International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


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Lux Aurumque
video: Lux Aurumque

This is Eric Whitarce's " Lux Aurumque" performed by the MethodiSt University Chorale.

My Lord, What A Morning
video: My Lord, What A Morning

Negro Spiritual Harmonised and arranged by H.T. Burleigh Performed by Naomi Riemis, Ilse Van den Bossche, AStrid Thibaut, Jelle Smedts, Michael Limpens, Simon CAllaerts and Stijn Dierckx of 'Universitair Koor Antwerpen' at their ChriStmas Concert "Pra...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Negro Spiritual Harmonised and arranged by H.T. Burleigh Performed by Naomi Riemis, Ilse Van den Bossche, AStrid Thibaut, Jelle Smedts, Michael Limpens, Simon CAllaerts and Stijn Dierckx of 'Universitair Koor Antwerpen' at their ChriStmas Concert "Praise The Chord" on December 15, 2015.  

Coral Harmonia - Esperança - música coral
video: Coral Harmonia - Esperança - música coral

O Coral Harmonia (coro amador de Santiago do Cacém) apresenta o seu mais novo projeto "Esperança" com músicas de Sting, Michael Jackson, Phil Collins, Elton John, Jackson 5, entre outros. "Esperança" pretende combater os receios mais pessimiStas dos tempo...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">O Coral Harmonia (coro amador de Santiago do Cacém) apresenta o seu mais novo projeto "Esperança" com músicas de Sting, Michael Jackson, Phil Collins, Elton John, Jackson 5, entre outros. "Esperança" pretende combater os receios mais pessimiStas dos tempos que correm. É um projeto arrojado, irreverente, e ousado que pretende representar o sentimento generalizado dos portugueses. Os coraliStas são literalmente presos à corda (ou salvos pelas molas), perderam o roSto e o lugar. Cantam numa situação desconfortável com variados obStáculos. Só a música consegue furar essas barreiras revelando a esperança em todo o seu esplendor.  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

Climb - Jake Runestad
video: Climb - Jake RuneStad

"Climb" by Jake RuneStad. Poem by Todd Boss. Performed live by the Larimer Chorale and OrcheStra. Michael Krueger, artiStic director. Jake RuneStad, gueSt conductor.

Baba Yetu
video: Baba Yetu

OriginAlly from: computer game ‘Civilization IV’ Lyrics: Chris Kiagiri Music: ChriStopher Tin Sound: Johan De Cock Performed by Universitair Koor Antwerpen at their Spring Concert "Game of Tones" on May 13, 2014. Solo by Michael Limpens

WAC 2015 Vokalensemble Unerhört Alwin Schronen Tantum Ergo
video: WAC 2015 Vokalensemble Unerhört Alwin Schronen Tantum Ergo

Four friends, All members of several Choirs, found themselves united in the wish of making music together. Founded at ChriStmas 2012, the ensemble "Unerhört" gained experience singing ChriStmas concerts and participating in radio productions. For All four...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Four friends, All members of several Choirs, found themselves united in the wish of making music together. Founded at ChriStmas 2012, the ensemble "Unerhört" gained experience singing ChriStmas concerts and participating in radio productions. For All four vocaliSts this much is certain: singing is addictive!  

I'll Be There (Live) KeyStone A Cappella
video: I'll Be There (Live) KeyStone A Cappella Get our music: After Michael Jackson's untimely death in June 2009, Amy arranged "I'll Be There" as a tribute to his life and music. On AuguSt 7, 2009, five of the futur...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;"> Get our music: After Michael Jackson's untimely death in June 2009, Amy arranged "I'll Be There" as a tribute to his life and music. On AuguSt 7, 2009, five of the future members of KeyStone performed this arrangement at the summer concert of The A Cappella Project - Philadelphia. When KeyStone formed nearly two years later, "I'll Be There" became one of their firSt songs. We recorded this video in memory of Michael, with gratitude and love. Music by Berry Gordy, Bob WeSt, Willie Hutch, Hal Davis Arrangement by Amy Howe Lead vocals: Amy Howe, Josh Schrager This video was recorded live using a smart phone from the interior of an SUV. It is unedited, unmaStered, and has minimal mixing. Check out our YouTube channel for other #KeyStoneInTheCar videos  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less


Collegium Vocale Harmonia Mundi conductor: Paolo Gaggioli Chiesa S. Giovanni BattiSta - Lodetto Fr. Rovato (BS) 19 Dicembre 2010

Es ist ein Ros entsprungen
video: Es iSt ein Ros entsprungen


Dal Lecto me levava by Michele Pesenti
video: Dal Lecto me levava by Michele Pesenti

Sung here as ATTB Also Score for SATB: Arrangement of a madrigal by Michele Pesenti (also known as Micha Pesentus, Michael Pesentus and other versions of the n...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;"> Sung here as ATTB Also Score for SATB: Arrangement of a madrigal by Michele Pesenti (also known as Micha Pesentus, Michael Pesentus and other versions of the name). He was a prieSt in Italy (possibly Verona or Ferrara) and lived from about 1470 to 1521. This song "Dal lecto me levava" appears to have been one of the firSt of its kind to signal the move from the traditional frottole (which had mainly a homophonic movement, and often had juSt a single voice with inStruments) into the more familiar madrigal Style, where All the lines were sung and where the movement was more contrapuntal. My underStanding of the original madrigal is that the prieSt is considering getting up for another day devoted to the Lord, but the crane, some kind of holy messenger, possibly even St Michael (who is sometimes referred to as the ambassador of the Lord), tells him that it is not yet time to get up . . .  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less