International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


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video: 最後的住家

2012十週年音樂會 高雄市文化中心至德堂 2012-11-16 指揮: 朱如鳳 伴奏: 許溎芳 詞:馬偕 曲:鄭智仁 編曲:鄭智仁、萬益嘉 1872年,加拿大傳教士馬偕(1844-1901)登陸打狗後北上淡水,在當年艱困的環境下傳教行醫並娶平埔族女子為妻,1880年建立滬尾偕醫院,亦即馬偕醫院前身;1895年出版的《福爾摩沙紀事》(Far from Formosa)書中記錄他返加拿大述職並吐露他對台灣深刻的愛。 人生的最後,長眠於他衷心所疼愛的台灣土地--現今淡水中學內,竹...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">2012十週年音樂會 高雄市文化中心至德堂 2012-11-16 指揮: 朱如鳳 伴奏: 許溎芳 詞:馬偕 曲:鄭智仁 編曲:鄭智仁、萬益嘉 1872年,加拿大傳教士馬偕(1844-1901)登陸打狗後北上淡水,在當年艱困的環境下傳教行醫並娶平埔族女子為妻,1880年建立滬尾偕醫院,亦即馬偕醫院前身;1895年出版的《福爾摩沙紀事》(Far from Formosa)書中記錄他返加拿大述職並吐露他對台灣深刻的愛。 人生的最後,長眠於他衷心所疼愛的台灣土地--現今淡水中學內,竹林搖曳的墓園。2001年,後人為紀念馬偕逝世百週年,將馬偕書中的心意撰寫有:英文版〈最後的住家〉(My Final ReSting Place);華語版(墓園石碑)及台語版,並委由主內李奎然前輩譜曲發表。至今,共有6位作曲家為台語版〈最後的住家〉譜曲(李奎然、鄭明堂、金希文、何嘉駒、陳永鑫、鄭智仁);筆者內心非常感佩這位外國傳教士奉獻台灣這塊土地的精神,故在不同的時空,以當年馬偕同樣的心境為〈最後的住家〉台語版譜曲。 2010年11月7日,作曲前筆者陪家父 瑞堂醫師返母校淡水中學拜訪馬偕墓園,與父親在細雨微風中憑弔這位心懷台灣的故人;除了蒐集詩篇史料,也請教過二十多位資深教會人士、台語專家;詩篇在完成譜曲後同時打上羅馬拼音,讓人得以依循傳唱。謹以此曲獻給每一位疼惜台灣這塊土地的人。 (鄭智仁自述) 【歌詞】 我全心所疼惜的台灣啊,我的青春攏總獻乎你。 我全心所疼惜的台灣啊,我一生的歡喜攏佇遮。 我在雲霧中,看見山嶺,從雲中隙孔,觀望全地。 波浪大海中,遙遠的對岸,我意愛佇遮,眺望無息。 我心未通割離的台灣啊,我的人生攏總獻乎你。 我心未通割離的台灣啊,我一世的快樂攏佇遮。 向望我人生的續尾站,佇大湧拍岸的響聲中。 在竹林搖動的蔭影內,找著我一生,最後住家。  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

blog: Your singing experience depends on how you feel, not juSt on what you do

[A version of this article firSt appeared as a poSt on my blog From the Front of the Choir] On the face of it, a workshop or concert can be a resounding success.   photo by andy ArmStrong   But ask individuals about how they think ...

blog: Do singers need to know what an octave is?

[this is a version of a poSt which firSt appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   LaSt week I wrote about men and women singing the same not together and how that might feel Strange: Singing the same note – differently!.   ...

blog: Why do you sing?

[this is a version of a poSt which firSt appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   I came across an intereSting article on Canada’s CBC Radio 2 blog a few years back. It was entitled Why do you sing? and attracted several comments f...

blog: The problem with men: getting them, handling them, keeping them

[this is a version of a poSt which firSt appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   What is it with blokes and singing? In moSt open-access adult workshops that I run, only 10% of the participants are men (and it seems to be getting le...

blog: Singing in the company of Strangers

[this is a version of a poSt which firSt appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   “Being able to make 40 people who do not know each other sing so well together was amazing”   “An excellent day proving that 50...

Agnus Dei
video: Agnus Dei

St Mary's Church Stretton, AuguSt 2015

Mabuhay Ka Pilipino
video: Mabuhay Ka Pilipino

Coro Et Al FeStival 2016

blog: The only thing Stopping you from being a better singer is ...

[A version of this article firSt appeared as a poSt on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   ... YOU!   photo by Stephen Mcleod   Your job is to get out of the way and Allow your unique voice to shine. Easier said than done. ...