International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


2,698 results found
Academia Concerto Chamber Choir
group: Academia Concerto Chamber Choir

Made up of 24 professional sIngers, with national and International experience as soloists, teachers, conductors, and experts In choral Music, opera, chamber Music, and Musicals. It is conducted by maestro Altamiro Bernardes sInce its debut. This was t...  Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreisplay:none;">Made up of 24 professional sIngers, with national and International experience as soloists, teachers, conductors, and experts In choral Music, opera, chamber Music, and Musicals. It is conducted by maestro Altamiro Bernardes sInce its debut. This was the first group to become active at Academia Concerto In 2005 and durIng this time has made significant projects such as the participation In the Opera "Il Capulletti ed Il Montecchi" by BellIni, with first complete performance In Brazil In São Pedro Theatre - São Paulo, sang the American Musical "Video Games Live" with composer Jack Wall, made a joInt presentation with the American choir "BYU SIngers", performed Vivaldi’s "Beatus Vir" RV 579 for two choirs and orchestra with Madrigal Mackenzie. In 2011 was Guest Choir at International Choir Festival MUNDUS CANTAT In Poland and held a series of 13 concerts In various cities IncludIng the capital, Warsaw. More than a of high standart sIngers choir, the Academia Concerto...    Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less

Cantabile Chamber Singers
group: Cantabile Chamber SIngers

Chamber Choir of 16-20 voices based In Toronto, focussIng on new Music written by livIng composers. We also perform one major work each year with strIngs. Mandate: To create Music at a high standard and to outreach to local charities. www.cantabilech...  Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreisplay:none;">Chamber Choir of 16-20 voices based In Toronto, focussIng on new Music written by livIng composers. We also perform one major work each year with strIngs. Mandate: To create Music at a high standard and to outreach to local charities. We are on Facebook and also on Twitter: cantabileTO  

Anuna : Innisfree
video: Anuna : Innisfree

Download from iTunes here : Music by Michael McGlynn, text by W.B. Yeats. Sheet Music available from

blog: Come and sIng the Music of Victoria and his teachers In Avila Cathedral, SpaIn.

Follow the footsteps of Victoria with members of the Tallis Scholars.   Choral Music that would have been sung by Victoria When he was a boy chorister In Avila Cathedral.Tomás Luis de Victoria began his Musical career as a chorister In Avila...

Le charme - Zachary J. Moore
video: Le charme - Zachary J. Moore

Music by Zachary J. Moore Words by Armand Silvestre Translation by Christopher Goldsack Available for SSA or TTB Sheet Music:

Thalitas Vocal Ensemble
group: Thalitas Vocal Ensemble

THALITAS vocal ensemble was first created In 1996 as an activity of the “APOLLON” Music Club by Giorgos Kaloutsis. Its first members were students of the Club's Music School and many of them participated In the Youth Choir of the city of Heraklion, under ...  Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreisplay:none;">THALITAS vocal ensemble was first created In 1996 as an activity of the “APOLLON” Music Club by Giorgos Kaloutsis. Its first members were students of the Club's Music School and many of them participated In the Youth Choir of the city of Heraklion, under the direction of Mrs. KaterIna Tzagkaraki. The name of the ensemble origInates from Thalitas, an ancient cretan composer and legislator, after whom a street In Heraklion is named; In this street the first rehearsals of the ensemble took place. The ensemble's primary goal was to acquaInt its members with the a cappella (“In the chapel”, without church organ accompaniment) vocal Music of the renaissance period. THALITAS began by studyIng and performIng works of renowned composers of that era (e.g. JosquIn des Prez, G. P. da PalestrIna, Orlando di Lasso) to assist the learnIng process of its members' Musical studies. After a while, the ensemble's repertoire was enriched with choral works from other eras, from the antiquity to the present, as well as with adaptat...    Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less

Rongai - Serro (Kenyan Boys Choir Cover)
video: Rongai - Serro (Kenyan Boys Choir Cover)

Our Music has always been Inspired by Musicians all over the world. And the covers we do are an ode to these icons both abroad and at home. We are captivated by @SERRO KE and the Music that she creates and we decided to jump on the traIn and take on one ...  Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreisplay:none;">Our Music has always been Inspired by Musicians all over the world. And the covers we do are an ode to these icons both abroad and at home. We are captivated by @SERRO KE and the Music that she creates and we decided to jump on the traIn and take on one of her amazIng pieces. This is Our cover of the song 'Rongai' by @SERRO KE We've lInked the origInal video below so you can go and watch it. Don't forget to like, comment, share and subscribe to Our channel for more of how we choose to fill the time we have. This video is solely for presentational purposes. We do not own any rights to the origInal content. Any revenue generated from this video will go to the origInal artist. Arranged by: AlvIn Kadaji Performed by: @Kenyan Boys Choir Solo: Mike Wekesa 'Rongai' origInal video: Serro LInks; Twitter: Instagram: Apple Music: ...    Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less

International Festival Chorus (Singapore)
group: International Festival Chorus (SIngapore)

The fusion of Music, learnIng and Internationalism forms the cornerstone of the IFC. We are an adult all-volunteer Chorus with a membership that spans nationalities, generations and professions — united by a passion for Music and sIngIng. Some of Our ...  Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreisplay:none;">The fusion of Music, learnIng and Internationalism forms the cornerstone of the IFC. We are an adult all-volunteer Chorus with a membership that spans nationalities, generations and professions — united by a passion for Music and sIngIng. Some of Our members have had a lifetime of Music and choral experience; others are only just begInnIng to discover the joy of sIngIng. Whichever stage Our members are experiencIng In their personal Musical jOurneys, the IFC is filled with enrichIng opportunities to learn and grow both as Musicians and as Individuals. The IFC is committed to sharIng Our love for Music and choral sIngIng with the community through two formal concerts a year and additional performances at private and public events.  Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less

The Real Group
group: The Real Group

The Real Group was formed by five sIngers at the Royal Academy of Music and has been a professional ensemble sInce 1989 with apr 2700 concerts worldwide and 25 albums some of them gold or platInum. OrigInal members: Margareta Bengtson, KatarIna Henryson, ...  Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreisplay:none;">The Real Group was formed by five sIngers at the Royal Academy of Music and has been a professional ensemble sInce 1989 with apr 2700 concerts worldwide and 25 albums some of them gold or platInum. OrigInal members: Margareta Bengtson, KatarIna Henryson, Anders Edenroth, Peder Karlsson and Anders Jalkéus. Later members: Emma Nilsdotter, Morten VInther, Janis StrazdIns, Lisa Östergren and Anton Forsberg.  

A Cappella
group: A Cappella

A Cappella is an Early Music Choir based In Penzance. The choir, which has a membership of around 30 voices, was formed In 2007 by its Musical Director, Sheila Farmer. A Cappella is a tOurIng choir, havIng visited Prague and France, and hopIng to make a...  Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreisplay:none;">A Cappella is an Early Music Choir based In Penzance. The choir, which has a membership of around 30 voices, was formed In 2007 by its Musical Director, Sheila Farmer. A Cappella is a tOurIng choir, havIng visited Prague and France, and hopIng to make a tOur to SpaIn In the near future. The choir rehearses every other Saturday mornIng, between 10 a.m. and noon.