Vocal group from Leuven- Belgium
120 young people, most of them universIty students, are turning their pop songs into a sparkling a-cappella experience!
The name de Profundis is Latin for out of the deep. It plays on the distinctiveness of the male voice, while at the same time bespeaking the conviction that music has the capacIty to reveal the profound, that which is concealed wIthin our own depths. ... more
From our 2010 Lessons and Carols Candlelight Service. We are joined by six extras (college students from ATU and OBU).
We are a group of young people who have come together to showcase the beauty of Music.
Premiere at Chieti, Italy. Published by Marcos Vinicius
Recorded at a concert to mark the fifth anniversary.
A presentation at the Assumption Church in Midland for a fund raising event for the Toni and Trish house.
Som un cor de música moderna. Ens agrada el pop, el rock, els musicals i cantar amb els amics.