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Nigra Sum
πολιτιστική εκπομπή με τη Σουζάνα Καζάκα σκηνοθεσία Ζωή Γανίτη.Το Διεθνές Χορωδιακό Φεστιβάλ Θεσσαλονίκης διοργανώνεται από την Πολιτιστική Λέσχη Προσωπικού ΟΤΕ Θεσσαλονίκης για 25η συνεχή χρονιά. Στόχος του φεστιβάλ είναι να συμβάλει στην ανάπτυξη των πο... moreπολιτιστική εκπομπή με τη Σουζάνα Καζάκα σκηνοθεσία Ζωή Γανίτη.Το Διεθνές Χορωδιακό Φεστιβάλ Θεσσαλονίκης διοργανώνεται από την Πολιτιστική Λέσχη Προσωπικού ΟΤΕ Θεσσαλονίκης για 25η συνεχή χρονιά. Στόχος του φεστιβάλ είναι να συμβάλει στην ανάπτυξη των πολιτιστικών ιδεωδών, στην καλλιέργεια υψηλών σχέσεων και ισχυρών δεσμών φιλίας μεταξύ ανθρώπων, φορέων και λαών, καθώς και στη συνεργασία τους μέσω της μουσικής που είναι η αμεσότερη μορφή τέχνης.
Θα συμμετάσχουν χορωδίες μικτές, ανδρικές, γυναικείες, εφηβικές, παιδικές από την Ελλάδα και το εξωτερικό.
Η επιλογή των διοργανωτών για υποχρεωτική παρουσίαση συγκεκριμένων ειδών μουσικής είναι συνειδητή, καθώς ένας από τους στόχους που έχει θέσει η Πολιτιστική Λέσχη Προσωπικού ΟΤΕ Θεσσαλονίκης για το φεστιβάλ είναι η συμβολή του στη διατήρηση και διάδοση του μουσικού πλούτου της πατρίδας μας και άλλων χωρών./The 31st International Choir festival of Ote-Aristoteles Concert Hall,Thessaloniki,Greece less
Wooster Chorus
Founded in 1964, The acclaimed Wooster Chorus is comprised of undergraduate students representing all academic areas within The College of Wooster's liberal arts program. Under The direction of Lisa Wong, The Choir has been praised for its beauty of sound... moreFounded in 1964, The acclaimed Wooster Chorus is comprised of undergraduate students representing all academic areas within The College of Wooster's liberal arts program. Under The direction of Lisa Wong, The Choir has been praised for its beauty of sound, high level of artistry, and engaging performances. The Wooster Chorus presents several concerts both on and off-campus throughout The academic year, and embarks each spring on a week-long domestic tour. Membership is by audition. Recent collaborative performances have included Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 in D Minor with The Cleveland Orchestra and Cleveland Orchestra Chorus. less
Why Are Punk Rock Choirs Coming to The Fore?
If you’ve already heard The HSS Choir belt out Their a capella version of I Wanna Be Sedated by The Ramones or The Blue Ribbon Glee Club putting a whole new spin on Wreckless Eric’s (I’d Go The) Whole Wide World, Then The idea ...
London Forest Choir
LFC was established in 1950 in Walthamstow, North East London, and has been based in that area ever since. With a membership of around 80, we are an eclectic bunch of people who share a common love of choral music. We offer new singers a warm welcome and... moreLFC was established in 1950 in Walthamstow, North East London, and has been based in that area ever since. With a membership of around 80, we are an eclectic bunch of people who share a common love of choral music. We offer new singers a warm welcome and The opportunity to take part in choral concerts in London four times a year, plus various oTher events and weekend trips away both abroad and in The UK.
There is a thriving though optional social side to Choir life including drinks after Monday night rehearsals and occasional Choir social evenings and oTher events.
The Choir's repertoire ranges widely from staple works such as Bach's St MatThew Passion and Mendelssohn's Elijah to more unusual and rarely heard works by composers such as Jonathan Dove and The Choir's music director Jonathan Rathbone. It recorded Richard Maunder's new edition of Mozart's Requiem under its former music director Murray Stewart, and in 2009-10 The Choir released a CD of The Choir's repertoire, Where'er You Walk, to celebrat... less
Willow Singers
We are a non-auditioned women's Choir based in South Leicestershire. We pride ourselves on our friendly atmosphere and The quality of our singing. We are let by Will Welsford who gives his considerable experience to help us find our best voices. We sing... moreWe are a non-auditioned women's Choir based in South Leicestershire. We pride ourselves on our friendly atmosphere and The quality of our singing. We are let by Will Welsford who gives his considerable experience to help us find our best voices. We sing everything from madrigals to musicals, folk to funk and have a great time doing it! Always open to new members, particularly sopranos at The moment!