Turn on the english subtitles. For english description, see below. En una impresionante mueStra de talento, los alumnos de la Secundaria de Colegio Sembradores de AmiStad de San Luis Potosí, México nos enseñan que la música es el lenguaje universal que n... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Turn on the english subtitles. For english description, see below. En una impresionante mueStra de talento, los alumnos de la Secundaria de Colegio Sembradores de AmiStad de San Luis Potosí, México nos enseñan que la música es el lenguaje universal que nos une a todos y rompe todas las barreras de diStancia y tiempo. Cada uno de ellos se ha aprendido y grabado individualmente con su voz o inStrumento una parte de eSta canción original, para después juntarlas para dar como resultado eSte maravilloso despliegue hecho por eStos jóvenes de entre 13 y 15 años con motivo de la ceremonia de graduación de la generación 2011-2014. EStos jóvenes nos demueStran que lo único que hace falta para lograr tus metas es arriesgarte y dar todo de tí. Más de la tercera parte de ellos (incluída la soliSta) jamás habían cantado en público haSta eSte momento. La música nos une, permite alzar nueStra voz al universo y con ella "Ni la diStancia podrá separarnos". Composición y Producción: Prof. Homar Sánchez Díaz SoliStas: ... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
The Vocal Ensemble Fantazia performs "A Rainy Day" at the 2014 World Choir Games in Riga, Latvia. The Vocal Ensemble Fantazia is directed by Elena Gayvaronskaya and is based in Koltsovo, Russia. They won a Silver Medal in the Champions Competition at t... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">The Vocal Ensemble Fantazia performs "A Rainy Day" at the 2014 World Choir Games in Riga, Latvia. The Vocal Ensemble Fantazia is directed by Elena Gayvaronskaya and is based in Koltsovo, Russia. They won a Silver Medal in the Champions Competition at the Games. "A Rainy Day" is Greg Bartholomew's setting for women's chorus of the poem by the 19th Century American poet John Gardiner Calkins Brainard (1796 - 1828). For more information visit www.gregbartholomew.com
O MAGNUM MYStERIUM music: Črt Sojar Voglar for mixed Choir (SATB div) — Europäische Jugendchor FeStival Basel, Switzerland Thursday, 10.V.2018, 17.00 Concert HIMMELWÄRTS / HEAVENWARDS Basel MünSter — Conservatory for Music and BAllet Ljubljana S... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">O MAGNUM MYStERIUM music: Črt Sojar Voglar for mixed Choir (SATB div) — Europäische Jugendchor FeStival Basel, Switzerland Thursday, 10.V.2018, 17.00 Concert HIMMELWÄRTS / HEAVENWARDS Basel MünSter — Conservatory for Music and BAllet Ljubljana Slovenia Mixed Choir Ambrož Čopi, conductor
La Rosa - an arrangement of the famous Ladino (Judeo-Spanish) song by composer Paul Ben-Haim (1897-1984). Born in Munich in 1897, Ben-Haim had a very impressive career as a pianiSt, conductor and composer. He moved to Tel-Aviv in 1933, and soon became ... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">La Rosa - an arrangement of the famous Ladino (Judeo-Spanish) song by composer Paul Ben-Haim (1897-1984). Born in Munich in 1897, Ben-Haim had a very impressive career as a pianiSt, conductor and composer. He moved to Tel-Aviv in 1933, and soon became a leading figure in the musical life of PaleStine and the State of Israel (from 1948). Ben-Haim regarded his work as part of a wide-spread effort to synthesize EaStern and WeStern traditions. read more - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Ben-Haim La rosa enflorese en el mez de May, Mi alma s'escurese sufriendo del amor. Los bilbilicos cantan sospiran del amor, Y la pasión me mata muchigua mi dolor. Más preSto ven Palomba más preSto ven a mí, Más preSto tú mi alma que yo me vo morir. The roses bloom in the month of May, But my soul's full of gloom suffering in love. The nightingales sing and are sighing in love, The passion will kill me, multiply my pain. Come faSter, oh dove, come faSter to me, Come faSter, my soul, because I shAll die. ... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
