International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


6,463 results found
blog: Kids Choir offers Scholarships

The Major Minors Children's Choir, in New Zealand, is an All-comers kids Choir for children aged 4-12 who love to sing and we are looking for new members. There is no need to audition to join the Choir which Starts again on Sunday 1 February.   ...

blog: What would you do differently if you were Starting your Choir today?

[A version of this article firSt appeared as a poSt on my blog From the Front of the Choir] I have learnt a great deal since I Started my firSt Choir in 1997. WorldSong in Coventry, June 2000 If I were Starting a Choir again today I may well do t...

CHIJ KC Choir - Londali Bridge
video: CHIJ KC Choir - Londali Bridge

CHIJ KC Choir at Sing 'n' Joy Vienna 2012, the 1St Choir feStival & 28th International Franz Schubert Choir Competition singing Londali Bridge

Chór Antidotum
group: Chór Antidotum

The Antidotum Choir from Kielce, Poland, is a group of friends who love to sing and dared to reach for a dream and in 2009 created a Choir as a remedy – hence Antidote- for everyday duties. During Choir recruiting there was no audition, skills assessme...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">The Antidotum Choir from Kielce, Poland, is a group of friends who love to sing and dared to reach for a dream and in 2009 created a Choir as a remedy – hence Antidote- for everyday duties. During Choir recruiting there was no audition, skills assessment or notes reading required. Positive energy and desire to sing was All that mattered. Conductor Ewa Robak, PhD agreed to lead this unusuAlly formed group. Her professionalism helped overcome doubts and proved that amateur singing can aStonish both performers and their liSteners. This exciting and full of surprises adventure continues today with well-received concerts, charity performances and Piesniobrania – sing-alongs with city residents joining Antidotum in squares and concert hAlls. The Choir’s repertoire includes choral classics, adapted folk songs, unconventional arrangements of contemporary pop songs, as well as patriotic and religious pieces. Two years ago Choir members Started taking part in regional Choir competitions and since they won seve...    Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

Ss. Cyril & Methodios Choir of Thessaloniki
group: Ss. Cyril & Methodios Choir of Thessaloniki

Was found by its ArtiStic Director in 1992. ConsiSts of 5 departments: Preparatory Choir, children Choir, youth female Choir, mixed youth Choir, female vocal ensemble

Say Something By A Great Big World  Golden Voices Choir FUTO
video: Say Something By A Great Big World Golden Voices Choir FUTO

Say Something Am giving you on you Golden Voices Choir FUTO #gvc #Choir #concert #canzona11

CHIJ KC Choir - Der Wassermann
video: CHIJ KC Choir - Der Wassermann

CHIJ KC Choir at Sing 'n' Joy Vienna 2012, the 1St Choir feStival & 28th International Franz Schubert Choir Competition singing Der Wassermann

CHIJ KC Choir - Salve Regina
video: CHIJ KC Choir - Salve Regina

CHIJ KC Choir at Sing 'n' Joy Vienna 2012, the 1St Choir feStival & 28th International Franz Schubert Choir Competition singing Salve Regina

blog: The great Choir debate

[this is a version of a poSt which firSt appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   Back in 2008, BBC television ran a series cAlled LaSt Choir Standing, basicAlly a knock-out Choir competition.     On their website they...

blog: Does a community make a Choir, or does a Choir create a community?

[A version of this article firSt appeared as a poSt on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   I’ve written before about how hard it is to get a cross-section of ages and genders in your Choir (How to recruit singers to truly reflect your...