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Sleep -- One Man Virtual Choir
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So all of The quartets from my various... moreClick here if you love beautiful music:
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So all of The quartets from my various videos decided to get togeTher and try something new: choral music! So They grabbed a few friends and went to it :)
No, but seriously.... Eric Whitacre is a genius, and this song is beautiful.
I would love you forever if you shared this with your friends/family/people you know/people you don't know/people you hate... you get The point... just show everybody :)
You can click on almost any of The quartets (near The beginning of The video) and it'll link you to The video that The quartet was in
I love feedback almost as much as i love new subscribers, let me know if you want me to do more choral videos or if I should stick to barbershop (remember this is my first choral, so They would get better)
as always There is no autotune
--Composed by Eric Wh... less
Sing a New Song to The Lord
This setting of The 98th Psalm (Sing a new song to The Lord for he has worked wonders.)
comes originally from my cantata “The Manchester Magnificat”,
based on Audrey Vaughan’s poems about The religious and social history of The city.
The oratorio was... moreThis setting of The 98th Psalm (Sing a new song to The Lord for he has worked wonders.)
comes originally from my cantata “The Manchester Magnificat”,
based on Audrey Vaughan’s poems about The religious and social history of The city.
The oratorio was first performed in Manchester CaThedral in 1994.
This psalm forms The climax of The whole cantata and provides an expression of optimism after The
tragedies of The previous sections.
In this “extracted” version, The tragic surroundings of The history remain
in The background and The purebubbling joy of The psalm itself shines forth.
Enjoy The complex rhythms and let your hair down!
This performance by Daniel Shaw's Composer's Choir (based in Connecticut)
is a brilliant rendition of The piece and will, I hope,
encourage oTher church Choirs and concert Choirs to consider including it in Their repertoire.
Three little maids from School - The Mikado
The alto section of The multitrack one-man Choir dwsChorale sings Three little maids from school, from Gilbert and Sullivan's The Mikado
Downloadable mp3 available from
Choirs R Us: Stayin' Alive
Choirs R Us performing at Their Christmas Concert 2013 on 7 December. Choir Director: Jenny Bennett. For more info:
Coro Polifonico S.Domenico Savio
The "Corale S. Domenico Savio" was born in 1999 with The desire to build through music, experience of collaboration and sharing.
Over The years The interest in polyphony, The study of The repertoire and The vocal approach has grown. The group... moreThe "Corale S. Domenico Savio" was born in 1999 with The desire to build through music, experience of collaboration and sharing.
Over The years The interest in polyphony, The study of The repertoire and The vocal approach has grown. The group has joined The A.R.S. cori (Regional Association of Choirs of Sicily) and consequently to FENIARCO (National Association of Choirs) with The involvement in all The regional and national demonstrations promoted by The aforementioned organism: exhibitions, concerts and gaTherings for Choirs.
Numerous shows are made, we mention some more suggestive:
The performance of some unpublished musical works by don Luigi Sturzo edited by Nicolò Maccavino of The Italian Society of Musicology (2003).
"The word sung" The multimedia show for chorus-voices, video projections and orchestra (2009);
The CD recording of The traditional POPO MEO of The Easter Triduum in Scordia (2009);
The event "et incarnatus est", symphonic lyric concert for solo... less
Hullabaloo Community Quire
Hullabaloo is Brighton’s longest-established Natural Voice community Choir. We are founded on The simple principle that singing is your birthright and that everyone, given The right technical and emotional support, can sing togeTher in glorious, high qual... moreHullabaloo is Brighton’s longest-established Natural Voice community Choir. We are founded on The simple principle that singing is your birthright and that everyone, given The right technical and emotional support, can sing togeTher in glorious, high quality, spine tingling harmony!
Hullabaloo Community Quire is a Natural Voice Choir. We believe in:
NO auditions,
NO sight singing,
NO judgements and
NO limits!
We are renowned for our vibrant, innovative and accessible a cappella music, as well as our collaborations with a fabulous array of musicians, including Oysterband, Lucy Ward, The Moulettes, O’Hooley & Tidow, Po’ Girl, Firefly Burning, The Galleons, Robb Johnson and Grace Petrie. less
Mills BroThers Medley by The 'Revelations' of Sri Lanka
This is a rendition of a medly of songs made famous by The Mills BroThers by The Revelations of Sri Lanka. The Revelations won two Gold and one Silver medal at The World Choir games in Austria (2008) singing choral a-cappella style music in The Gospel, Po... moreThis is a rendition of a medly of songs made famous by The Mills BroThers by The Revelations of Sri Lanka. The Revelations won two Gold and one Silver medal at The World Choir games in Austria (2008) singing choral a-cappella style music in The Gospel, Pop, and Male voice vocal ensemble categories. They were also declared world Champions in two of The categories after achieving The highest number of points in These two categories. The once eleven member team is now down to nine members and are working hard to retain The level of excellence which enabled Them to win in Austria. See oTher uploads by 'vokaltotal' less
IX. Qui tollis peccata mundi
Qui tollis peccata mundi
韋瓦第使用了無比優美的和聲、極緩慢的速度、不斷變化的音程,刻畫出人類祈望耶穌垂聽 禱告的心願。全曲更以半音階的和聲進行,前半段4/4拍以沈穩的方式唱出「天主免除世 人罪過」,之後轉換成3/2拍,速度較急切的說出「請接受、請接受我的祈禱」,以迫切 的感覺深刻描繪出耶穌基督將世人罪過除去的恩典。
指揮: 翁佳芬
伴奏: 巴洛克獨奏家樂團
時間: 2007/12/11
地點: 高雄市文化中心至德堂
Thalitas Vocal Ensemble
THALITAS vocal ensemble was first created in 1996 as an activity of The “APOLLON” Music Club by Giorgos Kaloutsis. Its first members were students of The Club's Music School and many of Them participated in The Youth Choir of The city of Heraklion, under ... moreTHALITAS vocal ensemble was first created in 1996 as an activity of The “APOLLON” Music Club by Giorgos Kaloutsis. Its first members were students of The Club's Music School and many of Them participated in The Youth Choir of The city of Heraklion, under The direction of Mrs. Katerina Tzagkaraki. The name of The ensemble originates from Thalitas, an ancient cretan composer and legislator, after whom a street in Heraklion is named; in this street The first rehearsals of The ensemble took place.
The ensemble's primary goal was to acquaint its members with The a cappella (“in The chapel”, without church organ accompaniment) vocal music of The renaissance period. THALITAS began by studying and performing works of renowned composers of that era (e.g. Josquin des Prez, G. P. da Palestrina, Orlando di Lasso) to assist The learning process of its members' musical studies. After a while, The ensemble's repertoire was enriched with choral works from oTher eras, from The antiquity to The present, as well as with adaptat... less
Cantu Spiritus Chamber Choir
Cantu Spiritus means "singing spirit" in Latin. We are a select group of choristers from The Santa Fe, NM area. Our repertoire includes chamber works from The late Medieval to The Modern Era with emphasis on The polyphonic works of The Renaissan... moreCantu Spiritus means "singing spirit" in Latin. We are a select group of choristers from The Santa Fe, NM area. Our repertoire includes chamber works from The late Medieval to The Modern Era with emphasis on The polyphonic works of The Renaissance and Baroque periods.