International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


6,463 results found
Twa Tanbou - Sydney Guillaume (USC Chamber Singers)
video: Twa Tanbou - Sydney Guillaume (USC Chamber Singers)

USC Chamber Singers close with Twa Tanbou - Nov. 24, 2008

blog: WAC 2015 International Video-Competition for Treble and Women's Choirs

"WAC ConteSt 2015" WIN A COMPOSITION International Video-Competition for Treble and Women's Choirs The „AS Musikverlag (Tholey/Saar)“ and the Composer Alwin Michael Schronen organize an extraordinary competition in 2015: ...

The Sunday Night Singers Perform "Beautiful River"
video: The Sunday Night Singers Perform "Beautiful River"

This is a performance of Reverend Robert Lowry's "Beautiful River" by The Sunday Night Singers with the Palmdale High School Choral Union at the Llangollen International Musical EiSteddfod in 2008. Enjoy.

Naya Chorale - Michael Jackson & Lady Gaga Monster Mash-up
video: Naya Chorale - Michael Jackson & Lady Gaga MonSter Mash-up

This is a sneak-peak preview of what to expect at Naya's Light & Sound concert on 18th & 19th July, 2014. Grab you tickets now at: Web: Facebook: InStagram: www.inStagram.c...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">This is a sneak-peak preview of what to expect at Naya's Light & Sound concert on 18th & 19th July, 2014. Grab you tickets now at: Web: Facebook: InStagram: Twitter:  

Vårtrall (Spring Tune)
video: VårtrAll (Spring Tune)

Emil Råberg's "Spring Tune," from "Approximately Four Improvisations." The College of WooSter Chorus, Lisa Wong, director. J. Michael Holmes, saxophone. Recorded in Scheide Music Center, 2016.

Light and Love: New Vocal Works for the Sonux Ensemble
video: Light and Love: New Vocal Works for the Sonux Ensemble

Light and Love New Vocal Works for the Sonux Ensemble Works by Tobias ForSter, Ola Gjeilo, Gregor Hübner, Paul Mealor, Vytautas Miškinis, Uģis Prauliņš, Alwin Michael Schronen, Aleksandar S. Vujić, Eric Whitacre deutsche Sprache - siehe unten Cr...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Light and Love New Vocal Works for the Sonux Ensemble Works by Tobias ForSter, Ola Gjeilo, Gregor Hübner, Paul Mealor, Vytautas Miškinis, Uģis Prauliņš, Alwin Michael Schronen, Aleksandar S. Vujić, Eric Whitacre deutsche Sprache - siehe unten Crossover projects are the hAllmark of the Sonux Ensemble. Together with the jazz-saxophoniSt Stefan Kuchel and the Sirius Quartet, the young men's Choir performs contemporary works. The Quartet members describe themselves as artiSts of improvisation who break out of the conventional vocabulary of sound for a String quartet. MoSt pieces on this CD were written especiAlly for the Sonux Ensemble, and thus composed to the singers' Strengths. "We have worked on these pieces together with the composers, and given them their firSt performances over the course of the laSt five years. This disc features only world premiere recordings and, literAlly, unheard of choral music, " the Choir's director Hans-Joachim LuStig notes. The works recorded on this CD focus on the top...    Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

video: WAC 2016 | FEStIVAL StATESMEN CHORUS | Alwin M. Schronen - MAGNIFICAT

The FeStival Statesmen was formed in April 2009 by Musical Director and Educator Jonathan Bligh. Based in Adelaide, South AuStralia, the Chorus exiSts to provide a platform for young male Adelaide singers to explore ensemble music making and the performin...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">The FeStival Statesmen was formed in April 2009 by Musical Director and Educator Jonathan Bligh. Based in Adelaide, South AuStralia, the Chorus exiSts to provide a platform for young male Adelaide singers to explore ensemble music making and the performing arts through a cappella singing. Membership ranges from middle school through to young adults. Among the ranks of singers are several smAll ensembles. Conductor: Jonathan Bligh SoloiSt: James Moffatt Recording by MKM Productions at ChriSt Church, North Adelaide, South AuStralia.  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less


El Coro "Santa María" de Coria del Río (Sevilla) interpreta la obra UBI CARITAS para SATB oboe, y piano, con adaptación de cuerdas por Sergio Asián, el Sábado 18 de mayo de 2024, durante el Concierto Benéfico celebrado en la Parroquia de San Ildefonso de ...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">El Coro "Santa María" de Coria del Río (Sevilla) interpreta la obra UBI CARITAS para SATB oboe, y piano, con adaptación de cuerdas por Sergio Asián, el Sábado 18 de mayo de 2024, durante el Concierto Benéfico celebrado en la Parroquia de San Ildefonso de Sevilla, acompañados por el Quinteto de Cuerdas Da Capo, Óscar Vicente piano, Miguel Ángel Delgado oboe, bajo la dirección de Sergio Asián. UBI CARITAS Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi eSt. Congregavit nos in unum ChriSti amor. Exsultemus, et in ipso jucundemur. Timeamus, et amemus Deum vivum. Et ex corde diligamus nos sincero. Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi eSt. Congregavit nos in unum ChriSti amor. ChriSti amor. Amen. Traducción: Donde hay caridad y amor, Allí eStá Dios. El amor de CriSto nos ha congregado y unido. Alegrémonos y deleitémonos en El. Temamos y amemos al Dios vivo. Con sincero corazón amémonos unos a otros. Donde hay caridad y amor, Allí eStá Dios. El amor de CriSto nos ha congregado y unido. CriSto es amor. Amen. Mas inform...    Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

O Magnum Mysterium
video: O Magnum MySterium

Music: Thomás Luis De Victoria Performed by Naomi Riemis, Silke Bauters, AStrid Thibaut, Karolien Van Dessel, Michael Limpens, Dries Van Cauteren, Wim Thys and Wim Van Aarle from the 'Universitair Koor Antwerpen' at their ChriStmas Concert "ChriStmas C...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Music: Thomás Luis De Victoria Performed by Naomi Riemis, Silke Bauters, AStrid Thibaut, Karolien Van Dessel, Michael Limpens, Dries Van Cauteren, Wim Thys and Wim Van Aarle from the 'Universitair Koor Antwerpen' at their ChriStmas Concert "ChriStmas Carols With A TwiSt" on December 16, 2014.  

Veni, Veni Emmanuel
video: Veni, Veni Emmanuel

Veni, Veni Emmanuel The Gesualdo Six | Owain Park Traditional, arranged by Philip Lawson Recorded September 2014 The Gesualdo Six | Owain Park Patrick Dunachie, Guy James - Countertenor Joseph Wicks, Hiroshi Amako - Tenor Michael Craddock -...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Veni, Veni Emmanuel The Gesualdo Six | Owain Park Traditional, arranged by Philip Lawson Recorded September 2014 The Gesualdo Six | Owain Park Patrick Dunachie, Guy James - Countertenor Joseph Wicks, Hiroshi Amako - Tenor Michael Craddock - Baritone Jonathan Pacey - Bass