6,388 results found
2014 New Boys First Song
The new boy song of 2014 (Music is my Life), as performed during the New Boys first Wednesday concert on 19 February 2014.
Apollo Chorus of Chicago
The Apollo Chorus of Chicago is the area's premier volunteer choir and one of the oldest musical groups in the United States. Its 125-plus auditioned members include men and women of all ages, races, creeds, and occupations brought together by their love... moreThe Apollo Chorus of Chicago is the area's premier volunteer choir and one of the oldest musical groups in the United States. Its 125-plus auditioned members include men and women of all ages, races, creeds, and occupations brought together by their love of singing.
Each season, Apollo presents the masterworks of Western choral music, from Baroque to Broadway. The group has also been featured in several television, recording, and live performance collaborations. Year after year, critics and audiences alike delight in the artistry and passion of Apollo's performances. less
Jubila Singers
We are a world and classical music choir based on the beautiful Central Coast just north of Sydney, Australia. We are passionate about polyphony! We love to sing music from regions around the world which have a strong tradition of singing in harmony. ... moreWe are a world and classical music choir based on the beautiful Central Coast just north of Sydney, Australia. We are passionate about polyphony! We love to sing music from regions around the world which have a strong tradition of singing in harmony. Music from Eastern Europe, Georgia, Africa and Jamaica etc finds its way into our repertoire. We also love to sing some beautiful classical works and Mozart, Bortniansky and Bach is much loved by the singers. Most of our music is unaccompanied, except when our very talented instrumentalists (guitar, harp, cello, ukes, bodhran...) bring their instruments. less
SCS Touring Choir sings for a newly wed couple in Catania
The 43 singers from Akron, Ohio under the direction of Mrs. Arlene Jacobs are touring Sicily & Malta from June 26 to July 6 with Incantato Tours. During a visit to Catania, the girls and boys sang for a newly-wed Sicilian couple
Unclouded Day
"Unclouded Day" , from "Heavenly Home: Three American Songs"
TTBB Arr Shawn Kirchner 2018.
Epilogue—Voici le soir Night has come By Morten Lauridsen
時間 / 2015年6月28日
地點 / 高雄市文化中心至善廳
指揮 / 林志信
鋼琴 / 楊郁雯
Nocturnes By Morten Lauridsen
夜曲 莫頓‧勞律森
莫頓‧勞律森(Morten Lauridsen,1943─)是美國重要的當代作曲家,曾於1994至2001年擔任美國洛杉磯大師合唱團(Los Angeles Master Chorale)駐團作曲家,也在南加大音樂學院(USC Thornton School of Music)教授作... more【貳和唱】音樂會
時間 / 2015年6月28日
地點 / 高雄市文化中心至善廳
指揮 / 林志信
鋼琴 / 楊郁雯
Nocturnes By Morten Lauridsen
夜曲 莫頓‧勞律森
莫頓‧勞律森(Morten Lauridsen,1943─)是美國重要的當代作曲家,曾於1994至2001年擔任美國洛杉磯大師合唱團(Los Angeles Master Chorale)駐團作曲家,也在南加大音樂學院(USC Thornton School of Music)教授作曲長達30餘年,並於2007年獲得美國國家藝術獎(National Medal of Arts)。他的音樂呈現出古典保守傳統的特質,以簡單的樂曲結構來表現合唱人聲之美,而且在此簡單與純淨的結構中,流露著歌詞豐富的內涵,與如詩如畫般的美感。
《夜曲》是一套四首的聯篇合唱作品,主體的前三個樂章完成於2005年,第四樂章則於2008年加上,其主題與第一樂章相呼應,是為跋。不同於一般的連篇歌曲,這套夜曲的歌詞並非出自同一位作者的同一套詩作,而是分別來自三個不同國籍作者的作品:第一樂章與第四樂章是德國詩人萊納.瑪利亞.里爾克(Rainer Maria Rilke,1875-1926)的法文詩,第二樂章是智利詩人巴勃魯.聶魯達(Pablo Neruda, 1904-1973)所寫之情詩,第三樂章則取材自美國作家詹姆斯.魯弗斯.艾吉 (James Rufus Agee; 1909- 1955)的詩作。作曲家勞律森精準而巧妙地掌握了它們共同的特點:夜晚、浪漫的愛情、以及神秘主義的語彙,藉著豐富的和聲色彩,使得這幾首不同來源的詩作完美地結合成為一個整體。
4. Epilogue—Voici le soir (Night has come)
此曲的歌詞亦為萊納.瑪利亞.里爾克(Rainer Maria Rilke)所寫的法文詩。勞律森以豐富而帶有爵士色彩的調式和聲,再次激發了聽者對夜色與愛情的想像!在無伴奏人聲的吟誦之後,鋼琴再次加入,呈現與第一樂章相同的主題,全曲最後在縈繞不已的神秘氛圍中悄然結束….
voici le soir, pendant tout un jour encore
je vous ai beaucoup aimées
collines émues
c’est ... less
Eriks Esenvalds - Stars
Noctis performing at their summer concert at St Michael's Without, Bath on July 2nd, 2016.
Conducted by Francis Faux