Join us for the 1 st International Festival Victoria Adriatic to be held from 15 - 18 June 2019 in Croatia! The Victoria Adriatic is open to all levels of vocal ability and experience. Choirs have the opportunity to compete for cash prizes in a variety... more
A beautiful double choir motet sung by Voices of Concinnity on their debut album, Awaiting Golden Light, through Navona Records
43. International Choir Contest Tolosa, Spain. Certamen Coral de Tolosa.
【wow! 合唱】音樂會 時間/ 2014年9月20日 地點/ 大東文化藝術中心 指揮/ 張成璞 伴奏/ 許溎芳 詩: Dylan Thomas 曲: 黃俊達 The hand that signed the paper The hand that signed the paper felled a city; 簽署文件的手,摧毀了一座城市; Five sovereign fingers taxed the breath, 強權在握的五隻手指,令人窒... more
Made up of colleagues as part of health and wellness
Te Deum Chamber Choir Live performance, November 13, 2016 Village Presbyterian Church, Prairie Village, Kansas
from: Songs and Sonnets from Shakespeare Performed by Universitair Koor Antwerpen at a Provincial Choir Competition on March 12, 2017. Piano: Stijn Dierckx
Words & Music by Babble Mason, Arrangement by Richard Kingsmore
Recorded on April 30, 2014, at the Cathedral of St. Domnius in Split.
Cantóirí Choir Dublin, Ireland