Brano vincitore del 1° Concorso di composizione corale "Nella città dei Gremi"
Regina Coeli by Manolo Da Rold Coro Eos di Roma diretto da Fabrizio Barchi Dedicated to the "Amuse singers" choir of New York city
All roads lead to Rome, to the Eternal City meeting music is very happy to announce the 7th Musica Eterna Roma – International Choir Festival and Competition from July 1-5, 2016 in Rome, Italy Choirs can choose from the categor...
Gloriosa dicta sunt n° 2 - Vytautas Miskinis Coro dell'Associazione Musicale "G. Rossini" di Sassari - direttore: Clara Antoniciello Festival Internazionale della Musica Corale "Nella città dei Gremi" - Sassari Chiesa San Giuseppe , Venerdì 28 settembre 2012
...un pezzo che amiamo fare all'impronta, per ricordarci sempre come pulsa il cuore di un Coro.
dirige Giulia Catenazzo Canta il Roma RAINBOW CHOIR
Originally from the movie "Sister Act I" English Lyric by Norman Gimbel and Arthur Altman Original Lyric by Jacques Plante Music by J.W. Stole and Del Roma Choral arrangement by Stijn dierckx Performed by Universitair Koor Antwerpen at their Chri... display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moredisplay:none;">Originally from the movie "Sister Act I" English Lyric by Norman Gimbel and Arthur Altman Original Lyric by Jacques Plante Music by J.W. Stole and Del Roma Choral arrangement by Stijn dierckx Performed by Universitair Koor Antwerpen at their Christmas Concert "Praise The Chord" on December 15, 2015.
I Notevolmente irrompono nel Mondadori Multicenter di Roma Est con un Flash Mob CoraLetterario, eseguendo per la prima volta la loro personalissima versione di Mad World.
MUSE - Cincinnati's Women's Choir sings "We All Sang Bread and Roses" by Mimi Farina at their International Women's Day Concert on March 2, 2013. Introduction by Angie Denov, Catherine Roma, diana Porter and Rhonda Whitten. St. Monica - St. George Parish ... display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moredisplay:none;">MUSE - Cincinnati's Women's Choir sings "We All Sang Bread and Roses" by Mimi Farina at their International Women's Day Concert on March 2, 2013. Introduction by Angie Denov, Catherine Roma, diana Porter and Rhonda Whitten. St. Monica - St. George Parish Newman Center. Shot on Ursula Roma's iPhone.