6,816 results found
Barcarolle choir
We are an international group of women in central London who love singing, friendship and fun.
Whether you are an experienced singer looking for new musical challenges, or someone who wants to give singing a try for the first time, Barcarolle is for y... moreWe are an international group of women in central London who love singing, friendship and fun.
Whether you are an experienced singer looking for new musical challenges, or someone who wants to give singing a try for the first time, Barcarolle is for you.
Comprising two choirs (the Belters with more modern repertoire and the Divas with a classical repertoire), Barcarolle offers something to suit all musical tastes and ability levels. Both choirs are led by acclaimed choir trainer Sam Evans. His engaging and energetic style will have you raising the roof in no time at all!
Corale maschile Priamo Gallisay
From the desire of some now grown-up boys, coming from the most diverse singing experiences, the Priamo Gallisay Male choir was born in 2007 which immediately characterized itself for an unusual repertoire in the Nuoro musical panorama. In 2012, the birth... moreFrom the desire of some now grown-up boys, coming from the most diverse singing experiences, the Priamo Gallisay Male choir was born in 2007 which immediately characterized itself for an unusual repertoire in the Nuoro musical panorama. In 2012, the birth of the Priamo Gallisay Cultural Association completes the cultural path desired by the founders. The Corale has about 30 members among its ranks.
Os Mannskor
Stiftet i 1925 er Os Mannskor et av Bergensdistriktets eldste mannskor. Historisk og musikalsk er vi sentralt plassert i norsk amatør-korsang.
Mannskorets alder og tradisjoner hindrer oss ikke i å se framover
og ta opp nye oppgaver og utfordringer.
... moreStiftet i 1925 er Os Mannskor et av Bergensdistriktets eldste mannskor. Historisk og musikalsk er vi sentralt plassert i norsk amatør-korsang.
Mannskorets alder og tradisjoner hindrer oss ikke i å se framover
og ta opp nye oppgaver og utfordringer.
Vi reiser og synger gjerne i vårt eget land - og i utlandet. På YouTube kan du høre Os Mannskor synge Os sangen, og se bilder fra bygda vår.
Vi arbeider med et variert repertoar med stor spennvidde. Det dekker alt frå religiøs musikk til drikkeviser. Gammal og ny musikk, shanty, jazz - inspirert, negro spirituals og elles dei tradisjonelle mannskorverka.
Mange forbinder mannskor med 17. mai og gamle tradisjonelle sanger. Os Mannskor stiller villig opp 17. mai med nasjonale musikkskatter, men det er likevel bare en liten del av et frodig bilde. Vi er ikke opptatt av båser når det gjelder musikk. Om den er gammel eller ny, lett eller seriøs, spiller mindre rolle. Det avgjørende er at musikken framføres best mulig og fenger publikum.
Oppga... less
Vancouver Cantata Singers
Vancouver Cantata Singers was founded in 1957, and has become one of Canada’s preeminent, award-winning choral ensembles. The Vancouver choir has become known for technical virtuosity, fine blend and exceptionally high performance standards encompassing 5... moreVancouver Cantata Singers was founded in 1957, and has become one of Canada’s preeminent, award-winning choral ensembles. The Vancouver choir has become known for technical virtuosity, fine blend and exceptionally high performance standards encompassing 500 years of choral repertoire. VCS has been awarded the Canada Council’s top prize in choral singing, the Healey Willan Grand Prize, more than any other choir in the country.
Led by Paula Kremer since 2013, VCS also commissions new works from critically acclaimed composers which have led to extremely successful and innovative collaborations with regional and international artists and ensembles.
Northern Lights, a beautiful Choral CD, musically describing the visually awesome natural event in Norway.
The music by young contemporary Norwegian composer, Ola Gjeilo, has been recorded by Chandos and the Phoenix choir. It has alr...
GUH Choral Society
We are current, retired and ex-members of the HSE in the Galway City Area who have come together
III. Laudamus Te - Vivaldi (Gloria)
Laudamus te
這是一段令人心神雀躍的女高音二重唱。全曲以卡農的方式呈現,並以三度音程串聯出充滿 柔和及真摯情感的音樂。
重唱: 梁華蓁(女高音) 詹喆君(女中音)
指揮: 翁佳芬
伴奏: 巴洛克獨奏家樂團
時間: 2007/12/11
地點: 高雄市文化中心至德堂
Hymn to Freedom
Would you like to know more about the choir?
See our homepage
"Viva, Sandnes kulturskolekor" is the full official name and you can also find us on Facebook with this name.
我欲攑目向山 排灣族調 改編:蕭泰然
時間 / 2015年6月28日
地點 / 高雄市文化中心至善廳
指揮 / 林志信
鋼琴 / 楊郁雯
摘錄詩篇121篇 排灣族調 改編:蕭泰然
Ma Li Ma Li ti e su sa ma (感謝上主耶和華... more【貳和唱】音樂會
時間 / 2015年6月28日
地點 / 高雄市文化中心至善廳
指揮 / 林志信
鋼琴 / 楊郁雯
摘錄詩篇121篇 排灣族調 改編:蕭泰然
Ma Li Ma Li ti e su sa ma (感謝上主耶和華/ 排灣族語)
Sa the kan na ma the mon the mon (讓我們能同心合一)
Sa the kan na ma the mon the mon
Hai io i io un (一起讚美歌頌主)
i io o hai iang Hai iang(歡呼聲)
This is Paiwan tribe melody, an aboriginal tribe of Taiwan.
Arranged by Tyzen Hsian. The lyric is from Psalm 121 combine with two different languages - Paiwan and Taiwanese. less