Erik Satie's Sarabande No. 1 is one of my favourite piano pieces. For a long time, I felt there was an a cappella choral piece hiding within it, in plain sight. One day I got inspired and gave it a try. Creating a choral adaptation of a piano piece ha... more
Bach Badinerie Medley (Johann Sebastian Bach Badinerie suite No2, Toccata & Fugue Re-Minor) - «Жарт» Йоганна Себастьяна Баха, у виконанні Академічного камерного хору «Хрещатик», у сучасному перекладі а-капела – композитор Євген Петриченко, диригент - Павл... more
Adapted from Gustav Holst's 'The Planets' Suite - Holst set two verses of a poem by Sir Cecil Spring-Rice using part of 'Jupiter'. This arrangement by Paul Ayres Conducted by David Crown