6,230 results found
Exultate St. MatThew Passion #78.m4v
Regarded as one of The finest masterpieces of all Western Music, this passion setting brings to music The text of MatThew 26 and 27 concerning The suffering and death of Jesus ChriSt. The evangelist tells The story, arias convey The inner feelings of us h... moreRegarded as one of The finest masterpieces of all Western Music, this passion setting brings to music The text of MatThew 26 and 27 concerning The suffering and death of Jesus ChriSt. The evangelist tells The story, arias convey The inner feelings of us humans as we gaze upon The Golgotha scene and choruses and chorales reflect on our own place in The drama. Bach's incredible work of art stands alone in its complete telling of The crucifixion story in a manner which stirs and moves The soul of The performer and listener. This is a mountaintop experience not to be missed. less
Cyrill Schürch - Vide homo
A new setting of The text of di Lasso's last motet where The crucified Christ, speaking in The first person, confronts Peter's betrayal and indeed The sinfulness of all mankind.
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Commission... moreA new setting of The text of di Lasso's last motet where The crucified Christ, speaking in The first person, confronts Peter's betrayal and indeed The sinfulness of all mankind.
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Commissioned and performed by The Cappella der Hofkirche Luzern and its conductor, Ludwig Wicki.
Two Choirs Nominated for Community Awards- Arts and Culture
The Hutt Valley Singers and The Major Minors Children's Choir have both been nominated as finalists (Arts & Culture) Upper Hutt in The Wellington Airport Regional Community Awards.
For me, personally, this is a thrill as I accompany both Choirs...
IFAS 2022 "OPEN", Pardubice, Czech Republic 3. - 8. 7. 2022
Dear Madam/Sir,
We would like to invite you and your Choir to participate in The 26th Biennale of The International Festival of Amateur Choirs, IFAS 2022 "OPEN" which will take place from The 3rd to The 8th of July 2022 in Pardubice, Czech Republic.
Turbo Ventorum
from: Phenomenae Naturae
Performed by Universitair Koor Antwerpen at a Provincial Choir Competition on March 12, 2017.
Piano: Stijn Dierckx
Esprit Chamber Choir
Founded in 2010, ESPRIT an SATB ensemble under The dynamic and enterprising direction of Mervin Fick. Through his diligent guidance, The group has impressed its audiences with The depth and range of its interpretive skills in performances of a capella ea... moreFounded in 2010, ESPRIT an SATB ensemble under The dynamic and enterprising direction of Mervin Fick. Through his diligent guidance, The group has impressed its audiences with The depth and range of its interpretive skills in performances of a capella early music repertoire.
ESPRIT was awarded a first prize at The Peel Music Festival in April 2012, and is The proud recipient of The Hon. Barbara A. Hagerman Award for first place at The 2012 Ontario Provincial Music Festival. In August 2012, ESPRIT was awarded second place in The Canadian Nationals of The Federation of Canadian Music Festivals (Class 100 - Honourable Barbara A. Hagerman – Best performance by a community choral group 19 and up).
As part of its mission The chorus seeks out performances in historical venues; in The summer of 2011, ESPRIT toured Montreal, Québec, performing at St-Joseph Oratory, Notre-Dame Basilica, Christ Church CaThedral and Marie-Reine-du-Monde CaThedral. This summer, ESPRIT performed as The resident chorus at The New Fra... less
Mississauga Chamber Singers
MCS Chorus is a chamber Choir of 35 auditioned voices, performing a wide variety of choral music, with an emphasis on classical repertoire. Choristers are committed to creating a unified ensemble sound, dedicated to bringing The choral arts into The commu... moreMCS Chorus is a chamber Choir of 35 auditioned voices, performing a wide variety of choral music, with an emphasis on classical repertoire. Choristers are committed to creating a unified ensemble sound, dedicated to bringing The choral arts into The community, and engaged in improving Their vocal skills under The expert leadership of Artistic Director Mervin William Fick.
Vocaal Ensemble Kerkrade
Vocal Ensemble Kerkrade is a secular women's Choir with 18 enthusiastic members. Directed by Louise Deal The ensemble stives for perfection in vocal technique and choral sound. The ensemble sings an extensive repertoire ranging from religous to secular an... moreVocal Ensemble Kerkrade is a secular women's Choir with 18 enthusiastic members. Directed by Louise Deal The ensemble stives for perfection in vocal technique and choral sound. The ensemble sings an extensive repertoire ranging from religous to secular and from classical to popular music..