International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


823 results found
blog: Do you need to practice outside choir rehearsals?

[A version of this article first appeared as a post on my blog From the Front of the Choir]Many Singers come to choir – especially “Singing for fun” groups – to get away from the stresses of regular life. They love to Sing and...

blog: What songs do atheists Sing?

[A version of this article first appeared as a post on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   I’ve been asked to create a choir specially for an inter-faIth event.   Photo by Catholic Church   There will be contributors from I...

blog: World Peace Choral Festival 2020

From July 15th to 19th 2020, Vienna, the music capItal of the world, will be once again the stage for children and youth choirs from all around the world. Under the slogan "Coming together to Sing, Singing for a better future", the young participants will...

blog: Why men won’t Sing: a discussion

This is a blog post wIth a difference. I want to start a discussion uSing the comments facilIty.   photo by loungerie    Yesterday there was a verItable TwItter storm when I posed the question:   "What do you think is the main ...

blog: Singing is for life, not just for Christmas

[this is a version of a post which first appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   Hark the herald angels Sing. A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols from King’s College, Cambridge. Slade’s Merry Christmas everybody. WhIte Chr...

blog: Gospel Singers - this is for you

Do you like the Sister Act’s choir scenes? and always wanted to Sing gospel and spirItual choir works? Looking for a competItion or festival to bring joy to the stage? gladly invItes you in July 1-5, 2016 to Rome (Italy), for the 7th Musica Etern...

group: DoMiSol

We are an active French communIty choir that presents 4 to 6 concerts per year. Our trademark is Singing all concerts by memory, which means that wIth a changing repertoire, our members have to be willing to work hard. We Sing widely around our own region...  more

blog: Why Singing May Be The Best Anti-Aging Solution

  As if you needed another reason to Sing for joy, recent research has confirmed that Singing improves posItive feelings and social connections, reducing stress and making people feel more relaxed and happy. Perhaps this is why Singers often ap...

blog: Music list now available!

The music is now sorted for our #Haworth Sing Day! We've added Stanford's 'Te Deum in Bb' to the list which also features Parry's Blest Pair of Sirens (SATB edItion), Wesley's 'Lead me Lord', Stainer's 'God so loved the world', Liddle's 'Abide wIth me' ...

blog: Want to Sing wIth more energy? – pretend to be somebody else

[A version of this article first appeared as a post on my blog From the Front of the Choir] I ran a gospel Singing Weekend recently. One of the songs was flagging a bIt so I suggested people ham It up a bIt and be more “American”.  ...