6,539 results found
Song of Ezekiel by Michael Torke
Cantores Celestes Women's Choir
Kelly Galbraith, Director
Ellen Meyer, Pianist
Krzysztof Penderecki - Agnus Dei [LIVE!] {new}
Recorded live on "Koncert Papieski", 22.10.2016 Częstochowa, The Jasna Góra Monastery
Czestochowa Philharmonic Choir COLLEGIUM CANTORUM
Director: Janusz Siadlak
Follo... moreRecorded live on "Koncert Papieski", 22.10.2016 Częstochowa, The Jasna Góra Monastery
Czestochowa Philharmonic Choir COLLEGIUM CANTORUM
Director: Janusz Siadlak
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Javier Busto - Ave Maria
Javier Busto - AVE MARIA
Performed by Pektoral Chamber Choir (Kyiv, Ukraine).
Art Directior - Andriy Karpinets.
(Live recording from the Christmas Concert at Kyiv City House of Teacher).
Our SoundCloud page: moreJavier Busto - AVE MARIA
Performed by Pektoral Chamber Choir (Kyiv, Ukraine).
Art Directior - Andriy Karpinets.
(Live recording from the Christmas Concert at Kyiv City House of Teacher).
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St. Colman's Cathedral Chamber Choir with John Daly
Benedictus by John Daly,
Cobh Cathedral Concert part 13 blue shed film & video productions cork, Concert Put together by the talented Mr. Dominic Finn, Cobh
Filmed by Blueshed Video Productions, Youghal, Cork, Ireland
Camera A: Shane Supple ... moreBenedictus by John Daly,
Cobh Cathedral Concert part 13 blue shed film & video productions cork, Concert Put together by the talented Mr. Dominic Finn, Cobh
Filmed by Blueshed Video Productions, Youghal, Cork, Ireland
Camera A: Shane Supple
Camera B: David Farrell
Camera C: Maurice Supple
Directed & Edited: Maurice Supple
Special Thanks to Kieran Mc Carthy less
Time to Shine
Time to Shine · Melbourne Contemporary Choir
This uplifting anthem is suited for contemporary ensembles. An original Australian composition by MCCHOIR creative director Jason Simmonds and musical genius Jared Haschek.
℗ 2016 Jason Simmonds and Jared H... moreTime to Shine · Melbourne Contemporary Choir
This uplifting anthem is suited for contemporary ensembles. An original Australian composition by MCCHOIR creative director Jason Simmonds and musical genius Jared Haschek.
℗ 2016 Jason Simmonds and Jared Haschek
Released on: 2016-06-08
Gospelchor Rejoice, World Choir Games 2012, Soon I will be done - Mark Haves
Der Gospelchor Rejoice nahm im Juli 2012 an dem größten internationalen Chorwettbewerb der Welt, den World Choir Games in Cincinnati/Ohio, teil. Der Gospelchor trat in den Kategorien Spiritual und Gospel an. Hier sehen Sie den Gospelchor Rejoice beim Wett... moreDer Gospelchor Rejoice nahm im Juli 2012 an dem größten internationalen Chorwettbewerb der Welt, den World Choir Games in Cincinnati/Ohio, teil. Der Gospelchor trat in den Kategorien Spiritual und Gospel an. Hier sehen Sie den Gospelchor Rejoice beim Wettbewerb Spiritual mit dem Lied "Soon I will be done" von Mark Haves. Der Gospelchor gewann in beiden Kategorien die Silbermedaille.
Sarah Class: Symphonie Lumière Cantores Celestes Women's Choir, Kelly Galbraith: Director
April 23, 2016 Cantores Celestes presents: Songs of the Universe
Cantores Celestes Women's Choir
Kelly Galbraith, Director
Ellen Meyer, Piano
Matthew Coons, Organ
Emperor String Quartet
Peter Stoll, Clarinet
Andy Morris, Percussion
Trio: Hilary Mc... moreApril 23, 2016 Cantores Celestes presents: Songs of the Universe
Cantores Celestes Women's Choir
Kelly Galbraith, Director
Ellen Meyer, Piano
Matthew Coons, Organ
Emperor String Quartet
Peter Stoll, Clarinet
Andy Morris, Percussion
Trio: Hilary McCrimmon, Tamieka Evans, Leanna Joslin
Lynette Evans, Triangle
Victoria: Vidi Speciosam sung by St Peter's Singers of Leeds - Arta, Mallorca Choir Tour 2013
This video clip was taken during St Peter's Singers of Leeds' recital of sacred choral music given on Monday 28th October 2013 at the magnificent Iglesia Parroquial de Transfiguracio del Senyor, Arta as part of the choir's 2013 Tour of Mallorca.
The Sin... moreThis video clip was taken during St Peter's Singers of Leeds' recital of sacred choral music given on Monday 28th October 2013 at the magnificent Iglesia Parroquial de Transfiguracio del Senyor, Arta as part of the choir's 2013 Tour of Mallorca.
The Singers are directed by Alan Horsey and the organist is David Houlder.
More information about St Peter's Singers, including details of forthcoming concerts, recitals and liturgical performances, may be found on the Singers' website:
on the Facebook page 'St Peter's Singers of Leeds':
You can also follow the Singers on Twitter @SPSLeeds less