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Male Chorus "Brodosplit" was founded in 1972. This Chorus has become one of the most appreciated male Choruses in Croatia throughout its work, wide range of numerous performances, interesting programmes, valuable interpretations,... moreMale Chorus "Brodosplit" was founded in 1972. This Chorus has become one of the most appreciated male Choruses in Croatia throughout its work, wide range of numerous performances, interesting programmes, valuable interpretations, distinctive sonority and compact quality of voices.
Sweet by Manolo Da Rold - Meizon Ensemble
από τη συναυλία της 21ης Νοεμβρίου 2022
στην αίθουσα Μητρόπουλος στο Μέγαρο Μουσικής Αθηνών
ΜΕΙΖΟΝ Ensemble
μουσική διεύθυνση : Αγαθάγγελος Γεωργακάτος
Κώστας Ζαμπούνης
Γιάννης Καλύβας
Νίκος Μαραζιώτ... moreMANOLO DA ROLD - Sweet
από τη συναυλία της 21ης Νοεμβρίου 2022
στην αίθουσα Μητρόπουλος στο Μέγαρο Μουσικής Αθηνών
ΜΕΙΖΟΝ Ensemble
μουσική διεύθυνση : Αγαθάγγελος Γεωργακάτος
Κώστας Ζαμπούνης
Γιάννης Καλύβας
Νίκος Μαραζιώτης
Μιχάλης Πλατανιάς
Σταύρος Ζουλιάτης
Νίκος Κατσιγιάννης
Μάνος Μπουρίκας
Γιώργος Νάκης
Πάνος Παντούλιας
Παναγιώτης Πρίφτης
Ιωάννης Κοντέλλης
Αναστάσιος Λαζάρου
Χρήστος Λάζος
Δημήτρης Πλατανιάς
Διονύσης Σούρμπης
Θεόδωρος Αϊβαλιώτης
Βασίλης Δημακόπουλος
Κωνσταντίνος Καραγεωργίου
Αλέξανδρος Λούτας
Σπύρος Σώκος
Χρήστος Χριστοδούλου less
Resonance Ensemble
Programming with purpose, exceptional artistry, tangible connection.
Resonance Ensemble, a professional vocal Ensemble, performs powerful concerts promoting meaningful social change.
Our performances intentionally address themes highlighting divers... moreProgramming with purpose, exceptional artistry, tangible connection.
Resonance Ensemble, a professional vocal Ensemble, performs powerful concerts promoting meaningful social change.
Our performances intentionally address themes highlighting diverse solo and choral voices, new and underrepresented composers, visual and other performing arts, and community partners.
Resonance seeks to reflect on the most pressing social issues of our times through performing new music and sharing many perspectives. As Oregon Arts Watch wrote in June 2019, “they do social justice music justice: their concerts are part social commentary, part group therapy, and part best damn choir show in town.”
Our concerts are designed to reflect the times, and audience members often tell us that they see their experiences reflected in our thought-provoking performances. less
Coral Ensemble
Coral Ensemble is a Israeli 10 singers' vocal Ensemble.
Musical director, arranger and conductor: Tzvi Sherf
The repertoire: a-cappella and accompanied arrangements of Israeli and non Israeli popular songs, jazz standards, gospel & spirituals, and... moreCoral Ensemble is a Israeli 10 singers' vocal Ensemble.
Musical director, arranger and conductor: Tzvi Sherf
The repertoire: a-cappella and accompanied arrangements of Israeli and non Israeli popular songs, jazz standards, gospel & spirituals, and Jewish and international folklore.
During its 25 years of activity, the Ensemble has won several first prizes in choral competitions in Israel and Europe, performed in many musical festivals and events, as well as TV shows and radio programs. The Ensemble collaborated with top Israeli musicians such as Yoni Rechter, Alon Olearchik and many more.
Coral Ensemble has released 3 albums: Coral Ensemble (1994), Troubdour (2010), At This Time (2017), and a recording of Tzvi Sherf's composition, based on 6 Hasidic Nigunim – Kachomer Beyad Hayotzer (As the Clay in the Potter's hand) (2019).