Music played for the Toni and Trish house in Midland at Assumption Church in 2014.
The best choir achieves a Grace and beauty that is greater than the sum of its parts. But this is not an effect that can be created overnight. Individual talent and confidence is essential, but to really achieve new heights, every member of your choi...
A presentation at the Assumption Church in Midland for a fund raising event for the Toni and Trish house.
Live video at Grace Family Outreach, Ibom Hall, Uyo.
The Choral Society is a 150-voice ensemble of experienced professional and avocational singers who volunteer their time and talents in the service of the choral art form. Supported By some of New York’s finest freelance orchestra players, the Choral Soci... more
Spring show 2014
Gaudete, gaudete! Christus est natus Ex Maria virgine, gaudete! Rejoice, rejoice! Christ is born Of the Virgin Mary — rejoice! Tempus adest gratiæ Hoc quod optabamus, The time of Grace has come— what we wished for, Carmina lætitiæ Devote... more
Originally published: (note: Please refresh page if videos fail to connect.) Eve and Mary By Sr. Grace Remington, O.C.S.O Having grown up a Ba...
Arranged By Masashi Fujimoto UNION CHAPEL VOICES--------------- CLAUDINA EDWARDS, DEBBIE CHARLES, ANNA-LIISA DONATELLA, OGO AJALA, PIANO: REINA OKADA With technical problems, the video recorder has stopped. So only audio and still pic after 01... more
AC1 Highlights Our first song performed for the competition in the Open Mixed Repertoire. Coro: Giovani leite, fiori spargete / Mozart The Marriage of Figaro (Le Mariage de Figaro) #MusicInKigali #gciinkigali #mozart