"ECO E SOGNI" for male Choir composed by Davide Riva (TTBarB) A composition commissioned and performed by "Coro Stelvio", Bormio - ITALY Music by Davide Riva Choir conductor: Matteo Bertolina Performance: AuguSt 23th 2022 in Bormio Text based on ... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">"ECO E SOGNI" for male Choir composed by Davide Riva (TTBarB) A composition commissioned and performed by "Coro Stelvio", Bormio - ITALY Music by Davide Riva Choir conductor: Matteo Bertolina Performance: AuguSt 23th 2022 in Bormio Text based on the poem "Digapoli" by Giulio Pedranzini. "Digapoli" was the name of the smAll village where the workers who built the Cancano dam lived. The Cancano dam is located in Valtellina, in norther Italy. DIGAPOLI (Cancano-Valdidentro) è il nome della piccola cittadina che si era formata per ospitare i lavoratori durante la coStruzione delle dighe di Cancano (Diga-Polis) Fuggì la notte a passi di cerbiatta e già in cantiere urla la sirena. Canta, operaio, canta a gola piena, che non abbiamo gAlli per deStarci, non abbiamo campane. Se la tua voce sa di vino ancora (bevuto a tarda notte Alla taverna) è lieta la tua voce, l'eco chiara nell'aria sgombrata dai sogni. Forse queSt'alpe che la mina Strazia altri inni non ha che la tua fruSta canzonacci... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
Johann Ludwig Bach (1677-1731) Coro Academia Concerto reg. Altamiro Bernardes Madrigal Mackenzie reg. Parcival Módolo Catedral Metropolitana de Sorocaba 15 de agoSto de 2007
Antonin Dvorak / Otmar Macha: Songs My Mother Taught Me (from Gipsy Songs) - live recording October 7, 2012 - Holy Spirit Cathedral, Hradec Kralove The Czech Boys Choir, Jakub Martinec - artiStic director & conductor Cancioneta Praha, Lukas Jindrich ... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Antonin Dvorak / Otmar Macha: Songs My Mother Taught Me (from Gipsy Songs) - live recording October 7, 2012 - Holy Spirit Cathedral, Hradec Kralove The Czech Boys Choir, Jakub Martinec - artiStic director & conductor Cancioneta Praha, Lukas Jindrich - artiStic director Martin Fisl - pianiSt
European Church Music FeStival Schwäbisch Gmünd 2019 in the MünSter of Schwäbisch Gmünd, 18 July 2019. The concert with John Rutter & Chamber Choir of Europe, conducted by Nicol Matt (Germany) in MÜNStER of Schwäbisch Gmünd was a huge success! John Rutter... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">European Church Music FeStival Schwäbisch Gmünd 2019 in the MünSter of Schwäbisch Gmünd, 18 July 2019. The concert with John Rutter & Chamber Choir of Europe, conducted by Nicol Matt (Germany) in MÜNStER of Schwäbisch Gmünd was a huge success! John Rutter received the preStigious European Church Music Prize 2019 for outStanding contributions to church music.
1. O Magnum MySterium - Elektra Women's Choir (Canada) Scores Available https://musicspoke.com/downloads/o-magnum-mySterium-santiago-veros/ 2. Galaxias - Virtual Choir (Argentina) 4:42 Scores Available https://musicspoke.com/downloads/galaxias/ 3. T... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">1. O Magnum MySterium - Elektra Women's Choir (Canada) Scores Available https://musicspoke.com/downloads/o-magnum-mySterium-santiago-veros/ 2. Galaxias - Virtual Choir (Argentina) 4:42 Scores Available https://musicspoke.com/downloads/galaxias/ 3. The LaSt March of DeStiny - Chamber Choir St. Petersburg Serenades (Russia) 9:40 Scores Available https://musicspoke.com/downloads/the-laSt-march-of-deStiny/ 4. Almas De Barro - CANTALA Lawrence University Women's Choir (USA) 14:28 Scores Available https://musicspoke.com/downloads/almas-de-barro/ 5. Incertitude - Oregon Repertory Singers (USA) 18:04 Scores Available https://musicspoke.com/downloads/incertitude/ 6. O Crux - CANTALA Lawrence University women's Choir (USA) 21:07 Scores Available https://musicspoke.com/downloads/o-crux-santiago-veros/ 7. La Magia del Río -Virtual Choir (All over world) 23:47 Scores Available https://musicspoke.com/downloads/la-magia-del-rio 8. Cruxifisus - Central Bucks WeSt Men's Choir (USA) 27:32 Scores Available https:... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
Coro del Conservatorio Superior de Música de Canarias Deliver Us (Libéranos). S.L. Schwartz (1948) /Hans Zimmer (1957) (Tema inicial de la película El príncipe de Egipto, 1998) (arr. Yónatan Sánchez) CriStina Ramos Pérez, soprano, Yocheved (madre de... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Coro del Conservatorio Superior de Música de Canarias Deliver Us (Libéranos). S.L. Schwartz (1948) /Hans Zimmer (1957) (Tema inicial de la película El príncipe de Egipto, 1998) (arr. Yónatan Sánchez) CriStina Ramos Pérez, soprano, Yocheved (madre de Moisés) Alicia Ramos Pérez, soprano, Miriam (hermana de Moisés) Moisés Rodríguez González, trompeta CriStian Suárez Guerra, flauta (ww.csmc.es) @CSM_Canarias