Концертная программа "Ave MARIA" 21 ноября, 2020. Руководитель программы - хормейстер, лауреат всероссийских и международных конкурсов Светлана Долниковская.
Ss. Cyril & Methodios Choir Music Director: MARIA Emma Meligopoulou Μουσικό σύνολο: Νίκος Ζαφρανάς (πιάνο, τσέμπαλο) Έλπίδα Τσάμη (πιάνο) Aθηνά Βρεττού (βιολί) Στεφανία Χασάπη (βιολί) Σοφία Βρεττού (τσέλο) Λυδία Τσάμη (τσέλο) Παραγωγή: ΟΜΜΘ ... more
To What a wondeful world είναι δημιουργία των George Weiss George Douglas και το ερμήνευσε πρώτη φορά ο Louis Amstrong το 1967.
This chorus is well-known for everyone who ever sang in the MEPhI Male Choir, since from the beginning of the choir (in 1956) it has always been among the first pieces for the choir newcomers (along with Chorus of Men from "The Demon" and Gaudeamus). ... more
I Concerti del 15° Anniversario di fondazione Santuario S. MARIA delle Grazie - MONZA (MB) 7 Giugno 2014
World Youth Choir ( WYC ) - Summer Session 2003 Switzerland - Conductress: María Guinand - Cloudburst - website: www.worldyouthchoir.org - © all rights reserved by Jürg Schönenberger, Switzerland
Prière es una obra a cappella escrita para coro de mujeres sobre un poema religioso del Padre Léonce de Grandmaison. El texto, relacionado con la tradición cristiana de las vigilias con candelas, es una emotiva plegaria a la Virgen María. Compositor: A... more
Coral Jardin Menesteo began its music history throughout 2014, as the result of the union of two choir groups from Puerto de Santa María, one, Jardin de Schonberg, which was founded in 1993, and another one, Camerata Menesteo, founded in 1997. It should b... more
EGO SUM RESURRECTIO ET VITA Musik Suci untuk Hari Raya Semua Orang Kudus dan Peringatan Mulia Arwah Semua Orang Beriman Sabtu, 01 November 2014 | Pukul 19.00 - 21.00 Kapel Biara Ursulin Santa MARIA, Jakarta Pusat P R O G R A M : S... more