© John Lennon - Imagine "Imagine" (J. Lennon) u izvedbi Dječjeg zbora grada Siska "Crescendo". "Imagine" (J. Lennon) performed by The Children's Choir of Sisak "Crescendo".
The Idea The award winning “Funky Voices” was founded and launched in 2007 to meet The community who sought a Choir that sing modern music that can be enjoyed by everyone, NO AUDITION and NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED. Each Funky Voices rehearsal is taught by hi... more
Would you like to know more about The Choir? See our homepage www.vivakor.no "Viva, Sandnes kulturskolekor" is The full official name and you can also find us on Facebook with this name.
Madison Choral Project is a fully professional chamber Choir of 16 - 20 voices. We perform largely a Capella works from The Renaissance to present day commissions.
8th Colors of Worship A Sacred Music Festival @ Church of The Risen Lord UP Diliman
【貳和唱】音樂會 時間 / 2015年6月28日 地點 / 高雄市文化中心至善廳 指揮 / 林志信 鋼琴 / 楊郁雯 我欲攑目向山 摘錄詩篇121篇 排灣族調 改編:蕭泰然 此首樂曲中,蕭泰然根據排灣族的音樂改編,再賦予西方音樂之作曲手法加以潤飾而改編出這首樂曲。歌詞取自聖經詩篇一二一篇,描述神的幫助與看顧,並加入排灣族的語言唱出。音樂上則以輕快的節奏表現內心的喜悅,並用高音吶喊表現原住民的歡呼。 Ma Li Ma Li ti e su sa ma (感謝上主耶和華... more
From 11th - 13th December 2020 Ljubljana opens for The festival Choirs its best music venues for Choir concerts and performances. You are invited to enjoy togeTher The festival programme full of beautiful music. Competitive performance: December 12th , 20... more
This film was made in aid of The Cornwall Music Therapy Trust which now operates from within Cornwall Service TruSt. Please donate via https://www.cornwallmusicservicetruSt.org/support-us-donate
A SEASON TO SING A Season To Sing is a brand new 40-minute work for Choir and organ or piano, by British composer Joanna Forbes L’Estrange, inspired by Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons. A Season To Sing will be published by The Royal Scho...