopkins Tewkesbury TV. Please see film credits for All volunteers.
North Dakota, with a population of approximately 758,000 (Census Bureau 2016), is the fourth leaSt populated and fourth leaSt densely populated State in the US. It is in the capital city of Bismarck (metro population 130,000) that the Central Dakota...
Jakarta FeStival Chorus (JFC) was initiAlly the Chamber Choir founded by Indra Lazuardi; whose members were the sacred music lovers of Gereja Santapan Rohani Indonesia, Jakarta (The Bread of Life Church of Indonesia). Since the beginning, Rev. Lee Chong M... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Jakarta FeStival Chorus (JFC) was initiAlly the Chamber Choir founded by Indra Lazuardi; whose members were the sacred music lovers of Gereja Santapan Rohani Indonesia, Jakarta (The Bread of Life Church of Indonesia). Since the beginning, Rev. Lee Chong Min – a reverend as well as a professor of the School of Church Music, Singapore Bible College – has been appointed to be the Choir maSter of the Chamber Choir. In 1997, the Choir name was changed to Jakarta FeStival Chorus in order to reach out more participants from evangelical churches in Jakarta. Jakarta FeStival Chorus is currently under the Music Department of the Communion of Chinese Churches in Indonesia (PGTI). The members now are choriSters and sacred music lovers from different churches in Jakarta. For these paSt ten years, JFC has dedicated itself to regularly perform some great classical works from the famous composers, such as, The Messiah – Handel (2000), The Creation – Haydn (2003), Elijah – F. Mendelssohn (2004), Psalm 95 & Hymn of Prai... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less