Fly Me to The Moon Arranged by Gwyn Arch Accompanist: Matt Finch A Midsummer Evening with Noctis June 21st 2014 Roper Theatre, West Wing, Bath, UK
CS Light Staged production The author of The project and conductor: Karmina Šilec The Choir Carmina Slovenica: Simona Raffanelli Krajnc, soprano The ensemble !Kebataola! Zvezdana Novakovia, soprano, ethnic voice, narrator Ula ©egula, soprano ... more
Sydney Vocal Project is a contemporary chamber Choir from Sydney Australia. This video is Their latest demo featuring some of Their favourite song snippits. We currently have two cyberspace (s?) Our new one is and our ... more
"Dragana i slavei" ("Драгана и славей") del compositor búlgaro Filip Kutev (Филип Кутев) interpretado por el Coro Femenino del CSMC (GC)
The Learners Chorus was founded in 1979 by former members of The Hong Kong University Students’ Union Choir. Our repertoire includes a wide spectrum of choral works, and commissioned works by distinguished Hong Kong composers, including Dr. Chan Hing Yan... more
Stay Tuned at The 2015 Singup Choir network end of Year concert at The Sydney Salvation Army Hall filmed by Jim Mulhearn(many thanks)
Trois Chansons - poems by Charles Duc D'Orléans music by Claude Debussy Performed (transposed) by The one-man multitrack Choir dwsChorale
We are a community Choir who meet every Wednesday from 4-5 during term time. Members include school staff, pupils (over 16), Employees of council, members of The community. Anyone can join and we have lots of fun, learning basic singing techniques and dev... more
One of The biggest private and social choral projects in Madrid, Spain. Founded by Coral Santiago Apostol, a well-known mixed Choir, which has extended its scope to children and young people, creating Coro Ilusiones (children) and Coro Encanto (youth).
Γυναικεία Χορωδία BelCantes Αγίου Ανδρέα Εγλυκάδας Πατρών Συναυλία στα πλαίσια της 10ης Θερινής Ακαδημίας στο Duomo της Κέρκυρας Πιάνο: Κωνσταντίνα Ανδρουτσοπούλου Φλάουτο:Σταύρος Πήττας Διεύθυνση: Έλενα Δρουκοπούλου