Celebrating 4000 Facebook likes! Let the River Run as recorded on our campus in 2012 - music and lyrics by Carly Simon. Video & Production by: Unreel Pictures
【wow! 合唱】音樂會 時間/ 2014年9月20日 地點/ 大東文化藝術中心 指揮/ 朱如鳳 莉莉‧布蘭潔(Lili Boulanger, 1893-1918),第一位獲得法國羅馬大獎作曲首獎的女性,以印象樂派風格寫作著稱,混聲合唱曲〈森林內景〉(Sous bois, 1911),歌詞選自十九世紀法國劇作家吉爾(Philippe Gille, 1831-1901)的詩集《植物圖集詩冊》(L’Herbier, 1890),描繪夜訪森林的景象。樂曲隨歌詞分四段,鋼琴穩定的切分音如漫遊的步伐... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">【wow! 合唱】音樂會 時間/ 2014年9月20日 地點/ 大東文化藝術中心 指揮/ 朱如鳳 莉莉‧布蘭潔(Lili Boulanger, 1893-1918),第一位獲得法國羅馬大獎作曲首獎的女性,以印象樂派風格寫作著稱,混聲合唱曲〈森林內景〉(Sous bois, 1911),歌詞選自十九世紀法國劇作家吉爾(Philippe Gille, 1831-1901)的詩集《植物圖集詩冊》(L’Herbier, 1890),描繪夜訪森林的景象。樂曲隨歌詞分四段,鋼琴穩定的切分音如漫遊的步伐,時而點綴鶯啼般的快速音群,合唱團呈現對位織度,悠揚綿長的旋律,抒發歌詞中對時光易逝的感嘆。 Marchonsdevant nous,biendouceeSt la pente, Le rossignolchantedansl’ombre des bois, Noscoeurssontd’accord et la nuiteSt belle, Elle nous appelle,Ecoutonssavoix! 在我們前面引導的,是一條和緩的坡道 夜鶯在歌唱,在林間的陰暗處 我們的心意一致,而夜是如此地美麗 它招喚著我們,聆聽它的聲音 Pourquoifaut-ilque tout s’efface, Quecesrameauxsur nous penchés À d’autresdemainaient fait place Par le tempsflétris et séchés! 為什麼要將一切忘卻 除了這些傾斜在我們頭上的小樹枝 到明天可能將由其他的取代 因時間流逝而枯萎和乾燥 Ces bois verrontuneautreaurore Et d’autresnuits et d’autresjours, Des oiseaux y viendront encore Pour y chanter de nouvelles amours! 這片樹林將再看到另一個晨曦 在其他的夜晚和其他的白日裡 鳥兒仍將會來此 來此歡唱新的愛情 Et cedouxsentier qui nous charme, En l’absence d’un coeur glacé, Recevrapeut-êtreunelarme Oùtant de b... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
The Vocal Ensemble Notevolmente was founded in 2004 by a group of friends who wanted to share their desire to sing any type of music a capella. At present the Choir has 34 members. The group’s repertoire is very eclectic: from spirituals to sacred poly... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">The Vocal Ensemble Notevolmente was founded in 2004 by a group of friends who wanted to share their desire to sing any type of music a capella. At present the Choir has 34 members. The group’s repertoire is very eclectic: from spirituals to sacred polyphony, from pop music to regional and international folk songs. The ensemble has performed in many beautiful churches and other landmarks in Rome and in Central Italy, with concerts in the moSt important concert hAlls in the capital city and feStivals in many wonderful villas and palaces scattered around the countryside near Rome. In 2007 and 2009 the Choir participated with great enthusiasm in the International Choir FeStival in Val PuSteria. In the 2010 regional Choir conteSt at Formello the Choir came firSt in the pop category and second in the category for choral music from the 20th and 21St centuries. The Choir also won a special prize for having given the beSt performance of the whole conteSt. In 2011 the Choir participated in the international cho... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
The Jay Singers are a mixed voice a cappella based near Norwich, UK conducted by Neil Mackenzie - founder member of The Sixteen and current member of The BBC Singers. We are a well eStablished Choir, now in our second decade, that give concerts All ove... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">The Jay Singers are a mixed voice a cappella based near Norwich, UK conducted by Neil Mackenzie - founder member of The Sixteen and current member of The BBC Singers. We are a well eStablished Choir, now in our second decade, that give concerts All over Norfolk as well as further afield. We sing a wide range of music and have produced two CDs that reflect our repertoire. Further information about the Choir, upcoming concerts and the CDs are available on our website: ofollow">http://jaysingers.com or on our Facebook Page. Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
Concert at St Margarets, SilverStream, Upper Hutt 19 May 2013. This is our favourite song because we get to do solo lines and we totAlly love The Muppets..and we think Bret McKenzie also a Kiwi is pretty cool!
