Chiesa Madonna del Carmine - Vil. Brollo, Solaro (Mi) 22/12/2019 riprese video: Stefania Marino
Based in the San Gabriel Valley, Pro Mundi is committed to providing high quality performances of classical repertoire. We are an ensemble consisting of advanced volunteer singers who are devoted to choral Music and the arts. Pro Mundi is dedicated to ma... more
Chiesa Madonna del Carmine - Vill. Brollo, Solaro (Mi) 22/12/2019 riprese video: Stefania Marino
Chiesa Madonna del Carmine - Vill. Brollo, Solaro (Mi) 22/12/2019 - riprese video: Stefania Marino
mottetto per coro a cappella registrazione live 25 giugno 2016 Chiesa San Bernardino - SESTO CALENDE /Va)
I CONCERTI DEL 15° ANNIVERSARIO Chiesa San Bartolomeo Villadossola (VB), 21 Giugno 2014
I Concerti del 15° Anniversario di fondazione Santuario S. Maria delle Grazie - MONZA (MB) 7 Giugno 2014
Formed by Peter Leech in 2009, specifically for the performance of late-Renaissance and early-Baroque Music to the highest standards, Harmonia Sacra received critical acclaim at their inaugural Advent Reflections concert at the church of St Thomas the Mar... more
mottetto per coro a cappella registrazione live 25 giugno 2016 Chiesa San Bernardino - SESTO CALENDE /Va)
Musical Meditation for the Paschal Triduum 逾越節三日慶典聖樂默想 II. Good Friday 救主受難紀念 "Salvator Mundi" by Thomas Tallis (1505-1585) Salvator mundi, salva nos, qui per crucem et sanguinem redemisti nos, auxiliare nobis, te deprecamur, Deus noster. - -... more