6,390 results found
Love Never Fails
Sergey Khvoshchinsky Text: Corinthians,13
Choral piece for Soprano solo and Choir a cappella.
Text: Corinthians, 13
Performed by From Age to Age.
"Right now three things remain: faith, hope and love, but the greatest of these is love".
Edinburgh University Renaissance Singers
The Edinburgh University Renaissance Singers (EURS) has a new director.
Rory Wilson, an experienced choral conductor from Edinburgh, has been appointed and has begun work with the Choir towards our first concert under his direction in November 2018, b... moreThe Edinburgh University Renaissance Singers (EURS) has a new director.
Rory Wilson, an experienced choral conductor from Edinburgh, has been appointed and has begun work with the Choir towards our first concert under his direction in November 2018, based around the Fire Songs of Morten Lauridsen, pairing his settings with settings of the same or similar texts by Renaissance composers.
Mass for men's voices and organ
This is the whole sequence.
Composed by David Warin Solomons performed in Southwell Minster.
by Manchester Cathedral Voluntary Choir
Conducted by Jeffrey Makinson
Organ played by Paul Walton
Cantor in Gloria: David Shipman
Alto Soloist in Sanctus an... moreThis is the whole sequence.
Composed by David Warin Solomons performed in Southwell Minster.
by Manchester Cathedral Voluntary Choir
Conducted by Jeffrey Makinson
Organ played by Paul Walton
Cantor in Gloria: David Shipman
Alto Soloist in Sanctus and Benedictus: Richard Lowe
Separate videos are also available for each section:
Sanctus and Benedictus:
Agnus Dei:
Rolleston Choral Society
We are a friendly SATB choir that tackles a wide range of music, from classical to modern. We aim to give two or three concerts each year, plus a Christmas concert of music and readings. We are based in the village of Rolleston-on-Dove near Burton-upon-Tr... moreWe are a friendly SATB choir that tackles a wide range of music, from classical to modern. We aim to give two or three concerts each year, plus a Christmas concert of music and readings. We are based in the village of Rolleston-on-Dove near Burton-upon-Trent, and draw our members – numbering around 50 at present - from a wide area of East Staffordshire and South Derbyshire.
There is no formal audition. We rehearse each week during school term times, on Wednesday evenings. Visit our join us page if you would like to know more about how to get involved. less
Lotti Crucifixus a 8 sung by a one man choir
Score (for the original higher voice setting in The European Sacred Music book)
Lotti's 8 part setting of the Crucifixus sung by the dwsChorale, transposed down for men's voices
Crucifixus ... moreScore (for the original higher voice setting in The European Sacred Music book)
Lotti's 8 part setting of the Crucifixus sung by the dwsChorale, transposed down for men's voices
Crucifixus etiam pro nobis; sub Pontio Pilato passus et sepultus est.
He was crucified also for us, under Pontius Pilate he suffered and was buried.
Sergey Khvoshchinsky (arr.) - Belorussian song "Kupalinka" by M. Charot and V. Teravsky
Beautiful performance of most beautiful Belorussian songs. Children's Choir "Vesna". Artistic Director, professor Nadezhda Averina. Great Hall of Moscow Conservatory, May 30, 2021.
Прекрасное исполнение одной из самых красивых белорусских песен "Купали... moreBeautiful performance of most beautiful Belorussian songs. Children's Choir "Vesna". Artistic Director, professor Nadezhda Averina. Great Hall of Moscow Conservatory, May 30, 2021.
Прекрасное исполнение одной из самых красивых белорусских песен "Купалинка". «Детский хор «Весна» им. А. С. Пономарёва, художественный руководитель, профессор Надежда Аверина. 30 мая 2021 года, Большой Зал Московской Консерватории