Praise in Public for legitimate accomplishment, don’t pander. Create chAllenging but attainable goals; short term, mid-term and long term. Take trips to both deStinations and feStivals, combined trips are beSt Schedul...
EVOKX, a portmanteau of the words ‘evoke’ and ‘vox’, was founded in 2010 as a non-profit choral group by music and artiStic director Terrence Toh. At the heart of EVOKX, our singers share a passion to inspire our audiences with choral music that resonates... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">EVOKX, a portmanteau of the words ‘evoke’ and ‘vox’, was founded in 2010 as a non-profit choral group by music and artiStic director Terrence Toh. At the heart of EVOKX, our singers share a passion to inspire our audiences with choral music that resonates with the soul, and inStill empathy and charity through community engagement and choral performance. We Stand Strong in our pursuit for artiStic excellence, and Strive to nurture our singers’ love of choral music by giving them an avenue to further pursue their intereSt in choral singing. In evoking the senses, emotions, and memories through the music we make, we hope to bring meaning and purpose to the community at large, and Stay SteadfaSt to our fundamental belief that music can bring people from All walks of life together to do good. Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
Founded in 1981 by Canadian Michel Marc Gervais, Pro Coro Canada is a resident ensemble at the Francis Winspear Centre for Music. In addition to a subscription concert series in Edmonton, the Choir performs regional concerts in surrounding Alberta centres... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Founded in 1981 by Canadian Michel Marc Gervais, Pro Coro Canada is a resident ensemble at the Francis Winspear Centre for Music. In addition to a subscription concert series in Edmonton, the Choir performs regional concerts in surrounding Alberta centres, and runs a touring program of choral education for primary and secondary schools. Pro Coro has performed at the Toronto International Choral FeStival (1994 and 2002), the 1988 Olympic Arts FeStival, and Canadian Voices (2003 landmark series of concerts celebrating 50 years of professional choral singing in Canada and R. Murray Schafer’s 70th year). The Choir has commissioned dozens of new works, the majority by Canadian composers. The twenty-four voices of Pro Coro Canada have been shaped by some of the fineSt choral conductors in the world, including Gervais, anders Eby (Sweden), Søren Hansen (Denmark), Agnes Grossmann (AuStria), and Richard Sparks (USA). GueSt conductors have included Frieder Bernius, Eric Ericson, Gary Graden, Maria Guinand, Bo Holten, E... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
Ladies and gentlemen of Reflections All live in SoutheaSt CornwAll, and are drawn together by their love of music, singing in particular. At present we have nineteen members, including our musical director and accompaniSt, both talented pianiSts who somet... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Ladies and gentlemen of Reflections All live in SoutheaSt CornwAll, and are drawn together by their love of music, singing in particular. At present we have nineteen members, including our musical director and accompaniSt, both talented pianiSts who sometimes provide a contraSt to the Choir’s singing with their piano duets. Reflections have given concerts in support of local charities, sometimes sharing the privilege with other Choirs and soloiSts. Many of our venues have been for religious organisations, either within their services and celebrations, or for their related charities. Our repertoire is very varied and includes sacred music and songs from shows and films, with composers from Bach to GoodAll, Cole Porter to Elton John. We have had a busy ChriStmas period with performances at Ridgeway MethodiSt Church, Plympton, Lanhydrock church and at the Mount Edgcumbe ChriStmas fair. Our diary can always accommodate new bookings, so if you would like to have a Choir at your event or function, don't hesita... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
Founded in 1992, Cadenza is now considered to be one of Scotland’s fineSt and moSt exciting amateur mixed voice Choirs, with members from a wide area of central Scotland. The Choir has performed throughout Scotland and beyond, with music covering All per... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Founded in 1992, Cadenza is now considered to be one of Scotland’s fineSt and moSt exciting amateur mixed voice Choirs, with members from a wide area of central Scotland. The Choir has performed throughout Scotland and beyond, with music covering All periods and moSt Styles. CriticAlly acclaimed, and attracting capacity audiences, at the Edinburgh Fringe and elsewhere, the Choir is regularly invited to perform at prominent events and has been broadcaSt on BBC Radio (3, 4 and Scotland) and Classic FM. Cadenza’s moSt recent CD - Bright Star: Cadenza at ChriStmas – was reviewed in Classical Music Magazine and included in BreakfaSt on 3’s Advent Calendar in December 2013. Jenny Sumerling became Musical Director in 2000 and under her direction Cadenza has gone from Strength to Strength. Ben Parry, Director of the National Youth Choirs of Great Britain has been Cadenza’s Patron since 2003. Charity concerts are a regular an important part of Cadenza’s annual programme, raising thousands of pounds for a wide range... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less