International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


49 results found
blog: Becoming a choir leader – it’s a long Story!

[this is a version of a post which first appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   I realise that apart from my profile page on this blog, you probably don’t know much about me or my jOurney to become a choir and singing workshop lea...

Highlights of the With One Voice Program HD by Creativity Australia
video: Highlights of the With One Voice Program HD by Creativity Australia Singing is the language of the heart. For centuries, song has played a key role in community, culture and Story-telling worldwide. Yet how many people dare to sing freely these days... apart from in the shower? Community s...  more

blog: Starting a new choir: my Story and what I have learned

[A version of this article first appeared as a post on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   Having written about starting yOur own community choir, in 2011 I put my money where my mouth is and started a brand new singing group – my first in...

blog: The Story behind The Last March of Destiny

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blog: Almas de Barro: The Story behind a choral work

How was this work created?   Santiago Veros at the age of 19 writes this piece dedicated to a woman who for that time she was shy and he rarely talked with her.Almas de Barro describes intimately the moments of counterpoint classes when these two p...

Soliloquy: Westminster Chorus - the story behind the music
video: Soliloquy: Westminster Chorus - the Story behind the music

This is why I sing and why I sing this genre. I wish I could be there to experience it.. I am sure that there will not be a dry eye in the house when these guy's perform. And there is likely to be over 12000 men in the venue. Tune into the li...  more

Somewhere (West Side Story)
video: Somewhere (West Side Story)

Performed by Universitair Koor Antwerpen at their Christmas Concert "Once Upon A December" on December 19, 2017.

blog: Venezia in Musica 2018 – SING! at San Marco

The Story of “Venezia in Musica” started in 2003! Sing! In concerts beside the palaces, romantic buildings, lagoons and gondolas of Venice. Find you safe in competition at the clean and tiny charm of the city of Caorle to only name some of the...

blog: The Little Match Girl Passion (Wednesday, December 23, 7:00 p.m.)

A new holiday tradition: experience the "tender and mysterious atmosphere" (New York Times) of David Lang's Pulitzer Prize–winning choral parable, The Little Match Girl Passion, based on the powerful eponymous Story by Hans Christian Andersen. ...

blog: What Makes a Good Performance? - The Story of Stanley

The community choir I direct recently performed at an assisted living facility in San Diego.   After the performance, one of the choir members asked me how I thought we’d done.  I went over in my mind the usual choir stuff:  We c...