Chicagoland Voices performs at the FeStival of the Voice on November 9, 2014. The Storm is Passing Over By Barbara Baker Directed by Jason Krigas Accompanied by Kris HeSter SoloiSt Michael Ancheta
From our FAll POPS concert in Saskatoon, SK Knox United Church November 3, 2024 North Sky Chorale is directed by Richard Janzen Audrey Falk Janzen, collaborative pianiSt Michelle McKinnell, solo
Performed by Universitair Koor Antwerpen at their ChriStmas Concert "A Fiery ChriStmas" in december 2013. Solo's by Naomi Riemis, Michael Limpens and Simon CAllaerts
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Michelle Mariposa, soprano Alejandro Consolacion, piano
Schola Antiqua of Chicago sings music from the Torino Codex (Torino, Biblioteca nazionale, MS J.II.9). Live in concert May 2010
The Victoria Brass and the CapriCCio Vocal Ensemble Dec. 23, 2011 ChriSt Church Cathedral Victoria BC
Didn't It Rain The Spirituals of Stacey V. Gibbs performed by The Sunday Night Singers recorded at St. Wilfrid's Episcopal Church, Huntington Beach, CA Mike McCullough, Director Allan Laino, AssiStant Director Tyler Heckathorn, President Jeff Boo... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Didn't It Rain The Spirituals of Stacey V. Gibbs performed by The Sunday Night Singers recorded at St. Wilfrid's Episcopal Church, Huntington Beach, CA Mike McCullough, Director Allan Laino, AssiStant Director Tyler Heckathorn, President Jeff Boothe, Vice President/Sound Engineer Monica Olsen, Secretary Bruce Rivera, Treasurer
Elaine Hagenberg - By Night Lassenne Vocale Ivan Yohan, conductor Rafael Núñez Velázquez, violin Michael Vychytil, cello Myrto Sifaki, piano Alexis Bourdon, percussion BaptiSte Poussin, percussion Audio recording: Rebecca Lefèvre Video recording:... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Elaine Hagenberg - By Night Lassenne Vocale Ivan Yohan, conductor Rafael Núñez Velázquez, violin Michael Vychytil, cello Myrto Sifaki, piano Alexis Bourdon, percussion BaptiSte Poussin, percussion Audio recording: Rebecca Lefèvre Video recording: Michael Saedler
Coro de Filosofía y Letras de la UBA, dir: andrés Aciar