International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


892 results found
Will the circle be unbroken - Coro Giovanile "With Us" (dir. Camilla Di Lorenzo
video: Will the circle be unbroken - Coro Giovanile "With Us" (dir. Camilla Di Lorenzo

Ubi Caritas - Ola Gjeilo
video: Ubi Caritas - Ola Gjeilo

Ubi Caritas de Ola Gjeilo en el Concierto de Año Nuevo del Coro de Cámara Ainur en la Iglesia de Santo Domingo

Cubanita, Eva Ugalde
video: CUBAnita, Eva Ugalde

CUBAnita, Eva Ugalde. Coro las Veredas. I Seminario de Canto Coral, dirigido por Basilio Astulez. Junio de 2011

Soneto (Javier Busto)
video: Soneto (Javier Busto)

Coro COMPACTO - Soneto - Musica: Javier Bustos. Letra: Pablo Neruda

Coro Tomás Luis de Victoria de Brunete
group: Coro Tomás Luis de Victoria de Brunete

lass="view_more">It was founded in the Holy Week of 1996, as a consequence of the tradition of performing in the church of Brunete (Madrid, Spain) the Responsorios of the Renaissance composer Tomás Luis de Victoria (c. 1548-1611) during that season. It was and still is a ...  lass="view_more_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">morelass="view_more" style="display:none;">It was founded in the Holy Week of 1996, as a consequence of the tradition of performing in the church of Brunete (Madrid, Spain) the Responsorios of the Renaissance composer Tomás Luis de Victoria (c. 1548-1611) during that season. It was and still is a chamber choir especially interested in the polyphony of the Renaissance, and particularly in the composer it takes its name from, although the choir does also interpret works from every period. Its members’ hard work and joint enthusiasm along all these years, under the direction of Antonio Peces, crystallise in the neat blend of the voices and the sensitivity that its interpretations instill. The group provides experience and a consolidated musicality, while exploring every facet of choral music, as well as the singularity of the great masters’ art. Its musical perspective has been very satisfactorily widened thanks to the work carried out under the direction of Konrad von Abel in the last three years, through several intensive meetings and the joint preparati...    lass="view_less_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less

Ubi caritas et amor by Manolo Da Rold
video: Ubi caritas et amor by Manolo Da Rold

Coro Polifonico di Ruda direttore Fabiana Noro Registrazione Live avvenuta presso la Basilica di Aquileia (UD) il 27 settembre 2020

Song of Hope (S. Lindmark) Coro Giovanile With Us diretto da Camilla Di Lorenzo
video: Song of Hope (S. Lindmark) Coro Giovanile With Us diretto da Camilla Di Lorenzo

Jingle Bells - J.Pierpont - Coro Anzano
video: Jingle Bells - J.Pierpont - Coro Anzano

Un classico natalizio che ci ha accompagnato nel Natale 2012. Recuperato grazie agli amici del Corpo Bandistico di Cappella Maggiore. Registrazione in occasione del concerto di Natale nella Chiesa di Santa Maria Maddalena a Cappella Maggiore.

Pase el agoa
video: Pase el agoa

lass="view_more">Coro Mixto de la Secretaría de Estado de Educación y Cultura de Tucumán Director Carlos Andrés Aciar Iglesia Evangélica Metodista San Miguel de Tucumán 1994 @Miriam Gomez @ Hortensia Gómez @Roxana Manrique @Sofía Paris @Patricia Albornoz @Es...  lass="view_more_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">morelass="view_more" style="display:none;">Coro Mixto de la Secretaría de Estado de Educación y Cultura de Tucumán Director Carlos Andrés Aciar Iglesia Evangélica Metodista San Miguel de Tucumán 1994 @Miriam Gomez @ Hortensia Gómez @Roxana Manrique @Sofía Paris @Patricia Albornoz @Estela Juarez @Liliana Maidana @Claudia Manrique @Sergio Albarracín @Carlos Castilla @Eduardo Schettini @Roque Torres @Carlos Pedro @Mario Sánchez @Gustavo Sáenz @Raúl Serra  

Coro de Immaculada Concepcion
group: Coro de Immaculada Concepcion

lass="view_more">In August 2007, under the pastoral leadership of Dina Galapon of Immaculate Conception Chapel, the Coro de Immaculada Concepcion, was born, organized from the elders of the North Susana Executive Village community who volunteered their services for practi...  lass="view_more_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">morelass="view_more" style="display:none;">In August 2007, under the pastoral leadership of Dina Galapon of Immaculate Conception Chapel, the Coro de Immaculada Concepcion, was born, organized from the elders of the North Susana Executive Village community who volunteered their services for practices and attendance in the church's Sunday worship, and also during the special holidays of the year. Invariably with members from 12 to 18 at times, the CdIC was invited to assist at services of SVD priest on ABS-CBN masses and special eucharistic celebration at our parish church of the Holy Spirit in BF Homes at Quezon City. lately the choir has also been singing at funeral masses of special community members who have rendered extraordinary services to the church  lass="view_less_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less