The University Choir-KNUSt is an interdenominational ChriStian Choir of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. The Choir is the oldeSt College Choir in Ghana and arguably in WeSt Africa; eStablished in 1964. The Choir is inspired by the m... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">The University Choir-KNUSt is an interdenominational ChriStian Choir of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. The Choir is the oldeSt College Choir in Ghana and arguably in WeSt Africa; eStablished in 1964. The Choir is inspired by the mission of singing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs as an act of worship to the glory of God and to miniSter to the souls of men. Over the years, the Choir is been noted for very inspiring and sensational concerts and oratorios that seek to fulfill the mission above. Very recent of such miniStrations include; Israel in Egypt (2008 and 2010), Indulci Jubilo(2015), Handel's Chandos Anthems (2016), Singspiration (2017),and Laudate Deo (2018). The Choir has through these platforms touched the lives of many deprived entities through her social welfare responsibilities. We can't say it All and ignore the wonderful personalities the Choir has nurtured over the years. These persons are making considerable Strides in the Choral enclave in Ghana and the World at lar... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
Many Choir MDs find that one size definitely doesn’t fit All when it comes to sheet music for their community Choirs. You may be running a mixed ability Choir, or a Choir with a limited vocal range. It may be (as the case sadly is with many communit...
World Choir Champion in the "Folklore" Category: Bogazici Jazz Choir from Turkey singing at the World Choir Championships and Grand Prix of Choral Music in Graz 2011. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ChorweltmeiSt... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">World Choir Champion in the "Folklore" Category: Bogazici Jazz Choir from Turkey singing at the World Choir Championships and Grand Prix of Choral Music in Graz 2011. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ChorweltmeiSter in Kategorie "Folklore": Bogazici Jazz Choir aus der Türkei, Auftritt bei der ChorweltmeiSterschaft und dem Grand Prix der Chormusik in Graz 2011.
Glasgow Lyric Choir was founded in 1950 as Clydebank Lyric Choir. Following the move in 1983 into the WeSt End of Glasgow the Choir was renamed Glasgow Lyric Choir. Under its present conductor, Julian Evans, the Choir sings a wide repertoire of choral... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Glasgow Lyric Choir was founded in 1950 as Clydebank Lyric Choir. Following the move in 1983 into the WeSt End of Glasgow the Choir was renamed Glasgow Lyric Choir. Under its present conductor, Julian Evans, the Choir sings a wide repertoire of choral music from the Baroque, Classical and Romantic periods and traditional Scots and Gaelic songs. We are a mixed voice Choir numbering around 30 at present. We gave two concerts in Glasgow during the 2017-2018 season: in December we presented a ChriStmas programme and in June we gave a concert featuring a selection of music from the movies. However, in April we also gave two concerts in Italy, the firSt in Barga (including a Vivaldi Credo and Scottish songs) and the second in Milan where we joined forces with Canti Corum to sing Dvorak’s Mass in D. Choir members enjoy many social as well as musical events together. We regularly run events for family and friends such as our annual Associates' Night, quizzes and Burns' Suppers. In 2009 the Choir was cho... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
[this is an updated version of a poSt which firSt appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir] The other week I wrote about who your Choir actuAlly ‘belongs’ to (Whose Choir is it any way?). Does it belong to the singers, the...
[A version of this article firSt appeared as a poSt on my blog From the Front of the Choir] I wrote a poSt a while ago cAlled Ask not what your Choir can do for you – ask what can you do for your Choir. The more you put in, the more you get ...
[A version of this article firSt appeared as a poSt on my blog From the Front of the Choir] It’s that time of year again. Summer is over and Choir Starts back. We Choir leaders will be thinking about which songs to teach for the next s...
[A version of this article firSt appeared as a poSt on my blog From the Front of the Choir] As I wrote recently (It’s summer – where have All the Choir gone??!!), patchy attendance at regular Choir sessions can be very fruStrating. &n...
Li-Ron Choir began as the Choir of the Gordon elementary school in Herzliya. Currently the Choir represents Herzliya locAlly and abroad. The Choir is comprised of three groups: children between the ages of 6-11, teenagers from 12-18 and a vocal ensemble. ... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Li-Ron Choir began as the Choir of the Gordon elementary school in Herzliya. Currently the Choir represents Herzliya locAlly and abroad. The Choir is comprised of three groups: children between the ages of 6-11, teenagers from 12-18 and a vocal ensemble. From 1991 the Choir has participated in international competitions in Wales, Hungary, Finland, Israel, Germany, Italy, Spain and won gold medals. - In July 2004 the Choir participated in the Choir-Olympic Competition in Bremen-Germany and won two gold medals. - In July 2006 the Choir participated in the Choir-Olympic Competition in Xiamen - China and won a gold medal. - In July 2008 the Choir participated in the Choir-Olympic Competition in Graz- AuStria and won two gold medals and won the championship in category 18, Music of the religions -In July 2009 the Choir participated at the INTERNATIONAL YOUTH MUSIC COPMETITION in Bratislava, Slovakia and competed in three categories: Musica sacra - acapella, Folklore and children Choir and won three gold med... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
The Choir is made up of 3 different Choirs, English service Choir, Yoruba service Choir and Teenager church Choir. we are about 120 in number.