Awake the Harp preparing my conducting recital back in 2015
Short Motet on the text Blessed are the dead who die in Christ, even so said the spirit for they rest from their labours, part of the Concert choir series from Spartan Press
Singing the 40 Part Motet by Tallis in St Patrick's Cathedral
Short Motet written for an Icelandic choir
A beautiful double choir Motet sung by Voices of Concinnity on their debut album, Awaiting Golden Light, through Navona Records
Motet by Thomas Tomkins - one of the greatest emotional expressions of the late Renaissance. Absalom, son of King David, was a handsome prince and considered by some to be worthy of the throne of Israel, even before David's death. One day, as Absalom w... more
recorded in 12/2008 St. Ursula, Vienna Details:
A new setting of the text of di Lasso's last Motet where the crucified Christ, speaking in the first person, confronts Peter's betrayal and indeed the sinfulness of all mankind. More info: Commission... more
Motet by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina Sicut cervus desiderat ad fontes aquarum, ita desiderat anima mea ad Te, Deus. Like as the hart desireth the waterbrook So longeth my soul after thee o God
Voices of Aloha (Mark Yasuhara, Director & Leilani Motet, Accompanist) Spring Concert 2017, Sunday, May 21, Kawaiahao Church in downtown Honolulu, Hawaii