una delle esibizioni della XVII rassegna di canto sacro Olbia 2011
天主在天受光榮 韋瓦第應用整首音樂的中心調性──D大調,巧妙地開始了首段,先是弦樂的八度大跳及連 續不斷的快速音群配合燦爛的小喇叭二重奏,為經典式的教會慶典音樂的代表;而合唱團以 和聲式的方式呈現,一開始即以強而有力的"Gloria"一詞,讚揚上帝的榮耀與偉大 ,不但充滿催眠似的力量,更使聽者有觸電般的感受。 指揮: 翁佳芬 伴奏: 巴洛克獨奏家樂團 時間: 2007/12/11 地點: 高雄市文化中心至德堂
El Coro Polifónico se fundó en la Universidad de La Laguna en 1983 y ha sido dirigido por algunos de los mejores directores de la isla, Dña. Carmen Cruz Simó, D. Carlos Alfonso Cedrés, D. Alfonso López Raymond, Sergio Rodriguez, estando actualmente bajo l... more
A week ago we had the honour of premiering this work in Córdoba at our anual end of the year gala concert. The Lamb, by John Tavener (1944-2013), with lirycs by William Blake (1757-1827), music that inspire reflection and perhaps will make you move to an ... more
Concerto Polifonico - Chiesa Concattedrale del SS. Salvatore, Messina, 26/12/2011
Coro RS of the University of Santo Tomas with their choice piece for Himig Tomasino 2009 Inter-collegiate Chorale Songfest Piece: Purihin Si Yahweh Conductor: Ken Lizardo
Coro Note Blu is a non-profit association. It was established in Rome (Italy) with the aim of promoting and encouraging musical activities and the practice of choral singing. The choir has taken part or organized more than 800 concerts, shows and music... more
XIV Rassegna polifonica "Chori Chantantes" - Militello in Val di Catania - 15/09/2011
Coro COMPACTO -EL GUAYATUNO (Efrain Medina Mora)
Concerto Polifonico - Chiesa Concattedrale del SS. Salvatore, Messina, 26/12/2011