6,388 results found
How to move forward when you’re uninspired
[A version of this article first appeared as a post on my blog From the Front of the Choir]
I’m having a tough time writing this blog post.
Colleen is bored by scragz
I didn’t sleep well last night, I’ve been...
There are plenty of good reasons to sing
[this is a version of a post which first appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir]
A few weeks back I wrote about why people might not join choirs or attend singing workshops: 10 reasons why people don’t join choirs (but love to...
Heke hau (Hawaii)
Hawaiian proverb set to music. "Love is like a healing dew washing away all hurt". From Lila Flood, arranged by Nickomo.
This concert was the culmination of a six-week project which creates a choir from scratch for one night only. Each winter and summe... moreHawaiian proverb set to music. "Love is like a healing dew washing away all hurt". From Lila Flood, arranged by Nickomo.
This concert was the culmination of a six-week project which creates a choir from scratch for one night only. Each winter and summer, Chris Rowbury gathers a random bunch of singers from in and around Ipswich. There are no auditions and all songs are taught and learnt by ear. Usually eight songs are learnt in six two-hour sessions and in the winter are performed at St. Peters by the Waterfront, Ipswich. less
Barcarolle Choir
We are an international group of women in central London who love singing, friendship and fun.
Whether you are an experienced singer looking for new musical chAllenges, or someone who wants to give singing a try for the first time, Barcarolle is for y... moreWe are an international group of women in central London who love singing, friendship and fun.
Whether you are an experienced singer looking for new musical chAllenges, or someone who wants to give singing a try for the first time, Barcarolle is for you.
Comprising two choirs (the Belters with more modern repertoire and the Divas with a classical repertoire), Barcarolle offers something to suit all musical tastes and ability levels. Both choirs are led by acclaimed choir trainer Sam Evans. His engaging and energetic style will have you raising the roof in no time at all!
Toronto Beach Chorale
Toronto Beach Chorale (artistic director, Mervin W. Fick) is an auditioned SATB choir of up to 65 voices with a passion for presenting excellent choral music. TBC invites professional musicians, soloists, actors and other arts organizations to join in cla... moreToronto Beach Chorale (artistic director, Mervin W. Fick) is an auditioned SATB choir of up to 65 voices with a passion for presenting excellent choral music. TBC invites professional musicians, soloists, actors and other arts organizations to join in classical choral repertoire in 3 - 4 concerts per season. TBC organizes and participates in “Messiah for the City” and in many local community events. TBC’s “Choral Scholars Program offers subsidy and training to singers aged 19 to 24. Rehearsals are Wednesdays, 7 to 9:30pm, September to May, usually at Kingston Road United Church. Auditions in September and January; the ability to read music and choral experience are assets. less
Corale maschile Priamo Gallisay
From the desire of some now grown-up boys, coming from the most diverse singing experiences, the Priamo Gallisay Male Choir was born in 2007 which immediately characterized itself for an unusual repertoire in the Nuoro musical panorama. In 2012, the birth... moreFrom the desire of some now grown-up boys, coming from the most diverse singing experiences, the Priamo Gallisay Male Choir was born in 2007 which immediately characterized itself for an unusual repertoire in the Nuoro musical panorama. In 2012, the birth of the Priamo Gallisay Cultural Association completes the cultural path desired by the founders. The Corale has about 30 members among its ranks.
Os Mannskor
Stiftet i 1925 er Os Mannskor et av Bergensdistriktets eldste mannskor. Historisk og musikalsk er vi sentralt plassert i norsk amatør-korsang.
Mannskorets alder og tradisjoner hindrer oss ikke i å se framover
og ta opp nye oppgaver og utfordringer.
... moreStiftet i 1925 er Os Mannskor et av Bergensdistriktets eldste mannskor. Historisk og musikalsk er vi sentralt plassert i norsk amatør-korsang.
Mannskorets alder og tradisjoner hindrer oss ikke i å se framover
og ta opp nye oppgaver og utfordringer.
Vi reiser og synger gjerne i vårt eget land - og i utlandet. På YouTube kan du høre Os Mannskor synge Os sangen, og se bilder fra bygda vår.
Vi arbeider med et variert repertoar med stor spennvidde. Det dekker alt frå religiøs musikk til drikkeviser. Gammal og ny musikk, shanty, jazz - inspirert, negro spirituals og elles dei tradisjonelle mannskorverka.
Mange forbinder mannskor med 17. mai og gamle tradisjonelle sanger. Os Mannskor stiller villig opp 17. mai med nasjonale musikkskatter, men det er likevel bare en liten del av et frodig bilde. Vi er ikke opptatt av båser når det gjelder musikk. Om den er gammel eller ny, lett eller seriøs, spiller mindre rolle. Det avgjørende er at musikken framføres best mulig og fenger publikum.
Oppga... less
SingSpire Chorus
We are a Community Choir welcoming all voices! We love to sing at community events. Our vision is to bring 'the joy of singing' .....and we see that on the faces of the people we engage with from all walks of life.
We also put on a couple of variety conc... moreWe are a Community Choir welcoming all voices! We love to sing at community events. Our vision is to bring 'the joy of singing' .....and we see that on the faces of the people we engage with from all walks of life.
We also put on a couple of variety concerts each year raising funds for various needy causes.
'SingSpire Chorus'
We are a Community Choir welcoming all voices! We love to sing at community events. Our vision is to bring 'the joy of singing' .....and we see that on the faces of the people we engage with from all walks of life.
We also put on a couple of variety conc... moreWe are a Community Choir welcoming all voices! We love to sing at community events. Our vision is to bring 'the joy of singing' .....and we see that on the faces of the people we engage with from all walks of life.
We also put on a couple of variety concerts each year raising funds for various needy causes.