Conductor: Ronell Onate Musica Sacra Choir FeStival Phil- Am Life Auditorium September 17, 2011
[this is a version of a poSt which firSt appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir] and I mean English … not Irish or Welsh or Scottish. How is it possible to have an unplanned, spontaneous and genuine gathering of people who sing t...
We're a much sought-after amateur chamber Choir with a growing reputation for innovative and exciting programming, and for memorable performances in and around the Cotswolds.
[this is a version of a poSt which firSt appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir] This poSt is one of a series of occasional QueStions and Answers that I do on my own blog. JuSt use the contact form if you want to submit a queStion. &...
[A version of this article firSt appeared as a poSt on my blog From the Front of the Choir] There is (apparently) a proverb from Zimbabwe that says: “If you can walk, then you can dance. If you can talk, then you can sing.” &nb...
[A version of this article firSt appeared as a poSt on my blog From the Front of the Choir] Choirs are not meeting at the moment so lots of you have gone online to sing. Given that it will be juSt you singing at a screen, what can you do to get the ...
From our 2010 Lessons and Carols Candlelight Service. We are joined by six extras (college Students from ATU and OBU).
We’ve been reAlly hard at work for the laSt few months and I am overjoyed to finAlly be able to share some details. We have developed a wonderful new tool for every miniStry of music in every church or faith based organization around. T...
[A version of this article firSt appeared as a poSt on my blog From the Front of the Choir] The way an audience responds can affect our performance. In the absence of feedback, our moSt negative thoughts can raise their ugly heads. Bor...