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Cor CF1 - Baba Yetu - Christopher Tin
Cor CF1 yn canu Baba Yetu gan Christopher Tin yng Nghystadleuaeth Cor Cymru 2013
Arweinydd: Eilir Owen Griffiths Cyfeilydd: Rhiannon Pritchard Offer Taro: Dave Danford
CF1 Choir singing Baba Yetu in Cor Cymru (Choir of Wales) competition 2013
Conduct... moreCor CF1 yn canu Baba Yetu gan Christopher Tin yng Nghystadleuaeth Cor Cymru 2013
Arweinydd: Eilir Owen Griffiths Cyfeilydd: Rhiannon Pritchard Offer Taro: Dave Danford
CF1 Choir singing Baba Yetu in Cor Cymru (Choir of Wales) competition 2013
Conductor: Eilir Owen Griffiths Accompanist: Rhiannon Pritchard Percussion: Dave Danford
Ariel Ramirez - Misa por la Paz y la Justicia (2 рieces)
PEKTORAL Chamber Choir (Kyiv). Art director - Andriy Karpinets.
First live performance of Ariel Ramirez' composition ''Mass for Peace and Justice'' (Misa por la Paz y la Justicia) in Ukraine.
Solo - Dmytro Foschanka.
October 18, 2011. Church of St. Al... morePEKTORAL Chamber Choir (Kyiv). Art director - Andriy Karpinets.
First live performance of Ariel Ramirez' composition ''Mass for Peace and Justice'' (Misa por la Paz y la Justicia) in Ukraine.
Solo - Dmytro Foschanka.
October 18, 2011. Church of St. Alexander, Kiev, Ukraine. VI International Festival "THROUGH The CENTURIES AND The COUNTRY". With The assistance Embassy of Argentina in Ukraine.
This video contains two pieces of The Mass:
1. Introducción y Señor ten piedad de nosotros.
2. Gloria a Dios.
Argentine composer, pianist and music director Ariel Ramírez composed The Mass for Peace and Justice in 1981, during The military dictatorship in Argentina.
His childhood friend, The presbytery Osvaldo Catena, assembled The texts, amongst which is The peace message of Pope John Paul II of 1979.
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UCT Choir
Last Night of The Proms charity concerts, Cape Town City Hall
Bela Bartok International Choir Competition 2012 (Debrecen, Hungary) Folklore concert